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The Survey Thread


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[ ] Been to a rave.

[x] Ridden in a taxi.

[x] Jumped a ramp with a bike.

[x] Been used.

[x] Ran from the cops.

[ ] Been fired.

[ ] Sneaked into a movie.

[ ] Got hit by a car.

[ ] Fired a real gun.

[x] Sneaked out of someone's house.

[ ] Been arrested.

[x] Gone in a mosh pit.

[ ] Stolen something from my school.

[ ] Celebrated New Year's in Times Square or Disney World.

[ ] Gone on a blind date.

[x] Had a crush on a teacher.

[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

[x] Been to Europe.

[ ] Been to Australia.

[ ] Been to Hawaii.

[x] Skipped school.

[ ] Played Clue.

[x] Had a sleepover.

[x] Gone ice skating.

[x] Been cheated on.

[ ] Had your tonsils out.

[ ] Have / had a TRUCK.

[ ] Driven a car.

[ ] Totaled a car.

[ ] Been flashed.



[x] Feel loved.

[ ] Feel lonely.

[x] Feel happy.

[x] Have a dog.

[x] Sing along with your music.

[ ] Listen to Hawaiian music.

[x] Listen to rock.

[ ] Listen to Christian music.

[x] Have hobbies.

[x] Skateboard.

[ ] Snowboard.

[ish] Get good grades

[x] Play an instrument.

[ ] Have slippers.

[x] Wear boxers.

[x] Like to read.

[ ] Have long hair.

[x] Have medium-length hair.

[ ] Have short hair.

[x] Have a laptop.

[ ] Have a pager.

[x] Have a cell phone.



[x] Bored.

[x] Happy.

[ ] Upset.

[ ] Blue.

[ ] Blonde.

[ ] Brunette.

[x] Redhead.

[ ] Samoan.

[ ] Filipino.

[ ] Korean.

[ ] French.

[ ] American.

[ ] Italian.

[ ] Black.

[ ] Mexican.

[ ] Asian.

[ ] Hawaiian.

[ ] Czech

[ ] Irish.

[ ] German.

[ ] Swedish.

[ ] Native American.

[ ] Austrian.

[ ] Russian.

[ ] Norwegian.

[ ] Danish.

[ ] Hispanic.

[ ] Greek.

[ ] Hindu.

[x] Other.

[ ] Scientologist.

[ ] Agnostic.

[x] Atheist.

[ ] Satanist.

[ ] Jewish.

[ ] Religiously Confused.

[ ] Christian.

[ ] Catholic.

[ ] Short.

[x] Average.

[ ] Tall.

[x] Realistic.

[ ] Emotional person.

[x] Missing someone.

[ ] Scared to die.

[ ] Buzzed.

[ ] High.

[ ] Caffeinated.

[ ] Annoyed.

[x] Hungry.

[x] Thirsty.

[ ] On the phone.

[x] In your room.

[ ] Drinking something.

[ ] Eating something.

[x] Very ticklish.

[x] Listening to music.

[ ] Watching a movie.



01. What is your current hair like? a mess

02. What’s your natural hair color? red

03. What color are your eyes? green

04. Current piercings? none

05. Straight hair or curls? naturally straight



01. Shirt? Converse top

02. Shorts? By that do you mean trousers? Then yes :L

03. Shoes? no

04. Underwear? yes

05. Necklaces? no



01. Rock or rap? rock

03. Wild night out or romantic night in? both

04. Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla

05. Hummer or sports car? sports car

06. Bracelet or necklace? necklce

07. History or Science? history!

08. Sleep in or early to rise? sleep in

09. Beach or boardwalk? beach

10. Hoodie or T-Shirt? both

11. Night or day? night

12. High school or college? High school

13. California or Florida? california

14. Love at first sight or learn to love? learn to love



01. Hugged someone? yes

02. Been on the phone until the sun came up? no

03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? no

04. Laughed so hard, you peed in your pants? ish :L



01. Person you talked to in person: my mam

02. Person you talked to on MySpace? dont have one

03. Person you talked to on the phone? my friend

04. Person you texted on the phone? my friend, Carys

05. Person you talked to on IM? :L My friend?



01. Do you like surveys? yes

02. What kind of shampoo do you use? any

03. Do you get along with your parents? sometimes

04. Do you have mental breakdowns? I did once

05. Did you ever fake being sick? yes



Is your hair up? no

Is your phone right beside you? yes

Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? no

Do you miss someone? yes

Do you wish you were somewhere else? yes

Do you have plans for tonight? watching Waterloo Road :L :L

Are you wearing makeup? no

Are you wearing chapstick? no

Are you cold? no

Are you tired? a bit

Are you excited? no

Are you watching TV? no

Are you wearing pajamas? nope



Anything you regret? nah

Ever lied? yes

Ever stuck gum under a desk? no

Ever spit at someone? On accident ;) :L

Ever kick something living? no

Ever had your nails done? no

Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? no



Have you yelled at someone? yes

Have you gotten mad at someone? yes

Have you cried? no

Have you called more than 3 people? no

Have you IMed more than 3 people? yes

Have you gotten laid? no

Have you eaten anything gross? a coffee revel :L



01. First thing you did this morning? eat brekkie

02. Last thing you ate? a mince pie (I was feeling festive ;])

03. Is your cell phone a piece of crap? no

04. What's something you're looking forward to in the next 6 weeks? christmas :]

05. What's annoying you right now? no one

06. What's the last movie you saw? Xmas carol :L

07. Do you believe in long-distance relationships? no

08. Is there a person who is on your mind right now? no

09. Where is the last place you went? my living room

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01. Have you ever really cried your heart out? yes

02. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? yes

04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex? yes

05. Do you cry when you get an injury? not usually

06. Do certain songs make you cry? yes



01. Are you a happy person? generally yeah, confused but happy

02. What can always make you happy? starbucks

03. Do you wish you were happier? yes

04. Is being happy overrated? no

05. Can music make you happy? yes



01. Who do you actually hate? my brother

02. Have you ever made a hate list? nope

03. Have you ever been on a hate list? don't think so

04. Are you a mean bully? no

05. Do you hate George Bush? no



[ ] Been to a rave.

[x] Ridden in a taxi.

[ ] Jumped a ramp with a bike.

[x] Been used.

[ ] Ran from the cops.

[ ] Been fired.

[ ] Sneaked into a movie.

[ ] Got hit by a car.

[x] Fired a real gun.

[ ] Sneaked out of someone's house.

[ ] Been arrested.

[x] Gone in a mosh pit.

[ ] Stolen something from my school.

[ ] Celebrated New Year's in Times Square or Disney World.

[ ] Gone on a blind date.

[ x] Had a crush on a teacher.

[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

[ ] Been to Europe.

[ ] Been to Australia.

[ ] Been to Hawaii.

[ ] Skipped school.

[x] Played Clue.

[x] Had a sleepover.

[x] Gone ice skating.

[ ] Been cheated on.

[ ] Had your tonsils out.

[ ] Have / had a TRUCK.

[x] Driven a car.

[ ] Totaled a car.

[ ] Been flashed.



[ x] Feel loved.

[x] Feel lonely.

[ x] Feel happy.

[x] Have a dog.

[x] Sing along with your music.

[ ] Listen to Hawaiian music.

[x] Listen to rock.

[x] Listen to Christian music.

[x] Have hobbies.

[ ] Skateboard.

[ ] Snowboard.

[x] Get good grades

[ ] Play an instrument.

[ ] Have slippers.

[ ] Wear boxers.

[x] Like to read.

[ ] Have long hair.

[x] Have medium-length hair.

[ ] Have short hair.

[ ] Have a laptop.

[ ] Have a pager.

[x] Have a cell phone.



[ ] Bored.

[ ] Happy.

[ ] Upset.

[ ] Blue.

[ ] Blonde.

[ ] Brunette.

[x] Redhead.

[ ] Samoan.

[ ] Filipino.

[ ] Korean.

[ ] French. (french canadian really....unfortunately)

[x] American.

[ ] Italian.

[ ] Black.

[ ] Mexican.

[ ] Asian.

[ ] Hawaiian.

[ ] Czech

[ ] Irish.

[ ] German.

[ ] Swedish.

[ ] Native American.

[ ] Austrian.

[ ] Russian.

[ ] Norwegian.

[ ] Danish.

[ ] Hispanic.

[ ] Greek.

[ ] Hindu.

[ ] Other.

[ ] Scientologist.

[ ] Agnostic.

[ ] Atheist.

[ ] Satanist.

[ ] Jewish.

[ ] Religiously Confused.

[x] Christian.

[ ] Catholic.

[ ] Short.

[x] Average.

[ ] Tall.

[x] Realistic.

[x] Emotional person.

[x] Missing someone.

[x] Scared to die.

[ ] Buzzed.

[ ] High.

[x] Caffeinated.

[x] Annoyed.

[x] Hungry.

[x] Thirsty.

[ ] On the phone.

[ ] In your room.

[ ] Drinking something.

[ ] Eating something.

[x] Very ticklish.

[x] Listening to music.

[ ] Watching a movie.



01. What is your current hair like? needs its roots done

02. What’s your natural hair colour? dirty blonde but probably a light brown now

03. What colour are your eyes? green/blue/grey/depends on the day

04. Current piercings? ears

05. Straight hair or curls? straight as hay



01. Shirt? pick up the phone shirt

02. Shorts? nope

03. Shoes? no

04. Underwear? yessss

05. Necklaces? no



01. Rock or rap? rock

03. Wild night out or romantic night in? romantic i wouldnt get in any trouble but wiild would be so much more fun

04. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate

05. Hummer or sports car? hummer

06. Bracelet or necklace? necklace

07. History or Science? both are very interesting but i am much betetr with history

08. Sleep in or early to rise? sleep in

09. Beach or boardwalk? beach

10. Hoodie or T-Shirt? hoodie

11. Night or day? night but i get depressed night........

12. High school or college? dont know...havent been to college

13. California or Florida? california

14. Love at first sight or learn to love? learn to love



01. Hugged someone? yes

02. Been on the phone until the sun came up? no

03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? yes

04. Laughed so hard, you peed in your pants? no



01. Person you talked to in person? dad

02. Person you talked to on MySpace? don't use myspace

03. Person you talked to on the phone? mom

04. Person you texted on the phone? TK

05. Person you talked to on IM? dont have it



01. Do you like surveys? yes

02. What kind of shampoo do you use? don't remember

03. Do you get along with your parents? yes

04. Do you have mental breakdowns? yes but you wouldnt know they were mental breakdowns

05. Did you ever fake being sick? yes



Is your hair up? no

Is your phone right beside you? no

Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? nope

Do you miss someone? yes

Do you wish you were somewhere else? yes

Do you have plans for tonight? nope

Are you wearing makeup? yes

Are you wearing chapstick? nope

Are you cold? yes

Are you tired? yes

Are you excited? no

Are you watching TV? no

Are you wearing pajamas? yes



Anything you regret? yes

Ever lied? yes

Ever stuck gum under a desk? no

Ever spit at someone? yes

Ever kick something living? oh yeah

Ever had your nails done? yes

Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? heavens no



Have you yelled at someone? yes

Have you gotten mad at someone? yes

Have you cried? no

Have you called more than 3 people? no

Have you IMed more than 3 people? no

Have you gotten laid? no.....

Have you eaten anything gross? no



01. First thing you did this morning? got out of bed

02. Last thing you ate? cheese

03. Is your cell phone a piece of crap? nope

04. What's something you're looking forward to in the next 6 weeks? my lip synch

05. What's annoying you right now? my hunger

06. What's the last movie you saw? ummmm....cant remember

07. Do you believe in long-distance relationships? yes

08. Is there a person who is on your mind right now? no

09. Where is the last place you went? school

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01. Have you ever really cried your heart out? yes

02. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? yes

04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex? yes

05. Do you cry when you get an injury? no unless it's really bad

06. Do certain songs make you cry? no



01. Are you a happy person? i guess so...

02. What can always make you happy? youtube, sad, but so true.

03. Do you wish you were happier? yes

04. Is being happy overrated? no

05. Can music make you happy? yes



01. Who do you actually hate? this guy called Austin, he's a nut case.

02. Have you ever made a hate list? nah

03. Have you ever been on a hate list? i don't think so...

04. Are you a mean bully? no

05. Do you hate George Bush? no, he makes me laugh.



[ ] Been to a rave.

[x] Ridden in a taxi.

[ ] Jumped a ramp with a bike.

[ ] Been used.

[ ] Ran from the cops.

[ ] Been fired.

[ ] Sneaked into a movie.

[ ] Got hit by a car.

[x] Fired a real gun.

[ ] Sneaked out of someone's house.

[ ] Been arrested.

[ ] Gone in a mosh pit.

[x] Stolen something from my school.

[ ] Celebrated New Year's in Times Square or Disney World.

[ ] Gone on a blind date.

[ ] Had a crush on a teacher.

[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

[x] Been to Europe.

[ ] Been to Australia.

[ ] Been to Hawaii.

[ ] Skipped school.

[ ] Played Clue.

[x] Had a sleepover.

[x] Gone ice skating.

[ ] Been cheated on.

[ ] Had your tonsils out.

[ ] Have / had a TRUCK.

[x] Driven a car.

[ ] Totaled a car.

[ ] Been flashed.



[x] Feel loved.

[x] Feel lonely.

[x] Feel happy.

[ ] Have a dog.

[x] Sing along with your music.

[ ] Listen to Hawaiian music.

[x] Listen to rock.

[x] Listen to Christian music.

[x] Have hobbies.

[ ] Skateboard.

[ ] Snowboard.

[x] Get good grades

[ ] Play an instrument.

[ ] Have slippers.

[ ] Wear boxers.

[x] Like to read.

[ ] Have long hair.

[x] Have medium-length hair.

[ ] Have short hair.

[ ] Have a laptop.

[ ] Have a pager.

[x] Have a cell phone.



