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Everything posted by Stephbob

  1. Photo: breethescarybear: AWWWWWWWWW. n_n ^___^ http://tumblr.com/xdye2rdym

  2. RT @itshellogoodbye: Wanna win a Would It Kill You deluxe preorder bundle? Just Retweet this link: http://bit.ly/dxsJBB

  3. This is the advert in question:

    I mean seriously? What. The. Fuck.
  4. I sense a Vampire Weekend show at around hmmm, 2nd December? :D

  5. Photo: Took this today. Does it look smashing or what? :)http://tumblr.com/xdydppboe

  6. Took this today in the car and think it turned out great! Any thoughts guys?
  7. I had a dream where I was in school, my fried Shannon went up to our biology teacher and asked if she could have a new set of clothes. He gave her them and she ended up wearing a purple top and beige shorts. Then she was wearing bright purple trainers and everyone kept telling her how her 'new' shirt matched her shoes. Then I woke up. Creepy as hell.
  8. Whoo! Congrats to them! I hope they have a smashing time and get loads of new fans! They definatly deserve it!
  9. I love how @firebox puts sweets in with every order! Makes the package that much sweeter! XD Ya get it?

  10. I confess half of me is feeling stupid because I'm playing pokemon again. And the other half is super excited.
  11. like like like are you buzzing like like like are you loving it like like like?

  12. I kinda wish I didn't laugh. But that really is hilarious.
  13. At least it's Friday tomorrow.

  14. I really need to catch up with @Emliik sometime. SKYPE SOON? :D

  15. Welcome Sophie! Hope you're enjoying what you've seen of the boards so far! Also, your art is awesome and you're English is great! Much better than my German! Don't apologise for it!
  16. Hey Shannon! Nice to meet ya! Welcome to the boards! Also, people mostly get Paramore autographs by meeting the band at a show or something. That's the best way!
  17. I gotta admit, it's quite clever though.

  18. There are two elephants in a hot tub, one says: "Pass the soap." the other says: "NO SOAP RADIO!" XD HAHAHAHAHA.

  19. Happy Birthday Ash! Have a good one!
  20. Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently - Dear Naomi, You punched me on the arm at Party in the... http://tumblr.com/xdyd9spxv

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