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Everything posted by Renith182

  1. Dude this is awesome. haha Kim i aint hassling u just 'reminding' lol. man i love this. I have this feeling i cant really explain right now. Its the comraderie of getting all of this in. Well still got Suzie's and Diego's to go. HOpe you guys get it in. This is gonna be the most amazing thing. Ren
  2. Yes Paramore do come on the boards. But i sure as hell hope they havnt read it yet. it would kill the suprise outta the whole thing. Ren
  3. ^ haha dude. Lol maybe not 8PM but definatly the night. But yeah on a more serious note. Thats awesome dude. I appreciate the comments and faith u have in me. Its good stuff. And there wouldnt be a PAramore's without you man. U were the genius businessman that came up with the idea of making it a commodity. U helped me write alot of Season 1. Not so much in Season 2 but one episode was filled with all ur ideas. I was kinda lone ranger for season 2 but its okay. It turned out okay anyway. Thanks man. I love you dude. Not in a gay way. Ren BTW. New season will be posted in a new thread. So get ready. Dont get ur TIVO u dont need that. Its all written.
  4. Thats right. Get it in by Sunday. Its the DEADline If you dont you will be written under the "Too lazy to write something nice to paramore" list in the cast list Ren
  5. Anton my man is finally on the boards. U see this guy is my best friend in real life. He's an awesome guy i love him to death. And since im quite old on the boards, im gonna help de-virginize his ass so he settles in a alot quicker show him some love. Some things from real life Back in the day WAY back in the day Antons the sexy guy to the left. Again We do everything together. But we're not gay Show him some love. Not the gay love tho Ren
  6. Haha u better mention yourself in The Paramore's cause Jarrod will be giving it to them like 2 days before that. hahahahaa. Be supportive eh? lol. whatever fuhgedaboudit awesome experience though. I cant wait to hear what will happen at the TN show. Ren
  7. Go to the 7th page of this thread. 3 lines down there is the task which is explained pretty clearly. and further down u can see some examples. Ren
  8. haha a comic. Interesting idea. But not for now. Maybe in the future. and Lol pedophile. Dude Lazy Town is whack. I dunno wtf that stuff is about. I think im the only grown up here lol. Call me the grinch Ren
  9. I actually found out about them on Purevolume. I was just browsing bands and then i saw that Paramore was in the top 10 more played or listened songs i forgot. I clicked on them and saw they still had the classic photo of Josh,Zac, Hayley and Jason sitting on the couch. Then the first song that played was pressure and i got hooked ever since. That photo was my desktop background for a good half year. I found out about them on my Birthday aswell. What a lucky day. Ren
  10. Hmm. Well Ill give you this. Bad stuff happens to only one person. And Brent ur still rich. Ren
  11. Just wanted to let you know i have finished Season 2. Wont post it until after the 28th but its done. And where are the last bits of the cast page i need? hehe Ren
  12. HAha. Just got back from Underoath. Lol as im writing this they're still within a 2 mile vicinity of me. The show fuckin rocked and i went crazy for Writing On The Walls. LOl massive mosh pit going on and just sweating balls. I got two underoath T shirts and a hoodie. I got to meet and talk to Chris,James, Tim, Aaron and Spencer in that order. Not for long but enough to establish something. Didnt get any pictures didnt get any thing signed but it was still fuckin awesome. They're such nice guys. and Tim lol he was crazy. I told him that he was a retard in a good way after watching McTague's world. LOl crazy shit. Chris is such a carebear. James is pretty good looking. Aaron hates OCDP drums. Spencer is just awesome. I think he was wearing eyeliner that night. Man the show and crowd were INTENSE. It was their first show back and god has helped them get back together. Now they're a unit again. Their show was hella intense even tho Chris kept saying he was outta shape (From 35 min warped sets as oppposed to the hour + show they played.). Chris said for the past month and a half he was just playing Xbox Anyways thats my story. Take care Ren
  13. No problem. But yeah just keep working at it. Its all about hard work you know? dedication and consistency aswell. U may have all the skill in the world but if ur too lazy to make use of it then fuck whats the point. I mean look at Tom delonge and Mark Hoppus from blink. Play the simplest stuff ever but u c how far they went? Hard work Ren