[x] Bored.

[x] Happy.

[ ] Upset.

[ ] Blue.

[ ] Blonde.

[x] Brunette.

[ ] Redhead.

[ ] Samoan.

[ ] Filipino.

[ ] Korean.

[ ] French.

[ ] American.

[ ] Italian.

[ ] Black.

[ ] Mexican.

[ ] Asian.

[ ] Hawaiian.

[ ] Czech

[ ] Irish.

[ ] German.

[ ] Swedish.

[ ] Native American.

[ ] Austrian.

[ ] Russian.

[ ] Norwegian.

[ ] Danish.

[ ] Hispanic.

[ ] Greek.

[ ] Hindu.

[x] Other. (English)

[ ] Scientologist.

[ ] Agnostic.

[x] Atheist.

[ ] Satanist.

[ ] Jewish.

[ ] Religiously Confused.

[ ] Christian.

[ ] Catholic.

[x] Short.

[ ] Average.

[ ] Tall.

[x] Realistic.

[x] Emotional person.

[x] Missing someone.

[ ] Scared to die.

[ ] Buzzed.

[ ] High.

[ ] Caffeinated.

[ ] Annoyed.

[ ] Hungry.

[x] Thirsty.

[ ] On the phone.

[x] In your room.

[x] Drinking something.

[ ] Eating something.

[x] Very ticklish.

[x] Listening to music.

[ ] Watching a movie.



01. What is your current hair like? normal-ish, kinda needs a wash

02. What’s your natural hair colour? brown

03. What colour are your eyes? browny

04. Current piercings? none

05. Straight hair or curls? straight-ish, wavy-ish



01. Shirt? paramroe tour shirt

02. Shorts? no, jeans :)

03. Shoes? no

04. Underwear? yeah...

05. Necklaces? no



01. Rock or rap? rock

03. Wild night out or romantic night in? depends what mood i'm in XD

04. Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla

05. Hummer or sports car? hummer

06. Bracelet or necklace? bracelet

07. History or Science? science, i can't remeber dates...at all...

08. Sleep in or early to rise? Sleep in XD

09. Beach or boardwalk? beach

10. Hoodie or T-Shirt? hoodie

11. Night or day? night, no-ones around and i can be myself.

12. High school or college? well, i'm in high school...

13. California or Florida? haven't been to either...

14. Love at first sight or learn to love? learn to love.



01. Hugged someone? yeah, i like hugs.

02. Been on the phone until the sun came up? yeah.

03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? no, almost though.

04. Laughed so hard, you peed in your pants? no.



01. Person you talked to in person? mum

02. Person you talked to on MySpace? don't really use myspace.

03. Person you talked to on the phone? mum

04. Person you texted on the phone? twitter DX

05. Person you talked to on IM? Amy



01. Do you like surveys? yes

02. What kind of shampoo do you use? Alberto Balsam, don't ask.

03. Do you get along with your parents? most of the time.

04. Do you have mental breakdowns? yes.

05. Did you ever fake being sick? yes.



Is your hair up? no

Is your phone right beside you? nah

Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? no

Do you miss someone? yes

Do you wish you were somewhere else? no

Do you have plans for tonight? no, i never have plans.

Are you wearing makeup? no.

Are you wearing chapstick? no

Are you cold? no

Are you tired? yes

Are you excited? no

Are you watching TV? no

Are you wearing pajamas? no



Anything you regret? yes

Ever lied? yes

Ever stuck gum under a desk? no

Ever spit at someone? no

Ever kick something living? yeah

Ever had your nails done? no

Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? no.



Have you yelled at someone? yes

Have you gotten mad at someone? yes

Have you cried? no

Have you called more than 3 people? no

Have you IMed more than 3 people? no

Have you gotten laid? no

Have you eaten anything gross? no



01. First thing you did this morning? fell out of bed when i woke up.

02. Last thing you ate? advent calander chocolate

03. Is your cell phone a piece of crap? yeah XD

04. What's something you're looking forward to in the next 6 weeks? Christmas?

05. What's annoying you right now? my foot, it has pins & needles.

06. What's the last movie you saw? Epic Movie

07. Do you believe in long-distance relationships? yes

08. Is there a person who is on your mind right now? no

09. Where is the last place you went? downstairs

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01. Have you ever really cried your heart out? sure

02. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? mhm

04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex? no

05. Do you cry when you get an injury? i did once but it was rather serious

06. Do certain songs make you cry? no



01. Are you a happy person? yes

02. What can always make you happy? music

03. Do you wish you were happier? in one aspect of my life

04. Is being happy overrated? no

05. Can music make you happy? yes



01. Who do you actually hate? i can't find my list...

02. Have you ever made a hate list? a hypothetical one.

03. Have you ever been on a hate list? idk

04. Are you a mean bully? no

05. Do you hate George Bush? who doesn't?



[x] Been to a rave.

[x] Ridden in a taxi.

[x] Jumped a ramp with a bike.

[x] Been used.

[ ] Ran from the cops.

[ ] Been fired.

[x] Sneaked into a movie.

[ ] Got hit by a car.

[ ] Fired a real gun.

[ ] Sneaked out of someone's house.

[ ] Been arrested.

[x] Gone in a mosh pit.

[ ] Stolen something from my school.

[ ] Celebrated New Year's in Times Square or Disney World.

[ ] Gone on a blind date.

[x] Had a crush on a teacher. XD it was kinda a crush i guess...

[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

[ ] Been to Europe.

[ ] Been to Australia.

[ ] Been to Hawaii.

[ ] Skipped school.

[x] Played Clue.

[x] Had a sleepover.

[ ] Gone ice skating.

[ ] Been cheated on.

[ ] Had your tonsils out.

[x] Have / had a TRUCK.

[x] Driven a car.

[ ] Totaled a car.

[x] Been flashed.



[x] Feel loved.

[ ] Feel lonely.

[x] Feel happy.

[x] Have a dog.

[x] Sing along with your music.

[ ] Listen to Hawaiian music.

[x] Listen to rock.

[ ] Listen to Christian music.

[x] Have hobbies.

[ ] Skateboard.

[ ] Snowboard.

[x] Get good grades

[x] Play an instrument.

[x] Have slippers.

[ ] Wear boxers.

[x] Like to read.

[ ] Have long hair.

[x] Have medium-length hair.

[ ] Have short hair.

[x] Have a laptop.

[ ] Have a pager.

[x] Have a cell phone.



[x] Bored.

[x] Happy.

[ ] Upset.

[ ] Blue.

[ ] Blonde.

[x] Brunette.

[ ] Redhead.

[ ] Samoan.

[ ] Filipino.

[ ] Korean.

[ ] French.

[x] American.

[x] Italian.

[ ] Black.

[ ] Mexican.

[ ] Asian.

[ ] Hawaiian.

[ ] Czech

[ ] Irish.

[ ] German.

[ ] Swedish.

[ ] Native American.

[ ] Austrian.

[ ] Russian.

[x] Norwegian.

[ ] Danish.

[ ] Hispanic.

[x] Greek.

[ ] Hindu.

[x] Other.

[ ] Scientologist.

[ ] Agnostic.

[ ] Atheist.

[ ] Satanist.

[ ] Jewish.

[ ] Religiously Confused.

[x] Christian.

[x] Catholic.

[x] Short.

[ ] Average.

[ ] Tall.

[x] Realistic.

[ ] Emotional person.

[x] Missing someone.

[x] Scared to die.

[ ] Buzzed.

[ ] High.

[ ] Caffeinated.

[ ] Annoyed.

[ ] Hungry.

[ ] Thirsty.

[ ] On the phone.

[x] In your room.

[x] Drinking something.

[x] Eating something.

[x] Very ticklish.

[ ] Listening to music.

[ ] Watching a movie.



01. What is your current hair like? curly

02. What’s your natural hair colour? dark brown

03. What colour are your eyes? brown

04. Current piercings? 2 each ear

05. Straight hair or curls? curls



01. Shirt? black tshirt with a design on it

02. Shorts? no

03. Shoes? no

04. Underwear? hells yes

05. Necklaces? no



01. Rock or rap? rock

03. Wild night out or romantic night in? romantic night in

04. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate

05. Hummer or sports car? sports car

06. Bracelet or necklace? bracelet

07. History or Science? history

08. Sleep in or early to rise? sleep in

09. Beach or boardwalk? boardwalk

10. Hoodie or T-Shirt? tshirt

11. Night or day? night

12. High school or college? COLLEGE by a mile.

13. California or Florida? florida

14. Love at first sight or learn to love? learn to love. you don't love someone when you first see them.



01. Hugged someone? yes

02. Been on the phone until the sun came up? no

03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? yes

04. Laughed so hard, you peed in your pants? no



01. Person you talked to in person? elissa

02. Person you talked to on MySpace? i don't have one

03. Person you talked to on the phone? kyle

04. Person you texted on the phone? mom

05. Person you talked to on IM? katie



01. Do you like surveys? yes

02. What kind of shampoo do you use? some sebastian stuff...

03. Do you get along with your parents? yeap

04. Do you have mental breakdowns? no

05. Did you ever fake being sick? no



Is your hair up? no

Is your phone right beside you? yes

Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? nope

Do you miss someone? yes

Do you wish you were somewhere else? home

Do you have plans for tonight? study my arse off

Are you wearing makeup? no

Are you wearing chapstick? no

Are you cold? i was but now i'm not

Are you tired? nope, only been up for about 7 hours.

Are you excited? no

Are you watching TV? it's on but i'm not watching it

Are you wearing pajamas? no



Anything you regret? nah

Ever lied? yes

Ever stuck gum under a desk? no

Ever spit at someone? don't remember

Ever kick something living? no?

Ever had your nails done? yes

Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? no



Have you yelled at someone? no

Have you gotten mad at someone? yes

Have you cried? no

Have you called more than 3 people? no

Have you IMed more than 3 people? no

Have you gotten laid? no lol

Have you eaten anything gross? no



01. First thing you did this morning? look at my ihome

02. Last thing you ate? sushi

03. Is your cell phone a piece of crap? no

04. What's something you're looking forward to in the next 6 weeks? being home then starting the new semester :)

05. What's annoying you right now? nothing really

06. What's the last movie you saw? home alone 2

07. Do you believe in long-distance relationships? of course i believe in them but i don't think they'll work out in the end

08. Is there a person who is on your mind right now? oh yes.

09. Where is the last place you went? boulder to get food

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01. Have you ever really cried your heart out? yes

02. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? no

04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex? yes

05. Do you cry when you get an injury? Depends on how much it hurts

06. Do certain songs make you cry? yes



01. Are you a happy person? at times

02. What can always make you happy? friends and music mainly

03. Do you wish you were happier? yes

04. Is being happy overrated? no

05. Can music make you happy? yes



01. Who do you actually hate? A couple of people at school I spose

02. Have you ever made a hate list? nah

03. Have you ever been on a hate list? I hope not

04. Are you a mean bully? no

05. Do you hate George Bush? no



[ ] Been to a rave.

[x] Ridden in a taxi.

[ ] Jumped a ramp with a bike.

[x] Been used.

[ ] Ran from the cops.

[ ] Been fired.

[ ] Sneaked into a movie.

[ ] Got hit by a car.

[ ] Fired a real gun.

[ ] Sneaked out of someone's house.

[ ] Been arrested.

[ ] Gone in a mosh pit.

[ ] Stolen something from my school.

[ ] Celebrated New Year's in Times Square or Disney World.

[ ] Gone on a blind date.

[ ] Had a crush on a teacher.

[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

[x] Been to Europe.

[ ] Been to Australia.

[ ] Been to Hawaii.

[x] Skipped school.

[ ] Played Clue.

[x] Had a sleepover.

[x] Gone ice skating.

[ ] Been cheated on.

[ ] Had your tonsils out.

[ ] Have / had a TRUCK.

[ ] Driven a car.

[ ] Totaled a car.

[ ] Been flashed.



[x] Feel loved.

[x] Feel lonely.

[ ] Feel happy.

[ ] Have a dog.

[x] Sing along with your music.

[ ] Listen to Hawaiian music.

[x] Listen to rock.

[ ] Listen to Christian music.

[x] Have hobbies.

[ ] Skateboard.

[ ] Snowboard.

[x] Get good grades

[x] Play an instrument.

[ ] Have slippers.

[ ] Wear boxers.

[x] Like to read.

[x] Have long hair.

[ ] Have medium-length hair.

[ ] Have short hair.

[ ] Have a laptop.

[ ] Have a pager.

[x] Have a cell phone.



[x] Bored.

[ ] Happy.

[ ] Upset.

[x] Blue.

[x] Blonde.

[ ] Brunette.

[ ] Redhead.

[ ] Samoan.

[ ] Filipino.

[ ] Korean.

[ ] French. (french canadian really....unfortunately)

[ ] American.

[ ] Italian.

[ ] Black.

[ ] Mexican.

[ ] Asian.

[ ] Hawaiian.

[ ] Czech

[ ] Irish.

[ ] German.

[ ] Swedish.

[ ] Native American.

[ ] Austrian.

[ ] Russian.

[ ] Norwegian.

[ ] Danish.

[ ] Hispanic.

[ ] Greek.

[ ] Hindu.

[x] Other.

[ ] Scientologist.

[x] Agnostic.

[ ] Atheist.

[ ] Satanist.

[ ] Jewish.

[ ] Religiously Confused.

[ ] Christian.

[ ] Catholic.

[ ] Short.

[x] Average.

[ ] Tall.

[x] Realistic.

[x] Emotional person.

[x] Missing someone.

[x] Scared to die.

[ ] Buzzed.

[ ] High.

[ ] Caffeinated.

[x] Annoyed.

[ ] Hungry.

[ ] Thirsty.

[ ] On the phone.

[ ] In your room.

[ ] Drinking something.

[ ] Eating something.

[ ] Very ticklish.

[x] Listening to music.

[ ] Watching a movie.



