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Everything posted by PlayingHades

  1. I actually kinda agree but I still liked it.
  2. The video was awesome, in my opinion ^^
  3. Thanks ;D I was also wondering where you got the images in your signature (which is also in some of the icons) were they from a photo shoot?
  4. whhoa ! thats awesome <33 can i use some?
  5. So, i'll be making more, but for now this is just what I have made so far. I take requests ^^
  6. Oh! those are beautiful, I was litterally "Holy..-Insert censored word here-" through the whole thing, I couldn't believe how stunning they are O___O Wow, she's amazing.
  7. I kinda see no point of it being open, it's only stirring drama and discussions that shouldn't be really dragged out still :/ But that's my opinion. Hayley's pic is old news to me, she's moved on so why can't we? i mean really. >.> :/ That's just my thoughts, however.
  8. Oh ok :/ Well theres nothing we could do about it, they're both happy and that's all that should matter, right? even if fans do have a different opionion on chad, theres nothing we could do about it and just let life play out.
  9. o_o Now i'm confused about the two quotes above ^, what happened? D:
  10. Chad was married when Hayley got with him? o: I didn't know that, o_o
  11. I think this is in the right board.. uh, sorry if it isnt x: well, my question was, is there a way to change my username? or maybe just have a display name? without making a new account.
  12. no problem (: and yes, i laughed at that part C: she has such a awesome personality xD
  13. yes its here; http://i1000.photobucket.com/albums/af128/distantrevelation/nylon41.jpg
  14. Aha, i'm glad someone agree's with me. I mean really why cant people obsess over global warming? but instead they obsess over breasts.. its ridiciolus.
  15. its huge, but the full version is here http://i1000.photobucket.com/albums/af128/distantrevelation/nylon5.jpg
  16. ._. I think people are dragging this out way more than it needs to be dragged out.. it's not like it was her full body it was just breasts, everyone seen them before or will some point in their lives, so it's not like it's some rare thing from space that everyone needs to hop on. i agree with everyone whos saying its getting ridiciolus how people are acting over this, dragging it out i mean. Yeah, i feel bad for her, but honestly, don't you think that she's even thinking its getting stupid for people to keep dragging it on? Theres other juicy news out there and people are just staying with this story, obsessing over it. A picture, one picture. Probably because she seemed so innocent to do these things, but, god forbid if someone slips one time? we all slip, seriously. ._. doesn't mean we've all done what she did, but we all slip at something embarassing some times, and people are going to talk, but i really don't think a simple picture needs to be taken THIS far, as Tila put it, or whatever her name is.
  17. She IS very stunning in both of them photos! <3 I forgot to comment on them, ahah.
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