  14. Damn man i gotta hit that shit up. TOrrents are amaizng. Ren
  15. Well thats the style of their music. I love it. Like i suppose u could say its guitar music. But like they're a band. They're a unit. And i like their solos cause cause they dnt just play scales. They have some crazy ideas taken from video game music and what not. And some of their solos are really melodic. Which really strikes me. haha but yeah their drummer is quite typical metal tho. Same stuff. But thats their style. Im sure he could play crazy stuff in other genres aswell. Their bassist is a good guitarist aswell. Their live show is crazy. Ren
  16. Haha yeah back to the discussion on the makeup. Truth be told i like her without it better. Shes got a natural beauty to her. I mean if i talk about famous celebrities like Paris Hilton and LIndsay lohan they look hot with makeup on, but dude without it theyre nobody! Hayley's definatly got a natural beauty. Something those famous famous people can't touch i reckon. One thing is being in a mutli million dollar movie and having people make u look gorgeous. But another thing is waking up in the morning after sleeping in a tour bus and still looking good. Lol Paris Hilton would look like the gum on my shoe. Its nice to get all dolled up for the show. Hehe she was for my show. But she still looks better without it. Thats my 2 cents Ren
  17. Hey guys. Dude ive been a fan of them for a few months now. I love their stuff. I Saw them last night aswell. Awesome show they put on with Horse the band and All That Remains (Another good band). Dude i love Herman Li. Hes one of my top 3 guitarists. I mean yeah there are better out there but got the image, style and doesnt only play scales at a high speed. Hes got ideas. Sam Totman is awesome aswell. Gets shitfaced onstage. They're an awesome band altogether. Anyone else share the same feelings? For those who dont know or havnt seen. here are some videos Through the fire and the flames solo (from their video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KL78ufx2Yw Operation Groun and Pound solo (from their video) Herman Li studio solo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJvhxMUdgFg Ren
  18. They're a good band. Somehow remind me of Unwritten law. The celebration song! Ren
  19. THey're comibg to vancouver next month i think. Gotta get tickets for the show Ren
  20. haha i lover October Fall Fav songs are Second chances and Keep dreaming upside down. I got into these guys in Japan. Basically they toured there with Paramore and Punchline. I was there to see paramore but like i got hooked to them aswell. Good show they put on. They opened, then paramore went 2nd then Punchline dd the hour set. Was pretty awesome. Pat D'Andrea was like "aight you guys say some dirty american words". Everyone was quiet and i said"Asshole" and he was like "Everyone say asshole". Lol memorable times. Ren
  21. Haha girlie? Listen to the blood brothers. U'd think they were sisters. But yeah fuck finally someone started a Saosin thread. I love this band. Their new song Voices is amazing. My fav songs by them are Mookies Last Christmas I can tell there was an accident here earlier (The vox version is so good i hope they put it on their LP man i cant wait!) As for the whole cove and Anthony thing i think they're both good. Actually coves voice sounds like anthony's and i hear hes almost like him onstage. Sounds like a copycat but i love them both anyway Ren
  22. Lol this is my first time posting in the UnderOath thread. I aint an Underoath pro but i know i am SEEING THEM TOMORROW NIGHT! I cant fuckin wait. with silverstein aswell. I havnt really gotten hardcore into them. but when their Reinventing ur exit single came out thats when i first heard about them. I never got as deep into them as paramore. But Writing on the walls is my fav song off their new record. Pray for me. Maybe ill get my Cd fully signed and maybe even a photo. anyways ill post my experience here tomorrow. Ren
  23. That was pretty good. U know what u should do? u should play the keyboards and sing while driving an F1 car at the same time. LOL. U could probably do that better than me Good Job. Lookin forward to hearing more. Ren
  24. Thanks guys I appreciate your punctuality. Now lets roll in the rest and it will be awesome. YOu will all be loved by Jarrod and I. You will also be loved by Paramore Ren
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