01. What is your current hair like? Kinda straight but sticky out in places cause of the wind.

02. What’s your natural hair colour? Dirty blonde

03. What colour are your eyes? A mix of Dark/light blue and green

04. Current piercings? ears

05. Straight hair or curls? Wavy/curly



01. Shirt? School shirt

02. Shorts? nope

03. Shoes? no

04. Underwear? Yep

05. Necklaces? no



01. Rock or rap? rock

03. Wild night out or romantic night in? Night in

04. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate

05. Hummer or sports car? sports car

06. Bracelet or necklace? bracelet

07. History or Science? Science

08. Sleep in or early to rise? sleep in

09. Beach or boardwalk? dunno

10. Hoodie or T-Shirt? t-shirt

11. Night or day? night

12. High school or college? neither thanks

13. California or Florida? california

14. Love at first sight or learn to love? Love at first sight would be nice but that's kinda unrealistic I think



01. Hugged someone? yes

02. Been on the phone until the sun came up? no

03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? yes

04. Laughed so hard, you peed in your pants? no



01. Person you talked to in person? mum

02. Person you talked to on MySpace? don't use myspace

03. Person you talked to on the phone? Can't remember

04. Person you texted on the phone? Can't be bothered to check

05. Person you talked to on IM? Not sure



01. Do you like surveys? yes

02. What kind of shampoo do you use? At the moment it's John Frieda Blonde

03. Do you get along with your parents? Yeah

04. Do you have mental breakdowns? Not really

05. Did you ever fake being sick? yes



Is your hair up? no

Is your phone right beside you? no

Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? no

Do you miss someone? yes

Do you wish you were somewhere else? no

Do you have plans for tonight? no

Are you wearing makeup? tiny amount

Are you wearing chapstick? yes

Are you cold? yes

Are you tired? yes

Are you excited? no

Are you watching TV? no

Are you wearing pajamas? no



Anything you regret? no

Ever lied? yes

Ever stuck gum under a desk? no

Ever spit at someone? no

Ever kick something living? yes

Ever had your nails done? yes

Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? no



Have you yelled at someone? yes

Have you gotten mad at someone? no

Have you cried? no

Have you called more than 3 people? no

Have you IMed more than 3 people? no

Have you gotten laid? no

Have you eaten anything gross? no



01. First thing you did this morning? put my school uniform on

02. Last thing you ate? Crumpet

03. Is your cell phone a piece of crap? it's alright

04. What's something you're looking forward to in the next 6 weeks? Yeah

05. What's annoying you right now? The fact that I haven't been able to sleep well recently

06. What's the last movie you saw? Can't remember

07. Do you believe in long-distance relationships? yes

08. Is there a person who is on your mind right now? no

09. Where is the last place you went? school

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01. Have you ever really cried your heart out? no

02. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? no

04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex? yes

05. Do you cry when you get an injury? no

06. Do certain songs make you cry? yes



01. Are you a happy person? kinda

02. What can always make you happy? music

03. Do you wish you were happier? yes

04. Is being happy overrated? no

05. Can music make you happy? yes



01. Who do you actually hate? no

02. Have you ever made a hate list? no

03. Have you ever been on a hate list? yes

04. Are you a mean bully? no

05. Do you hate George Bush? no



[ ] Been to a rave.

[x] Ridden in a taxi.

[ ] Jumped a ramp with a bike.

[ ] Been used.

[ ] Ran from the cops.

[ ] Been fired.

[ ] Sneaked into a movie.

[ ] Got hit by a car.

[x] Fired a real gun.

[x] Sneaked out of someone's house.

[ ] Been arrested.

[ ] Gone in a mosh pit.

[x] Stolen something from my school.

[ ] Celebrated New Year's in Times Square or Disney World.

[ ] Gone on a blind date.

[x] Had a crush on a teacher.

[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

[x] Been to Europe.

[ ] Been to Australia.

[ ] Been to Hawaii.

[x] Skipped school.

[ ] Played Clue.

[x] Had a sleepover.

[x] Gone ice skating.

[ ] Been cheated on.

[ ] Had your tonsils out.

[ ] Have / had a TRUCK.

[ ] Driven a car.

[ ] Totaled a car.

[ ] Been flashed.



[x] Feel loved.

[x] Feel lonely.

[ ] Feel happy.

[ ] Have a dog.

[x] Sing along with your music.

[ ] Listen to Hawaiian music.

[x] Listen to rock.

[ ] Listen to Christian music.

[x] Have hobbies.

[x] Skateboard.

[x] Snowboard.

[ ] Get good grades

[x] Play an instrument.

[ ] Have slippers.

[ ] Wear boxers.

[ ] Like to read.

[ ] Have long hair.

[x] Have medium-length hair.

[ ] Have short hair.

[x] Have a laptop.

[ ] Have a pager.

[x] Have a cell phone.



[x] Bored.

[ ] Happy.

[x] Upset.

[x] Blue.

[ ] Blonde.

[x] Brunette.

[ ] Redhead.

[ ] Samoan.

[ ] Filipino.

[ ] Korean.

[ ] French.

[ ] American.

[ ] Italian.

[ ] Black.

[ ] Mexican.

[ ] Asian.

[ ] Hawaiian.

[ ] Czech

[ ] Irish.

[ ] German.

[ ] Swedish.

[ ] Native American.

[ ] Austrian.

[ ] Russian.

[ ] Norwegian.

[ ] Danish.

[ ] Hispanic.

[ ] Greek.

[ ] Hindu.

[x] Other.

[ ] Scientologist.

[ ] Agnostic.

[ ] Atheist.

[ ] Satanist.

[ ] Jewish.

[ ] Religiously Confused.

[ ] Christian.

[ ] Catholic.

[ ] Short.

[ ] Average.

[x ] Tall.

[x] Realistic.

[x] Emotional person.

[ ] Missing someone.

[ ] Scared to die.

[ ] Buzzed.

[x] High.

[ ] Caffeinated.

[x] Annoyed.

[ ] Hungry.

[ ] Thirsty.

[ ] On the phone.

[x] In your room.

[ ] Drinking something.

[x] Eating something.

[ ] Very ticklish.

[x] Listening to music.

[ ] Watching a movie.



01. What is your current hair like? Its Not that long and its kinda brown

02. What’s your natural hair colour? brown

03. What colour are your eyes? brown

04. Current piercings? ears

05. Straight hair or curls? straight



01. Shirt? plain shirt

02. Shorts? no

03. Shoes? no

04. Underwear? Yes

05. Necklaces? no



01. Rock or rap? rock

03. Wild night out or romantic night in? wild night

04. Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla

05. Hummer or sports car? sports car

06. Bracelet or necklace? neklace

07. History or Science? Science

08. Sleep in or early to rise? sleep in

09. Beach or boardwalk? boardwalk

10. Hoodie or T-Shirt? t-shirt

11. Night or day? night

12. High school or college? high

13. California or Florida? california

14. Love at first sight or learn to love? Love at first sight



01. Hugged someone? yes

02. Been on the phone until the sun came up? yes

03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? yes

04. Laughed so hard, you peed in your pants? no



01. Person you talked to in person? friend

02. Person you talked to on MySpace? don't use myspace

03. Person you talked to on the phone? best friend

04. Person you texted on the phone? my buddy

05. Person you talked to on IM? dunno



01. Do you like surveys? yes

02. What kind of shampoo do you use? Wash and Go

03. Do you get along with your parents? Yes

04. Do you have mental breakdowns? yes

05. Did you ever fake being sick? yes



Is your hair up? no and never is

Is your phone right beside you? yes

Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? yes

Do you miss someone? no

Do you wish you were somewhere else? no

Do you have plans for tonight? yes

Are you wearing makeup? always

Are you wearing chapstick? no

Are you cold? yes

Are you tired? no

Are you excited? no

Are you watching TV? no

Are you wearing pajamas? no



Anything you regret? no

Ever lied? yes

Ever stuck gum under a desk? yes

Ever spit at someone? no

Ever kick something living? yes

Ever had your nails done? yes

Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? no



Have you yelled at someone? yes

Have you gotten mad at someone? no

Have you cried? no

Have you called more than 3 people? yes

Have you IMed more than 3 people? no

Have you gotten laid? no

Have you eaten anything gross? no



01. First thing you did this morning? put my make up on

02. Last thing you ate? sandwich

03. Is your cell phone a piece of crap? new

04. What's something you're looking forward to in the next 6 weeks? yes

05. What's annoying you right now? my sister singing

06. What's the last movie you saw? dont remember

07. Do you believe in long-distance relationships? no

08. Is there a person who is on your mind right now? yes

09. Where is the last place you went? school

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01. Have you ever really cried your heart out? Yes

02. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes

04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex? Kinda.

05. Do you cry when you get an injury? I cry pretty easily, especially when I hit my finger or something like really hard, haha.

06. Do certain songs make you cry? Yes, most of the time if I'm already emotional.



01. Are you a happy person? We all have our downs, too.

02. What can always make you happy? friends and music mainly

03. Do you wish you were happier? Meh I'm alright I guess.

04. Is being happy overrated? no

05. Can music make you happy?Definitely.



01. Who do you actually hate? oh well.

02. Have you ever made a hate list? nope.

03. Have you ever been on a hate list? Probbly.

04. Are you a mean bully? Nope.

05. Do you hate George Bush? He's lame.


[ ] Been to a rave.

[x] Ridden in a taxi.

[ ] Jumped a ramp with a bike.

[x] Been used.

[ ] Ran from the cops.

[ ] Been fired.

[ ] Sneaked into a movie.

[ ] Got hit by a car.

[ ] Fired a real gun.

[ ] Sneaked out of someone's house.

[ ] Been arrested.

[x] Gone in a mosh pit. /lame one, I got dragged into it

[ ] Stolen something from my school.

[ ] Celebrated New Year's in Times Square or Disney World.

[ ] Gone on a blind date.

[ ] Had a crush on a teacher.

[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

[x] Been to Europe.

[ ] Been to Australia.

[ ] Been to Hawaii.

[x] Skipped school.

[ ] Played Clue.

[x] Had a sleepover.

[x] Gone ice skating.

[ ] Been cheated on.

[x] Had your tonsils out.

[ ] Have / had a TRUCK.

[ ] Driven a car.

[ ] Totaled a car.

[ ] Been flashed.



[x] Feel loved.

[x] Feel lonely.

[x] Feel happy.

[ ] Have a dog.

[x] Sing along with your music.

[ ] Listen to Hawaiian music.

[x] Listen to rock.

[ ] Listen to Christian music.

[x] Have hobbies.

[ ] Skateboard.

[ ] Snowboard.

[x] Get good grades

[ ] Play an instrument.

[x] Have slippers.

[ ] Wear boxers.

[x] Like to read.

[ ] Have long hair.

[x] Have medium-length hair.

[ ] Have short hair.

[x] Have a laptop.

[ ] Have a pager.

[x] Have a cell phone.



[x] Bored.

[ ] Happy.

[ ] Upset.

[ ] Blue.

[ ] Blonde.

[ ] Brunette.

[ ] Redhead.

[ ] Samoan.

[ ] Filipino.

[ ] Korean.

[ ] French.

[ ] American.

[ ] Italian.

[ ] Black.

[ ] Mexican.

[ ] Asian.

[ ] Hawaiian.

[ ] Czech

[ ] Irish.

[ ] German.

[ ] Swedish.

[ ] Native American.

[ ] Austrian.

[ ] Russian.

[ ] Norwegian.

[ ] Danish.

[ ] Hispanic.

[ ] Greek.

[ ] Hindu.

[x] Other.

[ ] Scientologist.

[ ] Agnostic.

[x] Atheist.

[ ] Satanist.

[ ] Jewish.

[ ] Religiously Confused.

[ ] Christian.

[ ] Catholic.

[ ] Short.

[x] Average.

[ ] Tall.

[x] Realistic.

[x] Emotional person.

[x] Missing someone.

[x] Scared to die.

[ ] Buzzed.

[ ] High.

[ ] Caffeinated.

[x] Annoyed.

[ ] Hungry.

[ ] Thirsty.

[ ] On the phone.

[ ] In your room.

[ ] Drinking something.

[ ] Eating something.

[ ] Very ticklish.

[ ] Listening to music.

[ ] Watching a movie.



01. What is your current hair like? a mess

02. What’s your natural hair colour? dark blondish, kinda brown

03. What colour are your eyes? grey blueee

04. Current piercings? ears

05. Straight hair or curls? Wavy/curly



01. Shirt? top amd hoodie actually.

02. Shorts? nope

03. Shoes? no

04. Underwear? Yep

05. Necklaces? no



01. Rock or rap? rock

03. Wild night out or romantic night in? wild night in duuuh :mrgreen:

04. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate

05. Hummer or sports car? sports car

06. Bracelet or necklace? bracelet

07. History or Science? Science

08. Sleep in or early to rise? sleep in

09. Beach or boardwalk? beach

10. Hoodie or T-Shirt? t-shirt

11. Night or day? night

12. High school or college? high school

13. California or Florida? california

14. Love at first sight or learn to love? love.



01. Hugged someone? yes

02. Been on the phone until the sun came up? no

03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? yes

04. Laughed so hard, you peed in your pants? nope



01. Person you talked to in person? dad

02. Person you talked to on MySpace? no idea

03. Person you talked to on the phone? mam

04. Person you texted on the phone? n idea

05. Person you talked to on IM? lalala



01. Do you like surveys? yes,not this one though

02. What kind of shampoo do you use? Herbal.. esscence or whatever it's called. and garnier. 'cause I'm worth it :rotfl:

03. Do you get along with your parents? neh

04. Do you have mental breakdowns? uhm

05. Did you ever fake being sick? yes



Is your hair up? no

Is your phone right beside you? no

Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? no

Do you miss someone? not now.

