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Everything posted by nickkk

  1. i'm not gonna download the leak. BECAUSE ON FRIDAY IM GOING TO HOT TOPIC TO LISTEN TO BNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. http://www.sound-screen.co.uk/index.php/2009/09/track-by-track-a-sneak-peak-of-paramores-third-album-brand-new-eyes/
  3. after reading the new review, i will literally die if this doesn't leak in a 7 day radius.
  4. i just got three resistance design thingys.
  5. well do you guys think that turn it off could be a potential single?
  6. now i can't stop imagining hayley swinging. in my fantasy...let's not get into this.
  7. i wanted my heart mtv unplugged to leak. and i really want tio to leak soon/be released as a single.
  8. probably because of the line 'she lives in a fairytale, somewhere too far for us to find'.
  9. bbbb video could be like: a castle strewn in blood. hayley is alone wandering and trying to build a house. then josh(as a wolf) comes in while crying hayley is building a house of bricks. and then when hayley figures out it was just a dream, she wakes up and meets josh and they all live happily ever after wtlo video could be like: five different preformances; hayley, josh, zac, jeremy, and taylor. a huge poster saying 'band members needed! tweet yelyahwilliams to apply'. and then it shows them going on tour, with a look-a-like band(dual roles). it shows the l-a-l band crying and all broken up, and paramore preforming. tit video could be like: a massacre on a school.
  10. i love the line in tourniquet, it goes: 'i want to DIE!!!!!!!!!'
  11. bethany from 4 point cactus!!!! i wonder how my guitar playing would sound next to josh's. (lol at my random fantasies of having my band playing with paramore...)
  12. has bne leaked yet? i'm sorry, but i'm way too impatient to wait until september 24th.
  13. ...if it leaks i'll download it. if i get it early, before the 24th, i'll leak one song.
  14. well i believe the singles for bne will be ignorance, bbbb, where the lines overlap, and turn it off. i believe that because all of them have acoustic versions.
  15. let's wait for their next show before the bne. hopefully they'll play another new one.
  16. I'm going to the MD show! This is the best thing that could've happened! Any longer and I wouldn't have made it! It's not a wa....nevermind.
  17. hopefully in their next show they will play another new one. and i was like thinking a couple days ago..."since this is a bne tour, maybe they will play some/all new ones!"
  18. I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! At The Disco
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