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Everything posted by JoAnna17

  1. By the way, Hayley's clothes are so cute!!! Gah! They all look great.<3
  2. I feel so bummed for missing Bamboozle!!! I bet it was awesome, I can tell just by these amazing pictures. Darnit!!!
  3. The whole band is so photogenic, I'm so jealous, the pictures are awesome though.
  4. I love their music, every song has got something to say, and you can understand what the song's are saying. Their new video, it's like nothing I've ever seen before, that's what I like about them, they show us things in ways we've never thought of, they're just an awesome band.
  5. Gah! I absolutely love those pics, haha, I wonder where Hayley shops... Lovin the pink cheetah printed hoodie<3
  6. will the place i send the pictures to resize them if they are too small?? <3
  7. Those are really really good, I've have some pics from the Ohio show too, but not sure how to post them on the PF.com site, anyone willing to help me? <3
  8. You should go check them out at myspace, one word- Awesome.
  9. haha, this introducing things feels slightly familiar to a AA meeting, lmao, my name is JoAnna, but everybody calls me Mojo Jo Jo. ha.
  10. Yo, add me!! gah!!! my myspace is http://www.myspace.com/jobana15
  11. anybody know when to expect the promotion supplies after requesting to promote them?! Thanks.
  12. That makes me upset someone would do that!!! Those people must really want some attention doing that, which is so freakin' immature! gah!
  13. I went to the Columbus, Oh show, and it was totally amazing! I even got to hang with them for awhile and hugged everbody! and got to talk to Josh outside while he was playing around on his scooter, and talked with Aldie alot-(the greatest merch guy ever)also I should have pictures up soon, haha, Hayley signed my boob! She is so funny too. Everybody in the band is so cool, I can't to go to the Cincinnati show~!
  14. Hey everybody, my name's JoAnna, I'm 17, sing and play guitar, I live in Columbus, Oh, and love Paramore! Everbody needs to come see the show tomorrow!
  15. Anyone going? Somebody better! I need a Paramore buddy!
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