Do you wish you were somewhere else? no

Do you have plans for tonight? yr

Are you wearing makeup? ýeah

Are you wearing chapstick? nope

Are you cold? yes

Are you tired? yes

Are you excited? no

Are you watching TV? no

Are you wearing pajamas? no



Anything you regret? i wish i had done things differently, but no real regrets

Ever lied? yes

Ever stuck gum under a desk? yes

Ever spit at someone? no

Ever kick something living? yes

Ever had your nails done? yes

Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? nope



Have you yelled at someone? nope

Have you gotten mad at someone? no

Have you cried? no

Have you called more than 3 people? no

Have you IMed more than 3 people? no

Have you gotten laid? no

Have you eaten anything gross? no



01. First thing you did this morning? woke up at 6, got up at 7, showered

02. Last thing you ate? speculaas stroopwafel pie <3

03. Is your cell phone a piece of crap? it's alright

04. What's something you're looking forward to in the next 6 weeks? christmas

05. What's annoying you right now? something

06. What's the last movie you saw? uhm moulin rouge

07. Do you believe in long-distance relationships? yes

08. Is there a person who is on your mind right now? yeah

09. Where is the last place you went? store

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Bold all things you have done, italicize things you would like to do in a lifetime.



1. Had sex


2. Have kissed a member of the opposite sex


3. Have kissed a member of the same sex


4. Crashed a friend's car


5. Have been to Japan


6. Rode in a taxi


7. Have been in love


10. Shoplifted


11. Have been fired


12. Have cut myself on purpose


13. Have been in a fist fight


14. Had a 3-some


15. Snuck out of my parent's house


16. Have been tied up


18. Have been arrested


19. Made out with a stranger


20. Stolen something from my job


21. Celebrated New Year's in Times Square


22. Gone on a blind date


23. Had a crush on a teacher


24. Celebrated Mardi-Gras in New Orleans


25. Been to Europe


26. Skipped school


27. Slept with a co-worker


28. Have thrown up in a bar


29. Have purposely set myself on fire


30. I have eaten sushi


31. Been snowboarding


32. Been skiing


33. Have made a snow angel


34. Have been happy with myself


35. Have met a movie star


36. Had sex in a pool


37. Went to a prom


37. Bungee jumped


38. Have been to a concert


39. Have dated someone for over a year


40. Sold naked pictures of myself


41. Have been in a car accident


42. Have slept in the nude


43. Eaten cheesecake


44. Had jury duty


45. Hated someone without knowing them


46. Have been to Maine


47. Shot a real gun


48. I've ran around with my trousers around my ankles


49. I've had sex with someone within a week of meeting them


50. Done ecstasy


51. Gotten my ass kicked


52. Caught smoking


53. Tipped a cow


54. Got in a verbal fight with a teacher


55. Cheated on someone


56. Lied one time in this survey


57. Lied more then once in this survey


58. Threw a party at a friends house when they were gone


59. Partied every weekend for the last month


60. Sniffed markers to get high


61. Slept for more than 15 hours at a time


62. Petted a live tiger


63. Kissed someone in the snow


64. Found a four leaf clover


65. Gave your parents the finger behind a closed door and behind their backs


66. Gotten drunk in Germany


67. Cried in public


68. Cried in public in the last 5 days


69. Been hit on by a member of the same sex


71. Have unknowingly been the other man/woman in a relationship


72. Have knowingly been the other man/woman in a relationship


75. Saved a friend from a bad situation


76. Went to a baseball game


77. Went to a football game


78. Went to a basketball game


79. Spent a weekend's at a friends


80. Sucked my thumb


81 Purposefully failed a grade


82. Got picked on in school


83. Dressed like the popular kids


84. Joined the military


85. Been to the beach


86. Had a TY Beanie collection


87. Had a blonde moment


90. Gotten along with a step-parent


91. Gotten a piercing


92. Told a friend you didn't like their boyfriend/girlfriend


93. Confronted your parents


94. And lived to see the next day


95. Liked Barney


96. Liked Teletubbies


97. Bought a friend a gift


98. And still haven't sent it yet


99. Is innocent


100. Is perverted


101. Bought something but never used it


102. Held a tarantula


103. Taken a candlelit bath with someone


104. Said "I love you" and meant it


105. Hugged a tree


106. Done a striptease


107. Learned Latin


108. Visited Paris


109. Watched a lightning storm at sea


110. Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise


111. Seen the Northern Lights


112. Gone to a huge sports game


113. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa


114. Grown and eaten your own vegetables


115. Touched an iceberg


116. Slept under the stars


117. Changed a baby's diaper


118. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon


119. Watched a meteor shower


120. Gotten drunk on champagne


121. Given more than you can afford to charity


122. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope


123. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment


124. Had a food fight


125. Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier


126. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can


127. Held a lamb


128. Enacted a favorite fantasy


129. Taken a midnight skinny dip


130. Taken an ice cold bath


131. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar.


132. Ridden a roller coaster


133. Seen a shooting star


134. Hit a home run


135. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days


136. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking


137. Adopted an accent for an entire day


138. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors


139. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment


139. Had two hard drives for your computer


140. Visited all 50 states


141. Loved your job for all accounts


143. Had enough money to be truly satisfied


144. Have amazing friends


145. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country


146. Watched wild whales


147. Stolen a sign


148. Backpacked in Europe


149. Taken a road-trip


150. Rock climbing


151. Lied to foreign government's official in that country to avoid notice


152. Midnight walk on the beach


153. Sky diving


154. Visited Ireland


155. Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love


156. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them


157. Benchpressed your own weight


158. Milked a cow


159. Alphabetized your records


160. Pretended to be a superhero


161. Sung karaoke


162. Lounged around in bed all day


163. Posed nude in front of strangers


164. Scuba diving


165. Got it on to "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye


166. Kissed in the rain


167. Played in the mud


168. Played in the rain


169. Gone to a drive-in theater


170. Done something you should regret, but don't regret it


171. Visited the Great Wall of China


172. Discovered that someone who's not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog


173. Dropped Windows in favor of something better


174. Started a business


175. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken


176. Toured ancient sites


177. Taken a martial arts class


178. Swordfought for the honor of a woman


179. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight


180. Gotten married


181. Been in a movie


182. Crashed a party


183. Loved someone you shouldn't have


184. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy


185. Gotten divorced


186. Had sex at the office/workplace


187. Gone without food for 5 days


188. Made cookies from scratch


189. Won first prize in a costume contest


190. Ridden a gondola in Venice


191. Gotten a tattoo


192. Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on


193. Rafted the Snake River


194. Been on television news programs as an "expert"


195. Got flowers for no reason


196. Got so drunk you don't remember anything


197. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug


198. Performed on stage


199. Been to Las Vegas


200. Recorded music


201. Eaten alligator


202. Had a one-night stand


203. Gone to Thailand


204. Seen Siouxsie live


205. Bought a house


206. Been in a combat zone


207. Buried one/both of your parents


208. Spoken more than one language fluently


209. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone


210. Bounced a check


211. Performed in Rocky Horror


212. Read - and understood - your credit report


213. Raised children


214. Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy


215. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour


216. Created and named your own constellation of stars


217. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country


218. Found out something significant that your ancestors did


219a. Called or written a former president


219b. Had them write back


220. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over


221. ... more than once?


222. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge


223. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking


224. Had an abortion or your female partner did


225. Had plastic surgery


225. Survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived


226. Wrote articles for a large publication


227. Lost over 100 pounds


228. Petted a stingray


229. Broken someone's heart


230. Helped an animal give birth


231. Been fired or laid off from a job


232. Won money on a TV game show


233. Broken a bone


234. Killed a human being


235. Gone on an African photo safari


236. Ridden a motorcycle


237. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100mph


238. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced


239. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild


240. Ridden a horse


241. Had major surgery


242. Had sex on a moving train


243. Had a snake as a pet


244. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon


245. Slept through an entire europe flight


246. Had your picture in the newspaper


247. Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime


248. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about


249. Gotten someone fired for their actions


250. Gone back to school


251. Parasailed


252. Changed your name


253. Petted a cockroach


254. Eaten fried green tomatoes


255. Read The Iliad


256. Selected one "important" author who you missed in school, and read


257. Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them


258. ... and gotten 86'ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you


259. Taught yourself art from scratch


260. Killed and prepared an animal for eating


261. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt


262. Skipped all your school reunions


263. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language


264. Been elected to public office


265. Written your own computer language


266. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream


267. Had to put someone you love into hospice care


268. Built your own PC from parts


269. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you


270. Had a booth at a street fair


271. Dyed your hair


272. Been a DJ


273. Found out someone was going to dump you via LiveJournal


274. Written your own role playing game


275. Had sex in almost all the rooms but one in your house.

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Bold all things you have done, italicize things you would like to do in a lifetime.



1. Had sex


2. Have kissed a member of the opposite sex


3. Have kissed a member of the same sex


4. Crashed a friend's car


5. Have been to Japan


6. Rode in a taxi


7. Have been in love


10. Shoplifted


11. Have been fired


12. Have cut myself on purpose


13. Have been in a fist fight


14. Had a 3-some


15. Snuck out of my parent's house


16. Have been tied up


18. Have been arrested


19. Made out with a stranger


20. Stolen something from my job


21. Celebrated New Year's in Times Square


22. Gone on a blind date


23. Had a crush on a teacher :P


24. Celebrated Mardi-Gras in New Orleans


25. Been to Europe


26. Skipped school (class at least)


27. Slept with a co-worker


28. Have thrown up in a bar


29. Have purposely set myself on fire


30. I have eaten sushi


31. Been snowboarding


32. Been skiing


33. Have made a snow angel


34. Have been happy with myself


35. Have met a movie star


36. Had sex in a pool (i hear it's really uncomfortable)


37. Went to a prom


37. Bungee jumped


38. Have been to a concert


39. Have dated someone for over a year


40. Sold naked pictures of myself


41. Have been in a car accident


42. Have slept in the nude


43. Eaten cheesecake


44. Had jury duty


45. Hated someone without knowing them


46. Have been to Maine


47. Shot a real gun


48. I've ran around with my trousers around my ankles


49. I've had sex with someone within a week of meeting them (it wasn't quite sex.)


50. Done ecstasy


51. Gotten my ass kicked


52. Caught smoking


53. Tipped a cow


54. Got in a verbal fight with a teacher


55. Cheated on someone


56. Lied one time in this survey


57. Lied more then once in this survey


58. Threw a party at a friends house when they were gone (we were THIS close!)


59. Partied every weekend for the last month


60. Sniffed markers to get high


61. Slept for more than 15 hours at a time


62. Petted a live tiger


63. Kissed someone in the snow


64. Found a four leaf clover


65. Gave your parents the finger behind a closed door and behind their backs


66. Gotten drunk in Germany


67. Cried in public


68. Cried in public in the last 5 days


69. Been hit on by a member of the same sex


71. Have unknowingly been the other man/woman in a relationship


72. Have knowingly been the other man/woman in a relationship


75. Saved a friend from a bad situation


76. Went to a baseball game


77. Went to a football game


78. Went to a basketball game


79. Spent a weekend's at a friends


80. Sucked my thumb


81 Purposefully failed a grade


82. Got picked on in school


83. Dressed like the popular kids


84. Joined the military


85. Been to the beach


86. Had a TY Beanie collection


87. Had a blonde moment


90. Gotten along with a step-parent


91. Gotten a piercing


92. Told a friend you didn't like their boyfriend/girlfriend


93. Confronted your parents


94. And lived to see the next day


95. Liked Barney


96. Liked Teletubbies


97. Bought a friend a gift


98. And still haven't sent it yet


99. Is innocent


100. Is perverted


101. Bought something but never used it


102. Held a tarantula


103. Taken a candlelit bath with someone


104. Said "I love you" and meant it


105. Hugged a tree


106. Done a striptease


107. Learned Latin


108. Visited Paris


109. Watched a lightning storm at sea


110. Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise


111. Seen the Northern Lights


112. Gone to a huge sports game


113. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa


114. Grown and eaten your own vegetables


115. Touched an iceberg


116. Slept under the stars


117. Changed a baby's diaper


118. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon


119. Watched a meteor shower


120. Gotten drunk on champagne


121. Given more than you can afford to charity


122. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope


123. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment


124. Had a food fight


125. Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier


126. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can


127. Held a lamb


128. Enacted a favorite fantasy


129. Taken a midnight skinny dip


130. Taken an ice cold bath


131. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar.


132. Ridden a roller coaster


133. Seen a shooting star


134. Hit a home run


135. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days


136. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking


137. Adopted an accent for an entire day


138. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors


139. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment


139. Had two hard drives for your computer


140. Visited all 50 states


141. Loved your job for all accounts


143. Had enough money to be truly satisfied


144. Have amazing friends


145. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country


146. Watched wild whales


147. Stolen a sign


148. Backpacked in Europe


149. Taken a road-trip


150. Rock climbing


151. Lied to foreign government's official in that country to avoid notice


152. Midnight walk on the beach


153. Sky diving


154. Visited Ireland


155. Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love


156. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them


157. Benchpressed your own weight


158. Milked a cow


159. Alphabetized your records


160. Pretended to be a superhero


161. Sung karaoke


162. Lounged around in bed all day


163. Posed nude in front of strangers


164. Scuba diving


165. Got it on to "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye


166. Kissed in the rain


167. Played in the mud


168. Played in the rain


169. Gone to a drive-in theater


170. Done something you should regret, but don't regret it


171. Visited the Great Wall of China


172. Discovered that someone who's not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog


173. Dropped Windows in favor of something better


174. Started a business


175. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken


176. Toured ancient sites


177. Taken a martial arts class


178. Swordfought for the honor of a woman


179. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight


180. Gotten married


181. Been in a movie


182. Crashed a party


183. Loved someone you shouldn't have


184. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy


185. Gotten divorced


186. Had sex at the office/workplace


187. Gone without food for 5 days (i was sick)


188. Made cookies from scratch


189. Won first prize in a costume contest


190. Ridden a gondola in Venice


191. Gotten a tattoo


192. Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on


193. Rafted the Snake River


194. Been on television news programs as an "expert"


195. Got flowers for no reason


196. Got so drunk you don't remember anything


197. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug


198. Performed on stage


199. Been to Las Vegas


200. Recorded music


201. Eaten alligator


202. Had a one-night stand


203. Gone to Thailand


204. Seen Siouxsie live


205. Bought a house


206. Been in a combat zone


207. Buried one/both of your parents


208. Spoken more than one language fluently


209. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone


210. Bounced a check


211. Performed in Rocky Horror


212. Read - and understood - your credit report


213. Raised children


214. Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy


215. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour


216. Created and named your own constellation of stars


217. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country


218. Found out something significant that your ancestors did


219a. Called or written a former president


219b. Had them write back


220. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over


221. ... more than once?


222. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge


223. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking


224. Had an abortion or your female partner did


225. Had plastic surgery


225. Survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived


226. Wrote articles for a large publication


227. Lost over 100 pounds


228. Petted a stingray


229. Broken someone's heart


230. Helped an animal give birth


231. Been fired or laid off from a job


232. Won money on a TV game show


233. Broken a bone


234. Killed a human being


235. Gone on an African photo safari


236. Ridden a motorcycle


237. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100mph


238. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced


239. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild


240. Ridden a horse


241. Had major surgery


242. Had sex on a moving train


243. Had a snake as a pet


244. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon


245. Slept through an entire Europe flight


246. Had your picture in the newspaper


247. Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime


248. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about


249. Gotten someone fired for their actions


250. Gone back to school


251. Parasailed


252. Changed your name


253. Petted a cockroach


254. Eaten fried green tomatoes


255. Read The Iliad


256. Selected one "important" author who you missed in school, and read


257. Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them


258. ... and gotten 86'ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you


259. Taught yourself art from scratch


260. Killed and prepared an animal for eating


261. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt


262. Skipped all your school reunions


263. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language


264. Been elected to public office


265. Written your own computer language


266. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream


267. Had to put someone you love into hospice care


268. Built your own PC from parts


269. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you


270. Had a booth at a street fair


271. Dyed your hair


272. Been a DJ


273. Found out someone was going to dump you via LiveJournal


274. Written your own role playing game


275. Had sex in almost all the rooms but one in your house.

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Do you still talk to your FIRST love?: ha.

What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?: ummmm not sure.

What was your FIRST job?: my aunt's catering business

What was your FIRST car?: oh, dont get me started.

Who was the FIRST person to text you today?: my friend sophia.

Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?: idk lol

Who was your FIRST grade teacher?: mrs fletcher.

Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?: Myrtle Beach for cheerleading nationals

Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?: adam, no:( he moved to florida.

Where was your FIRST sleep over?: hmmm i dont remember

Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?: my mom

Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?: my parent's

What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?: put in my contacts

What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?: spice girls.

FIRST broken bone?: never had one *knock on wood*

FIRST piercing?: ears

FIRST foreign country you've gone to?: none

FIRST movie you remember seeing?: wizard of oz.

When was your FIRST detention?: in 8th grade.

Who was your FIRST roommate?: my sister, i guess haha

If you had one wish, what would it be?: - 35 pounds.

What is something you would learn if you had the chance?: violin.

Did you marry the FIRST person to ask for your hand in marriage/ you asked to marry?: well no ones ever asked me to marry them and ive never proposed to someone.

What was the first sport you were involved in?: COMPETITIVE cheerleading, it IS a sport and don't tell me it's not.

What were the first lessons you ever took?: irish dancing.

What is the first thing you do when you get home?: let the dogs out

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Do you still talk to your FIRST love?: Well..


What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?: Probably a sip of my dad's beer.


What was your FIRST job?: I'll tell you when I have it.


What was your FIRST car?: n/a


Who was the FIRST person to text you today?: No one, yet. We're only thirty minutes in.


Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?: John, since we're talking.


Who was your FIRST grade teacher?: Mrs. Grahame


Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?: Spain.


Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?: Sophie. Very rarely.


Where was your FIRST sleep over?: Katie's house, or my nana's if that counts.


Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?: John.


Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?: Lee and Amanda's.


What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?: Log out of pf and back in. :shifty:


What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?: Steps.


FIRST broken bone?: Pinky.


FIRST piercing?: Ears.


FIRST foreign country you've gone to?: Scotland, or Spain.


FIRST movie you remember seeing?: Toy Story.


When was your FIRST detention?: Year 6.


Who was your FIRST roommate?: I suppose it was my sister.


If you had one wish, what would it be?: For it to be out there and accepted.


What is something you would learn if you had the chance?: Bass.


Did you marry the FIRST person to ask for your hand in marriage/ you asked to marry?: Uhm.


What was the first sport you were involved in?: Gymnastics.


What were the first lessons you ever took?: Gymnastics?


What is the first thing you do when you get home?: Greet my dogs and mam, if she's in.

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01. Have you ever really cried your heart out? yes

02. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? nope

04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex? no

05. Do you cry when you get an injury? never.

06. Do certain songs make you cry? yes



01. Are you a happy person? errr, sometimes

02. What can always make you happy? friends

03. Do you wish you were happier? yep

04. Is being happy overrated? no

05. Can music make you happy? yep



01. Who do you actually hate? umm, a couple of girls in my hair (THE OTHER REBECCA I WANNA RIP EVERY HAIR ON HER HEAD OUT GRR!)

02. Have you ever made a hate list? nope

03. Have you ever been on a hate list? not sure

04. Are you a mean bully? no

05. Do you hate George Bush? uhh, why not.



[ ] Been to a rave. (not yet)

[ ] Ridden in a taxi.

[ ] Jumped a ramp with a bike.

[x] Been used.

[x] Ran from the cops. (burning newspaper in an alley, then accidentally setting a mattress/dumpster fire, oh the joys.

[ ] Been fired.

[ ] Sneaked into a movie.

[ ] Got hit by a car.

[ ] Fired a real gun.

[ ] Sneaked out of someone's house.

[ ] Been arrested.

[ ] Gone in a mosh pit.

[x] Stolen something from my school.

[ ] Celebrated New Year's in Times Square or Disney World.

[ ] Gone on a blind date.

[ ] Had a crush on a teacher.

[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

[ ] Been to Europe.

[ ] Been to Australia.

[ ] Been to Hawaii.

[ ] Skipped school.

[ ] Played Clue.

[x] Had a sleepover.

[x] Gone ice skating. (I had bruises for weeks.)

[ ] Been cheated on.

[ ] Had your tonsils out.

[ ] Have / had a TRUCK.

[ ] Driven a car.

[ ] Totaled a car.

[ ] Been flashed.



[x] Feel loved.

[x] Feel lonely.

[ ] Feel happy.

[x] Have a dog.

[x] Sing along with your music.

[ ] Listen to Hawaiian music.

[x] Listen to rock.

[ ] Listen to Christian music.

[ ] Have hobbies.

[ ] Skateboard.

[ ] Snowboard.

[ ] Get good grades

[x] Play an instrument.

[x] Have slippers.

[ ] Wear boxers.

[x] Like to read.

[ ] Have long hair.

[x] Have medium-length hair.

[ ] Have short hair.

[ ] Have a laptop.

[ ] Have a pager.

[ ] Have a cell phone.



[x] Bored.

[ ] Happy.

[ ] Upset.

[ ] Blue.

[ ] Blonde.

[x] Brunette.

[ ] Redhead.

[ ] Samoan.

[ ] Filipino.

[ ] Korean.

[ ] French.

[x] American.

[ ] Italian.

[ ] Black.

[ ] Mexican.

[ ] Asian.

[ ] Hawaiian.

[ ] Czech

[x] Irish.

[ ] German.

[ ] Swedish.

[x] Native American.

[ ] Austrian.

[ ] Russian.

[ ] Norwegian.

[ ] Danish.

[ ] Hispanic.

[ ] Greek.

[ ] Hindu.

[x] Other.

[ ] Scientologist.

[ ] Agnostic.

[x] Atheist.

[ ] Satanist. I know one

[ ] Jewish.

[ ] Religiously Confused.

[ ] Christian.

[ ] Catholic.

[x] Short.

[ ] Average.

[ ] Tall.

[x] Realistic.

[ ] Emotional person.

[x] Missing someone.

[ ] Scared to die.

[ ] Buzzed.

[ ] High.

[ ] Caffeinated.

[ ]Annoyed.

[ ] Hungry.

[ ] Thirsty.

[ ] On the phone.

[ ] In your room.

[x] Drinking something. (and I just spilled it on myself)

[ ] Eating something.

[ ] Very ticklish.

[ ] Listening to music.

[ ] Watching a movie.



01. What is your current hair like? awkward

02. What’s your natural hair colour? medium brown

03. What colour are your eyes? uhhh, not exactly sure.

04. Current piercings? ears

05. Straight hair or curls? has a very slight wave to it.



01. Shirt? a long sleeve, a uniform school shirt and a hoodie thats almost exactly like my uniform.

02. Shorts? no

03. Shoes? yup

04. Underwear? of course

05. Necklaces? no



01. Rock or rap? rock

03. Wild night out or romantic night in? dunno

04. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate

05. Hummer or sports car? hummer

06. Bracelet or necklace? bracelet

07. History or Science? history, def.

08. Sleep in or early to rise? sleep in

09. Beach or boardwalk? boardwalk

10. Hoodie or T-Shirt? hoodie with a t-shirt under it.

11. Night or day? night

12. High school or college? uhhh, I wouldn't know

13. California or Florida? Florida

14. Love at first sight or learn to love? learn to love, I guess.



01. Hugged someone? yes

02. Been on the phone until the sun came up? pretty darn close. 1am till 3:30 am with Crissy FTW.

03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? nope

04. Laughed so hard, you peed in your pants? yup.



01. Person you talked to in person? mom

02. Person you talked to on MySpace? don't use myspace

03. Person you talked to on the phone? uhhh, Taves or Cris.

04. Person you texted on the phone? no one

05. Person you talked to on IM? no one.



01. Do you like surveys? yes

02. What kind of shampoo do you use? suave coconut scented stuff ATM.

03. Do you get along with your parents? yeah

04. Do you have mental breakdowns? yes

05. Did you ever fake being sick? yes



Is your hair up? no

Is your phone right beside you? no

Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? nope.

Do you miss someone? yes (AUNT SALLY!)

Do you wish you were somewhere else? yes

Do you have plans for tonight? nope

Are you wearing makeup? no

Are you wearing chapstick? not right now

Are you cold? nope

Are you tired? kinda

Are you excited? no

Are you watching TV? no

Are you wearing pajamas? now I am.



Anything you regret? yes

Ever lied? yes

Ever stuck gum under a desk? nope

Ever spit at someone? m&ms at a girl who was annoying me.

Ever kick something living? some guys in my class.

Ever had your nails done? no

Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? yep.



Have you yelled at someone? yep

Have you gotten mad at someone? yes

Have you cried? nope

Have you called more than 3 people? no

Have you IMed more than 3 people? no

Have you gotten laid? lolwut? nah.

Have you eaten anything gross? kinda



01. First thing you did this morning? yelled at my mom

02. Last thing you ate? some mexican steak taco mini things.

03. Is your cell phone a piece of crap? don't have one.

04. What's something you're looking forward to in the next 6 weeks? Christmas

05. What's annoying you right now? not much

06. What's the last movie you saw? uhh, not sure

07. Do you believe in long-distance relationships? sure

08. Is there a person who is on your mind right now? nope

09. Where is the last place you went? school



Do you still talk to your FIRST love?: don't have one


What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?: a sip of my ma's beer.


What was your FIRST job?: haven't had one yet.


What was your FIRST car?: n/a


Who was the FIRST person to text you today?:no one


Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?: my mom


Who was your FIRST grade teacher?:uhhhh, Ms. Archuleta


Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?: n/a


Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?: Deserie, from when i was 4. I saw her last in 1st grade.


Where was your FIRST sleep over?: probably at Celia's or my cuz's.


Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?: my mom


Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?: no ones..


What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?: yelled.


What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?: Haven't gone to one yet.


FIRST broken bone?: haven't broken one yet.


FIRST piercing?: Ears.


FIRST foreign country you've gone to?: n/a


FIRST movie you remember seeing?: uhhhh.


When was your FIRST detention?: dunno


Who was your FIRST roommate?: my sis I guess.


If you had one wish, what would it be?: dunno.


What is something you would learn if you had the chance?: guitar or piano


Did you marry the FIRST person to ask for your hand in marriage/ you asked to marry?: haha.


What was the first sport you were involved in?: no clue


What were the first lessons you ever took?: uhhh, dunno


What is the first thing you do when you get home?: get on here


1. Had sex


2. Have kissed a member of the opposite sex


3. Have kissed a member of the same sex


4. Crashed a friend's car


5. Have been to Japan


6. Rode in a taxi


7. Have been in love


10. Shoplifted


11. Have been fired


12. Have cut myself on purpose y'all making me spill my life. forced myself to stop last month cause of a deep cut psychiatrist thingy. grr.


13. Have been in a fist fight


14. Had a 3-some


15. Snuck out of my parent's house


16. Have been tied up


18. Have been arrested


19. Made out with a stranger


20. Stolen something from my job


21. Celebrated New Year's in Times Square


22. Gone on a blind date


23. Had a crush on a teacher


24. Celebrated Mardi-Gras in New Orleans


25. Been to Europe


26. Skipped school


27. Slept with a co-worker


28. Have thrown up in a bar


29. Have purposely set myself on fire


30. I have eaten sushi


31. Been snowboarding


32. Been skiing


33. Have made a snow angel


34. Have been happy with myself


35. Have met a movie star


36. Had sex in a pool


37. Went to a prom


37. Bungee jumped


38. Have been to a concert


39. Have dated someone for over a year


40. Sold naked pictures of myself


41. Have been in a car accident


42. Have slept in the nude


43. Eaten cheesecake


44. Had jury duty


45. Hated someone without knowing them


46. Have been to Maine


47. Shot a real gun


48. I've ran around with my trousers around my ankles


49. I've had sex with someone within a week of meeting them


50. Done ecstasy


51. Gotten my ass kicked


52. Caught smoking


53. Tipped a cow


54. Got in a verbal fight with a teacher


55. Cheated on someone


56. Lied one time in this survey


57. Lied more then once in this survey


58. Threw a party at a friends house when they were gone


59. Partied every weekend for the last month


60. Sniffed markers to get high


61. Slept for more than 15 hours at a time


62. Petted a live tiger


63. Kissed someone in the snow


64. Found a four leaf clover


65. Gave your parents the finger behind a closed door and behind their backs


66. Gotten drunk in Germany


67. Cried in public


68. Cried in public in the last 5 days


69. Been hit on by a member of the same sex


71. Have unknowingly been the other man/woman in a relationship


72. Have knowingly been the other man/woman in a relationship


75. Saved a friend from a bad situation


76. Went to a baseball game


77. Went to a football game


78. Went to a basketball game


79. Spent a weekend at a friend's


80. Sucked my thumb


81 Purposefully failed a grade


82. Got picked on in school


83. Dressed like the popular kids


84. Joined the military


85. Been to the beach


86. Had a TY Beanie collection


87. Had a blonde moment


90. Gotten along with a step-parent


91. Gotten a piercing


92. Told a friend you didn't like their boyfriend/girlfriend


93. Confronted your parents


94. And lived to see the next day


95. Liked Barney


96. Liked Teletubbies


97. Bought a friend a gift


98. And still haven't sent it yet


99. Is innocent


100. Is perverted


101. Bought something but never used it


102. Held a tarantula


103. Taken a candlelit bath with someone


104. Said "I love you" and meant it


105. Hugged a tree


106. Done a striptease


107. Learned Latin


108. Visited Paris


109. Watched a lightning storm at sea


110. Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise


111. Seen the Northern Lights


112. Gone to a huge sports game


113. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa


114. Grown and eaten your own vegetables


115. Touched an iceberg


116. Slept under the stars


117. Changed a baby's diaper


118. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon


119. Watched a meteor shower


120. Gotten drunk on champagne


121. Given more than you can afford to charity


122. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope


123. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment


124. Had a food fight


125. Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier


126. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can


127. Held a lamb


128. Enacted a favorite fantasy


129. Taken a midnight skinny dip when I'm 21 with cris. ONE DAY, SON.


130. Taken an ice cold bath


131. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar.


132. Ridden a roller coaster


133. Seen a shooting star


134. Hit a home run


135. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days


136. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking


137. Adopted an accent for an entire day


138. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors


139. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment


139. Had two hard drives for your computer


140. Visited all 50 states


141. Loved your job for all accounts


143. Had enough money to be truly satisfied


144. Have amazing friends


145. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country


146. Watched wild whales


147. Stolen a sign


148. Backpacked in Europe


149. Taken a road-trip


150. Rock climbing


151. Lied to foreign government's official in that country to avoid notice


152. Midnight walk on the beach

153. Sky diving


154. Visited Ireland


155. Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love


156. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them


157. Benchpressed your own weight


158. Milked a cow


159. Alphabetized your records


160. Pretended to be a superhero


161. Sung karaoke


162. Lounged around in bed all day


163. Posed nude in front of strangers


164. Scuba diving


165. Got it on to "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye


166. Kissed in the rain


167. Played in the mud


168. Played in the rain


169. Gone to a drive-in theater


170. Done something you should regret, but don't regret it


171. Visited the Great Wall of China


172. Discovered that someone who's not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog


173. Dropped Windows in favor of something better


174. Started a business


175. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken


176. Toured ancient sites


177. Taken a martial arts class


178. Swordfought for the honor of a woman HELL YUS.


179. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight


180. Gotten married


181. Been in a movie


182. Crashed a party


183. Loved someone you shouldn't have


184. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy


185. Gotten divorced


186. Had sex at the office/workplace


187. Gone without food for 5 days


188. Made cookies from scratch


189. Won first prize in a costume contest


190. Ridden a gondola in Venice


191. Gotten a tattoo

192. Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on


193. Rafted the Snake River


194. Been on television news programs as an "expert"


195. Got flowers for no reason


196. Got so drunk you don't remember anything


197. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug


198. Performed on stage


199. Been to Las Vegas


200. Recorded music


201. Eaten alligator


202. Had a one-night stand


203. Gone to Thailand


204. Seen Siouxsie live


205. Bought a house


206. Been in a combat zone


207. Buried one/both of your parents


208. Spoken more than one language fluently


209. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone


210. Bounced a check


211. Performed in Rocky Horror


212. Read - and understood - your credit report


213. Raised children


214. Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy


215. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour


216. Created and named your own constellation of stars


217. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country


218. Found out something significant that your ancestors did


219a. Called or written a former president


219b. Had them write back


220. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over


221. ... more than once?


222. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge


223. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking


224. Had an abortion or your female partner did


225. Had plastic surgery


225. Survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived


226. Wrote articles for a large publication


227. Lost over 100 pounds


228. Petted a stingray


229. Broken someone's heart


230. Helped an animal give birth


231. Been fired or laid off from a job


232. Won money on a TV game show


233. Broken a bone


234. Killed a human being


235. Gone on an African photo safari


236. Ridden a motorcycle


237. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100mph


238. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced


239. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild


240. Ridden a horse


241. Had major surgery


242. Had sex on a moving train


243. Had a snake as a pet


244. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon


245. Slept through an entire europe flight


246. Had your picture in the newspaper


247. Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime


248. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about


249. Gotten someone fired for their actions


250. Gone back to school


251. Parasailed


252. Changed your name


253. Petted a cockroach


254. Eaten fried green tomatoes


255. Read The Iliad


256. Selected one "important" author who you missed in school, and read


257. Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them


258. ... and gotten 86'ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you


259. Taught yourself art from scratch


260. Killed and prepared an animal for eating


261. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt


262. Skipped all your school reunions


263. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language


264. Been elected to public office


265. Written your own computer language


266. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream


267. Had to put someone you love into hospice care


268. Built your own PC from parts


269. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you


270. Had a booth at a street fair


271. Dyed your hair


272. Been a DJ


273. Found out someone was going to dump you via LiveJournal


274. Written your own role playing game


275. Had sex in almost all the rooms but one in your house

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01. Have you ever really cried your heart out? yes

02. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? no

04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex? yes

05. Do you cry when you get an injury? nope.

06. Do certain songs make you cry? yes



01. Are you a happy person? Yes

02. What can always make you happy? basketball

03. Do you wish you were happier? eh, i'm okay

04. Is being happy overrated? no

05. Can music make you happy? definately



01. Who do you actually hate? Hmm..

02. Have you ever made a hate list? nope

03. Have you ever been on a hate list? more then likely

04. Are you a mean bully? nooo

05. Do you hate George Bush? i can't even pretend like I even care..



[ ] Been to a rave.

[x] Ridden in a taxi.

[x] Jumped a ramp with a bike.

[ ] Been used.

[x] Ran from the cops.

[ ] Been fired.

[x] Sneaked into a movie.

[x] Got hit by a car.

[x] Fired a real gun.

[x] Sneaked out of someone's house.

[ ] Been arrested.

[ ] Gone in a mosh pit.

[x] Stolen something from my school.

[ ] Celebrated New Year's in Times Square or Disney World.

[ ] Gone on a blind date.

[ ] Had a crush on a teacher.

[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

[ ] Been to Europe.

[ ] Been to Australia.

[ ] Been to Hawaii.

[x] Skipped school.

[ ] Played Clue.

[x] Had a sleepover.

[x] Gone ice skating.

[ ] Been cheated on.

[ ] Had your tonsils out.

[ ] Have / had a TRUCK.

[ ] Driven a car.

[ ] Totaled a car.

[x] Been flashed.



[x] Feel loved.

[ ] Feel lonely.

[x] Feel happy.

[ ] Have a dog.

[x] Sing along with your music.

[ ] Listen to Hawaiian music.

[x] Listen to rock.

[ ] Listen to Christian music.

[x] Have hobbies.

[ ] Skateboard.

[x] Snowboard.

[x] Get good grades

[ ] Play an instrument.

[x] Have slippers.

[ ] Wear boxers.

[ ] Like to read.

[ ] Have long hair.

[x] Have medium-length hair.

[ ] Have short hair.

[x] Have a laptop.

[ ] Have a pager.

[x] Have a cell phone.



[ ] Bored.

[x] Happy.

[ ] Upset.

[ ] Blue.

[ ] Blonde.

[ ] Brunette.

[x] Redhead.

[ ] Samoan.

[ ] Filipino.

[ ] Korean.

[ ] French.

[x] American.

[ ] Italian.

[ ] Black.

[ ] Mexican.

[ ] Asian.

[ ] Hawaiian.

[ ] Czech

[x] Irish.

[ ] German.

[ ] Swedish.

[ ] Native American.

[ ] Austrian.

[ ] Russian.

[ ] Norwegian.

[ ] Danish.

[ ] Hispanic.

[ ] Greek.

[ ] Hindu.

[ ] Other.

[ ] Scientologist.

[ ] Agnostic.

[ ] Atheist.

[ ] Satanist. I know one

[ ] Jewish.

[ ] Religiously Confused.

[x] Christian.

[x] Catholic.

[x] Short.

[ ] Average.

[ ] Tall.

[x] Realistic.

[ ] Emotional person.

[ ] Missing someone.

[ ] Scared to die.

[ ] Buzzed.

[ ] High.

[ ] Caffeinated.

[ ] Annoyed.

[ ] Hungry.

[x] Thirsty.

[ ] On the phone.

[ ] In your room.

[x] Drinking something.

[ ] Eating something.

[x] Very ticklish.

[ ] Listening to music.

[ ] Watching a movie.



01. What is your current hair like? wrapped up in a towel, wetness.

02. What’s your natural hair colour? red.

03. What colour are your eyes? blue.

04. Current piercings? none

05. Straight hair or curls? curly after wet.



01. Shirt? sweaterrrr

02. Shorts? yes

03. Shoes? no

04. Underwear? of course

05. Necklaces? no



01. Rock or rap? rock

03. Wild night out or romantic night in? hm. good question.

04. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate

05. Hummer or sports car? can't drive so I don't care.

06. Bracelet or necklace? bracelet

07. History or Science? i hate both.

08. Sleep in or early to rise? sleep in

09. Beach or boardwalk? boardwalk

10. Hoodie or T-Shirt? both

11. Night or day? night

12. High school or college? I vote high school.

13. California or Florida? Caliiiii.

14. Love at first sight or learn to love? I hate hard questions.



01. Hugged someone? yes

02. Been on the phone until the sun came up? yes

03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? no

04. Laughed so hard, you peed in your pants? not quite.



01. Person you talked to in person? my daddy

02. Person you talked to on MySpace? i thinkkkkk kasey.

03. Person you talked to on the phone? either Kenny or Lauren

04. Person you texted on the phone? Catie

05. Person you talked to on IM? Don't use IM.



01. Do you like surveys? yes

02. What kind of shampoo do you use? I switch around a lot.

03. Do you get along with your parents? Yes and No.

04. Do you have mental breakdowns? Yes.

05. Did you ever fake being sick? Yes.



Is your hair up? does in a towel count?

Is your phone right beside you? yes

Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? not anymore.

Do you miss someone? nah.

Do you wish you were somewhere else? nooo

Do you have plans for tonight? I'm done my plans

Are you wearing makeup? no

Are you wearing chapstick? no

Are you cold? yes

Are you tired? exhausted

Are you excited? yes

Are you watching TV? yes

Are you wearing pajamas? yes



Anything you regret? yes

Ever lied? yes

Ever stuck gum under a desk? yucky

Ever spit at someone? no because spit (even my own) sickens me.

Ever kick something living? yes.

Ever had your nails done? no

Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? noo



Have you yelled at someone? yep

Have you gotten mad at someone? yes

Have you cried? no

Have you called more than 3 people? yes

Have you IMed more than 3 people? no

Have you gotten laid? no, whore.

Have you eaten anything gross? no



01. First thing you did this morning? brushed my teeps.

02. Last thing you ate? grapes.

03. Is your cell phone a piece of crap? nah.

04. What's something you're looking forward to in the next 6 weeks? Christmas and snow.

05. What's annoying you right now? nothing

06. What's the last movie you saw? Julie and Julia

07. Do you believe in long-distance relationships? idk

08. Is there a person who is on your mind right now? nah

09. Where is the last place you went? Kristen's.



Do you still talk to your FIRST love?: Eh.


What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?: Coors Lightttt


What was your FIRST job?: I ref soccer.


What was your FIRST car?: I wish.


Who was the FIRST person to text you today?: Julie


Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?: my granny


Who was your FIRST grade teacher?: Mrs. Shannon. I hated her.


Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?: When i was like 9 months old.


Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?: Gregggggg<3!


Where was your FIRST sleep over?: Probably Jacqueline's...


Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?: my sister


Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?: My cousin's.


What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?: Growled liek a bear.


FIRST broken bone?: femur


FIRST piercing?: ears


FIRST foreign country you've gone to?: none


FIRST movie you remember seeing?: Not a clue


When was your FIRST detention?: Two years ago


Who was your FIRST roommate?: none, thankfully.


If you had one wish, what would it be?: this survey to not be so long.


What is something you would learn if you had the chance?: more about life.


Did you marry the FIRST person to ask for your hand in marriage/ you asked to marry?: haha.


What was the first sport you were involved in?: basketball


What is the first thing you do when you get home?: throw my bag on the floor.


1. Had sex


2. Have kissed a member of the opposite sex


3. Have kissed a member of the same sex


4. Crashed a friend's car


5. Have been to Japan


6. Rode in a taxi


7. Have been in love


10. Shoplifted


11. Have been fired


12. Have cut myself on purpose


13. Have been in a fist fight


14. Had a 3-some


15. Snuck out of my parent's house


16. Have been tied up


18. Have been arrested


19. Made out with a stranger


20. Stolen something from my job


21. Celebrated New Year's in Times Square


22. Gone on a blind date


23. Had a crush on a teacher


24. Celebrated Mardi-Gras in New Orleans


25. Been to Europe


26. Skipped school


27. Slept with a co-worker


28. Have thrown up in a bar


29. Have purposely set myself on fire


30. I have eaten sushi


31. Been snowboarding


32. Been skiing

33. Have made a snow angel


34. Have been happy with myself


35. Have met a movie star


36. Had sex in a pool


37. Went to a prom


37. Bungee jumped

38. Have been to a concert


39. Have dated someone for over a year


40. Sold naked pictures of myself


41. Have been in a car accident


42. Have slept in the nude


43. Eaten cheesecake


44. Had jury duty


45. Hated someone without knowing them


46. Have been to Maine


47. Shot a real gun


48. I've ran around with my trousers around my ankles


49. I've had sex with someone within a week of meeting them


50. Done ecstasy


51. Gotten my ass kicked


52. Caught smoking


53. Tipped a cow


54. Got in a verbal fight with a teacher


55. Cheated on someone


56. Lied one time in this survey


57. Lied more then once in this survey


58. Threw a party at a friends house when they were gone


59. Partied every weekend for the last month


60. Sniffed markers to get high


61. Slept for more than 15 hours at a time


62. Petted a live tiger


63. Kissed someone in the snow


64. Found a four leaf clover

65. Gave your parents the finger behind a closed door and behind their backs


66. Gotten drunk in Germany


67. Cried in public


68. Cried in public in the last 5 days


69. Been hit on by a member of the same sex


71. Have unknowingly been the other man/woman in a relationship


72. Have knowingly been the other man/woman in a relationship

75. Saved a friend from a bad situation

76. Went to a baseball game


77. Went to a football game


78. Went to a basketball game

79. Spent a weekend at a friend's


80. Sucked my thumb


81. Purposefully failed a grade


82. Got picked on in school


83. Dressed like the popular kids


84. Joined the military


85. Been to the beach


86. Had a TY Beanie collection


87. Had a blonde moment


90. Gotten along with a step-parent


91. Gotten a piercing

92. Told a friend you didn't like their boyfriend/girlfriend


93. Confronted your parents


94. And lived to see the next day


95. Liked Barney


96. Liked Teletubbies

97. Bought a friend a gift


98. And still haven't sent it yet


99. Is innocent


100. Is perverted


101. Bought something but never used it


102. Held a tarantula


103. Taken a candlelit bath with someone

104. Said "I love you" and meant it

105. Hugged a tree


106. Done a striptease


107. Learned Latin


108. Visited Paris


109. Watched a lightning storm at sea


110. Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise


111. Seen the Northern Lights


112. Gone to a huge sports game


113. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa


114. Grown and eaten your own vegetables


115. Touched an iceberg

116. Slept under the stars


117. Changed a baby's diaper


118. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon


119. Watched a meteor shower


120. Gotten drunk on champagne


121. Given more than you can afford to charity


122. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope


123. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment

124. Had a food fight


125. Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier


126. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can


127. Held a lamb


128. Enacted a favorite fantasy


129. Taken a midnight skinny dip


130. Taken an ice cold bath


131. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar.

132. Ridden a roller coaster


133. Seen a shooting star


134. Hit a home run


135. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days


136. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking


137. Adopted an accent for an entire day


138. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors


139. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment


139. Had two hard drives for your computer


140. Visited all 50 states


141. Loved your job for all accounts


143. Had enough money to be truly satisfied


144. Have amazing friends


145. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country


146. Watched wild whales


147. Stolen a sign


148. Backpacked in Europe


149. Taken a road-trip


150. Rock climbing


151. Lied to foreign government's official in that country to avoid notice


152. Midnight walk on the beach


153. Sky diving


154. Visited Ireland


155. Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love


156. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them


157. Benchpressed your own weight


158. Milked a cow


159. Alphabetized your records


160. Pretended to be a superhero


161. Sung karaoke


162. Lounged around in bed all day

163. Posed nude in front of strangers


164. Scuba diving


165. Got it on to "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye


166. Kissed in the rain


167. Played in the mud


168. Played in the rain

169. Gone to a drive-in theater

170. Done something you should regret, but don't regret it


171. Visited the Great Wall of China


172. Discovered that someone who's not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog


173. Dropped Windows in favor of something better


174. Started a business


175. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken


176. Toured ancient sites


177. Taken a martial arts class


178. Swordfought for the honor of a woman


179. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight


180. Gotten married


181. Been in a movie


182. Crashed a party


183. Loved someone you shouldn't have

184. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy


185. Gotten divorced


186. Had sex at the office/workplace


187. Gone without food for 5 days


188. Made cookies from scratch


189. Won first prize in a costume contest


190. Ridden a gondola in Venice


191. Gotten a tattoo


192. Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on


193. Rafted the Snake River


194. Been on television news programs as an "expert"


195. Got flowers for no reason


196. Got so drunk you don't remember anything


197. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug

198. Performed on stage


199. Been to Las Vegas


200. Recorded music

201. Eaten alligator


202. Had a one-night stand


203. Gone to Thailand


204. Seen Siouxsie live


205. Bought a house


206. Been in a combat zone


207. Buried one/both of your parents


208. Spoken more than one language fluently

209. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone


210. Bounced a check


211. Performed in Rocky Horror


212. Read - and understood - your credit report


213. Raised children


214. Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy


215. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour


216. Created and named your own constellation of stars


217. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country


218. Found out something significant that your ancestors did


219a. Called or written a former president


219b. Had them write back


220. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over


221. ... more than once?


222. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge


223. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking


224. Had an abortion or your female partner did


225. Had plastic surgery

225. Survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived


226. Wrote articles for a large publication


227. Lost over 100 pounds


228. Petted a stingray

229. Broken someone's heart


230. Helped an animal give birth


231. Been fired or laid off from a job


232. Won money on a TV game show


233. Broken a bone


234. Killed a human being


235. Gone on an African photo safari


236. Ridden a motorcycle


237. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100mph


238. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced


239. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild


240. Ridden a horse


241. Had major surgery


242. Had sex on a moving train


243. Had a snake as a pet


244. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon


245. Slept through an entire europe flight


246. Had your picture in the newspaper


247. Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime


248. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about


249. Gotten someone fired for their actions


250. Gone back to school


251. Parasailed


252. Changed your name


253. Petted a cockroach


254. Eaten fried green tomatoes


255. Read The Iliad


256. Selected one "important" author who you missed in school, and read


257. Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them


258. ... and gotten 86'ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you


259. Taught yourself art from scratch


260. Killed and prepared an animal for eating


261. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt


262. Skipped all your school reunions


263. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language


264. Been elected to public office


265. Written your own computer language


266. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream


267. Had to put someone you love into hospice care


268. Built your own PC from parts


269. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you


270. Had a booth at a street fair


271. Dyed your hair


272. Been a DJ


273. Found out someone was going to dump you via LiveJournal


274. Written your own role playing game


275. Had sex in almost all the rooms but one in your house

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[ ] Been to a rave.

[x] Ridden in a taxi.

[ ] Jumped a ramp with a bike.

[x] Been used.

[ ] Ran from the cops.

[ ] Been fired.

[ ] Sneaked into a movie.

[ ] Got hit by a car.

[ ] Fired a real gun.

[ ] Sneaked out of someone's house.

[ ] Been arrested.

[ ] Gone in a mosh pit.

[ ] Stolen something from my school.

[ ] Celebrated New Year's in Times Square or Disney World.

[ ] Gone on a blind date.

[x] Had a crush on a teacher.

[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

[ ] Been to Europe.

[ ] Been to Australia.

[ ] Been to Hawaii.

[x] Skipped school.

[ ] Played Clue.

[x] Had a sleepover.

[ ] Gone ice skating.

[ ] Been cheated on.

[ ] Had your tonsils out.

[ ] Have / had a TRUCK.

[ ] Driven a car.

[ ] Totaled a car.

[ ] Been flashed.



[x] Feel loved.

[ ] Feel lonely.

[x] Feel happy.

[x] Have a dog.

[x] Sing along with your music.

[ ] Listen to Hawaiian music.

[x] Listen to rock.

[ ] Listen to Christian music.

[x] Have hobbies.

[ ] Skateboard.

[ ] Snowboard.

[x] Get good grades

[ ] Play an instrument.

[x] Have slippers.

[ ] Wear boxers.

[x] Like to read.

[ ] Have long hair.

[x] Have medium-length hair.

[ ] Have short hair.

[ ] Have a laptop.

[ ] Have a pager.

[x] Have a cell phone.



[x] Bored.

[x] Happy.

[ ] Upset.

[ ] Blue.

[ ] Blonde.

[ ] Brunette.

[ ] Redhead.

[ ] Samoan.

[ ] Filipino.

[ ] Korean.

[ ] French.

[ ] American.

[ ] Italian.

[ ] Black.

[ ] Mexican.

[x] Asian.

[ ] Hawaiian.

[ ] Czech

[ ] Irish.

[ ] German.

[ ] Swedish.

[ ] Native American.

[ ] Austrian.

[ ] Russian.

[ ] Norwegian.

[ ] Danish.

[ ] Hispanic.

[ ] Greek.

[ ] Hindu.

[ ] Other.

[ ] Scientologist.

[ ] Agnostic.

[ ] Atheist.

[ ] Satanist.

[ ] Jewish.

[ ] Religiously Confused.

[ ] Christian.

[ ] Catholic.

[ ] Short.

[x] Average.

[ ] Tall.

[x] Realistic.

[ ] Emotional person.

[x] Missing someone.

[x] Scared to die.

[ ] Buzzed.

[ ] High.

[ ] Caffeinated.

[ ] Annoyed.

[x] Hungry.

[x] Thirsty.

[ ] On the phone.

[ ] In your room.

[ ] Drinking something.

[ ] Eating something.

[x] Very ticklish.

[x] Listening to music.

[ ] Watching a movie.



01. What is your current hair like? mess.

02. What’s your natural hair color? black

03. What color are your eyes? dark brown

04. Current piercings? none

05. Straight hair or curls? straight



01. Shirt? no

02. Shorts? no

03. Shoes? no

04. Underwear? yes

05. Necklaces? yes



01. Rock or rap? rock

03. Wild night out or romantic night in? romantic

04. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate

05. Hummer or sports car? sports car

06. Bracelet or necklace? necklce

07. History or Science? history

08. Sleep in or early to rise? sleep in

09. Beach or boardwalk? beach

10. Hoodie or T-Shirt? both

11. Night or day? night

12. High school or college? high school

13. California or Florida? california

14. Love at first sight or learn to love? learn to love



01. Hugged someone? yes

02. Been on the phone until the sun came up? no

03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? no

04. Laughed so hard, you peed in your pants? no



01. Person you talked to in person: my mom

02. Person you talked to on MySpace? don't have one.

03. Person you talked to on the phone? my dad

04. Person you texted on the phone? my friend.

05. Person you talked to on IM? don't have one.



01. Do you like surveys? yes

02. What kind of shampoo do you use? any

03. Do you get along with your parents? yes

04. Do you have mental breakdowns? no

05. Did you ever fake being sick? yes



Is your hair up? no

Is your phone right beside you? no

Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? no

Do you miss someone? yes

Do you wish you were somewhere else? yes

Do you have plans for tonight? no

Are you wearing makeup? no

Are you wearing chapstick? no

Are you cold? no

Are you tired? no

Are you excited? no

Are you watching TV? no

Are you wearing pajamas? no



Anything you regret? hmm..

Ever lied? yes

Ever stuck gum under a desk? no

Ever spit at someone? idk.

Ever kick something living? no

Ever had your nails done? no

Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? no



Have you yelled at someone? nope

Have you gotten mad at someone? yes

Have you cried? no

Have you called more than 3 people? no

Have you IMed more than 3 people? no

Have you gotten laid? no

Have you eaten anything gross? no



01. First thing you did this morning? watch TV

02. Last thing you ate? marshmallow

03. Is your cell phone a piece of crap? no

04. What's something you're looking forward to in the next 6 weeks? new year

05. What's annoying you right now? nothing

06. What's the last movie you saw? the terminal.

07. Do you believe in long-distance relationships? maybe

08. Is there a person who is on your mind right now? yep

09. Where is the last place you went? bathroom

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1. Had sex


2. Have kissed a member of the opposite sex


3. Have kissed a member of the same sex


4. Crashed a friend's car


5. Have been to Japan


6. Rode in a taxi


7. Have been in love


10. Shoplifted


11. Have been fired


12. Have cut myself on purpose


13. Have been in a fist fight


14. Had a 3-some


15. Snuck out of my parent's house


16. Have been tied up


18. Have been arrested


19. Made out with a stranger


20. Stolen something from my job


21. Celebrated New Year's in Times Square


22. Gone on a blind date


23. Had a crush on a teacher


24. Celebrated Mardi-Gras in New Orleans


25. Been to Europe


26. Skipped school


27. Slept with a co-worker


28. Have thrown up in a bar


29. Have purposely set myself on fire


30. I have eaten sushi


31. Been snowboarding


32. Been skiing


33. Have made a snow angel

34. Have been happy with myself


35. Have met a movie star


36. Had sex in a pool


37. Went to a prom


37. Bungee jumped


38. Have been to a concert


39. Have dated someone for over a year


40. Sold naked pictures of myself


41. Have been in a car accident


42. Have slept in the nude


43. Eaten cheesecake


44. Had jury duty


45. Hated someone without knowing them

46. Have been to Maine


47. Shot a real gun


48. I've ran around with my trousers around my ankles

49. I've had sex with someone within a week of meeting them


50. Done ecstasy


51. Gotten my ass kicked


52. Caught smoking


53. Tipped a cow


54. Got in a verbal fight with a teacher


55. Cheated on someone


56. Lied one time in this survey


57. Lied more then once in this survey


58. Threw a party at a friends house when they were gone


59. Partied every weekend for the last month


60. Sniffed markers to get high


61. Slept for more than 15 hours at a time


62. Petted a live tiger


63. Kissed someone in the snow


64. Found a four leaf clover


65. Gave your parents the finger behind a closed door and behind their backs

66. Gotten drunk in Germany


67. Cried in public


68. Cried in public in the last 5 days


69. Been hit on by a member of the same sex


71. Have unknowingly been the other man/woman in a relationship


72. Have knowingly been the other man/woman in a relationship


75. Saved a friend from a bad situation


76. Went to a baseball game


77. Went to a football game

78. Went to a basketball game


79. Spent a weekend at a friend's


80. Sucked my thumb


81. Purposefully failed a grade


82. Got picked on in school


83. Dressed like the popular kids


84. Joined the military


85. Been to the beach


86. Had a TY Beanie collection


87. Had a blonde moment

90. Gotten along with a step-parent


91. Gotten a piercing

92. Told a friend you didn't like their boyfriend/girlfriend


93. Confronted your parents


94. And lived to see the next day


95. Liked Barney


96. Liked Teletubbies


97. Bought a friend a gift

98. And still haven't sent it yet


99. Is innocent


100. Is perverted


101. Bought something but never used it


102. Held a tarantula


103. Taken a candlelit bath with someone


104. Said "I love you" and meant it

105. Hugged a tree


106. Done a striptease


107. Learned Latin


108. Visited Paris

109. Watched a lightning storm at sea


110. Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise


111. Seen the Northern Lights


112. Gone to a huge sports game


113. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa


114. Grown and eaten your own vegetables


115. Touched an iceberg


116. Slept under the stars


117. Changed a baby's diaper


118. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon


119. Watched a meteor shower


120. Gotten drunk on champagne


121. Given more than you can afford to charity


122. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope


123. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment

124. Had a food fight


125. Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier


126. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can

127. Held a lamb


128. Enacted a favorite fantasy


129. Taken a midnight skinny dip


130. Taken an ice cold bath


131. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar.


132. Ridden a roller coaster

133. Seen a shooting star


134. Hit a home run


135. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days


136. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking


137. Adopted an accent for an entire day


138. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors


139. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment


139. Had two hard drives for your computer


140. Visited all 50 states


141. Loved your job for all accounts


143. Had enough money to be truly satisfied


144. Have amazing friends


145. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country


146. Watched wild whales


147. Stolen a sign


148. Backpacked in Europe


149. Taken a road-trip


150. Rock climbing


151. Lied to foreign government's official in that country to avoid notice


152. Midnight walk on the beach

153. Sky diving


154. Visited Ireland


155. Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love


156. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them


157. Benchpressed your own weight


158. Milked a cow


159. Alphabetized your records


160. Pretended to be a superhero


161. Sung karaoke


162. Lounged around in bed all day


163. Posed nude in front of strangers


164. Scuba diving


165. Got it on to "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye


166. Kissed in the rain


167. Played in the mud


168. Played in the rain


169. Gone to a drive-in theater


170. Done something you should regret, but don't regret it


171. Visited the Great Wall of China


172. Discovered that someone who's not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog


173. Dropped Windows in favor of something better


174. Started a business


175. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken


176. Toured ancient sites


177. Taken a martial arts class


178. Swordfought for the honor of a woman


179. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight


180. Gotten married


181. Been in a movie


182. Crashed a party


183. Loved someone you shouldn't have


184. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy


185. Gotten divorced


186. Had sex at the office/workplace


187. Gone without food for 5 days

188. Made cookies from scratch


189. Won first prize in a costume contest


190. Ridden a gondola in Venice


191. Gotten a tattoo


192. Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on


193. Rafted the Snake River


194. Been on television news programs as an "expert"


195. Got flowers for no reason


196. Got so drunk you don't remember anything


197. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug


198. Performed on stage

199. Been to Las Vegas


200. Recorded music

201. Eaten alligator


202. Had a one-night stand


203. Gone to Thailand


204. Seen Siouxsie live


205. Bought a house


206. Been in a combat zone


207. Buried one/both of your parents


208. Spoken more than one language fluently


209. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone


210. Bounced a check


211. Performed in Rocky Horror


212. Read - and understood - your credit report


213. Raised children


214. Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy


215. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour


216. Created and named your own constellation of stars


217. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country


218. Found out something significant that your ancestors did


219a. Called or written a former president


219b. Had them write back


220. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over


221. ... more than once?


222. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge


223. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking


224. Had an abortion or your female partner did


225. Had plastic surgery


225. Survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived


226. Wrote articles for a large publication


227. Lost over 100 pounds


228. Petted a stingray


229. Broken someone's heart


230. Helped an animal give birth


231. Been fired or laid off from a job


232. Won money on a TV game show


233. Broken a bone


234. Killed a human being


235. Gone on an African photo safari


236. Ridden a motorcycle


237. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100mph


238. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced


239. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild


240. Ridden a horse

241. Had major surgery


242. Had sex on a moving train


243. Had a snake as a pet


244. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon


245. Slept through an entire europe flight


246. Had your picture in the newspaper


247. Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime


248. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about


249. Gotten someone fired for their actions


250. Gone back to school


251. Parasailed


252. Changed your name


253. Petted a cockroach


254. Eaten fried green tomatoes


255. Read The Iliad


256. Selected one "important" author who you missed in school, and read


257. Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them


258. ... and gotten 86'ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you


259. Taught yourself art from scratch


260. Killed and prepared an animal for eating


261. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt


262. Skipped all your school reunions


263. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language


264. Been elected to public office


265. Written your own computer language


266. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream


267. Had to put someone you love into hospice care


268. Built your own PC from parts


269. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you


270. Had a booth at a street fair


271. Dyed your hair


272. Been a DJ


273. Found out someone was going to dump you via LiveJournal


274. Written your own role playing game


275. Had sex in almost all the rooms but one in your house

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waking up

i like to sleep as much as possible.

and stay in bed until i absolutely have to get up.

but i woke up really early today and i felt surprisingly energized.

i wake up at 5.

i'm a morning person.

it's dark when i wake up.

i wake up drooling

an alarm clock wakes me up.

my mom or dad wakes me up.

my phone wakes me up.

i wake up in odd positions.

i've woken up crying.

i've woken up in the worst mood possible.


getting ready

i shower in the morning.

my shower has a draft

i take longass showers.

i take forever in the morning.

i think i take average time to get ready.

i cannot function in the morning without breakfast or coffee.

the first thing i do is pee.

i can't leave the house without brushing my teeth.

i plan what i'm going to wear ahead.

i hate searching for something to wear.

i could care less what i look like, its just school.

i have to straighten my hair everyday.

i go on the computer sometimes before, during, or after getting ready.

i play music when i get ready.

getting ready wouldn't be so hard if it wasn't so frickin' early.

life would be easier if school started at like, 11.



i decorate my locker.

i filled it with tons of pictures of friends and family.

i didn't even bother this year lol.

my locker is so messy.

i have papers in there i have to get rid of.

i have a collection of water bottles in there.

i have a water bottle in there.

we don't have locks on our locker.

i've had notebooks stolen from me before.

those notebooks were $20.

i share lockers with someone.

i got a small locker this year

i put books in other peoples lockers.

my locker is tan.

i hate wrestling books out of my locker.

my locker is in a big hallway.

my locker number is a palindrome.

my locker number has letters in it.

my locker is in the middle of two guys.



my homeroom teacher has an accent.

s/he can never get us to stop talking.

s/he always wants us quiet during the morning announcement.

i talk a lot in homeroom.

i do all my homework/study in homeroom.

i have math posters in my homeroom.

my homeroom is in the auditorium.

my homeroom teacher doesn't care what we do.

my homeroom is arranged alphabetically.

i have a lot of friends in my homeroom.

i read in homeroom.

i've known this kid in my homeroom since pre-k.

i don't like someone in my homeroom.

homeroom is 10 minutes.

homeroom is pointless.



i don't mind my classes.

i don't have my favorite class until after lunch.

i hate my morning classes.

my afternoon classes are easyyyy.

i dread 9th period. its so boring.

i'm sick of school. it's kindasorta crushing my soul.

i get so many papers and essays.

i drown in homework.

i've had my phone taken away in class before.

we can chew gum.

all the desks have lots of gum under them.

i've touched one before. ew.

in one class, all we do is basically watch videos.

one of my teachers swears by apple products.

my favorite teacher is a male.

my spanish teacher is nuts.

one of my teachers is getting married soon.

i'm failing a class.

i got straight a's.



we have off campus lunch.

our cafeteria is huge.

the tables are really split by all the cliques.

all the lunch ladies are old.

we have a lunch guy.

all the chips are diet.

they don't sell soda.

the pizza is in circle form.

the cafeteria smells weird.

i sit with my boyfriend.

i don't eat lunch.

i eat like a beast at lunch!

soup doesn't cut it for me for lunch.

i love going to wendy's for lunch.

i've eaten lunch in the nurses office before.

i have a double lunch!!!


study hall

i do all my homework in study hall, but then again who doesn't?

i'm a teacher aid for my study period.

we can leave for study hall.

we can't leave, but i cut all the time.

i sleep in study hall.

i have study in the morning.

we can eat in study.

they hold study in the cafeteria or the library.

we have to sign in.

i've gotten a detention for not signing in.

i have a lot of friends in this study.

i'd rather have a class than a free period.

i have two study periods.


after school

i have a job after school.

lots of people from my school work at the same place.

i volunteer.

i walk home.

i always get rides home.

i go to the library.

i always have practice!

i always have to eat once i get home.

i get high after school.

i do my homework right after school.

i always feel like doing surveys after school.

i take bubble baths after school.

me and my boyfriend hang out after school.

i take a nap after school.

i get really lazy after school and get right into bed.

this is the best time of day.

i have a piano or other type of instrument lesson after school.

i have dance class after school.

i watch tv after school.

i hate going home after school.


dinner and after dinner

i cook dinner for my family.

we always go out or buy outside food.

i eat tv dinners for dinner. sometimes

i eat alone. sometimes

we watch tv during dinner.

dinner is always the best.

i'm never hungry for dinner.

my mom is a terrible cook.

i have tv shows to watch after dinner.

i'm never home for dinner.

i go to my room right after dinner.

i help my little brother or sister with homework after dinner.

i do homework after dinner.



i read before sleeping.

i'm always on the computer before sleep.

i sleep with the tv on.

i sleep in complete darkness.

i still need a night light.

i listen to calming music to fall asleep.

i can never fall asleep.

if i don't sleep before 11, i feel gross.

i never sleep before 2 unless i'm really tired.

i'm an insomniac.

i'm always tossing and turning.

i always text before falling asleep.

and that never really helps because i always want to see their reply.

i've slept over at a friend's on a school night.

i'm always tired.

this is the best time of my day.

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waking up

i like to sleep as much as possible.

and stay in bed until i absolutely have to get up.

but i woke up really early today and i felt surprisingly energized.

i wake up at 5.

i'm a morning person.

it's dark when i wake up.

i wake up drooling

an alarm clock wakes me up.

my mom or dad wakes me up.

my phone wakes me up.

i wake up in odd positions.

i've woken up crying.

i've woken up in the worst mood possible.


getting ready

i shower in the morning.

my shower has a draft

i take longass showers.

i take forever in the morning.

i think i take average time to get ready.

i cannot function in the morning without breakfast or coffee.

the first thing i do is pee.

i can't leave the house without brushing my teeth.

i plan what i'm going to wear ahead.

i hate searching for something to wear.

i could care less what i look like, its just school.

i have to straighten my hair everyday.

i go on the computer sometimes before, during, or after getting ready.

i play music when i get ready.

getting ready wouldn't be so hard if it wasn't so frickin' early.

life would be easier if school started at like, 11.



i decorate my locker.

i filled it with tons of pictures of friends and family.

i didn't even bother this year lol.

my locker is so messy.

i have papers in there i have to get rid of.

i have a collection of water bottles in there.

i have a water bottle in there.

we don't have locks on our locker.

i've had notebooks stolen from me before.

those notebooks were $20.

i share lockers with someone.

i got a small locker this year

i put books in other peoples lockers.

my locker is tan.

i hate wrestling books out of my locker.

my locker is in a big hallway.

my locker number is a palindrome.

my locker number has letters in it.

my locker is in the middle of two guys.



my homeroom teacher has an accent.

s/he can never get us to stop talking.

s/he always wants us quiet during the morning announcement.

i talk a lot in homeroom.

i do all my homework/study in homeroom.

i have math posters in my homeroom.

my homeroom is in the auditorium.

my homeroom teacher doesn't care what we do.

my homeroom is arranged alphabetically.

i have a lot of friends in my homeroom.

i read in homeroom.

i've known this kid in my homeroom since pre-k.

i don't like someone in my homeroom.

homeroom is 10 minutes.

homeroom is pointless.



i don't mind my classes.

i don't have my favorite class until after lunch.

i hate my morning classes.

my afternoon classes are easyyyy.

i dread 9th period. its so boring.

i'm sick of school. it's kindasorta crushing my soul.

i get so many papers and essays.

i drown in homework.

i've had my phone taken away in class before.

we can chew gum.

all the desks have lots of gum under them.

i've touched one before. ew.

in one class, all we do is basically watch videos.

one of my teachers swears by apple products.

my favorite teacher is a male.

my spanish teacher is nuts.

one of my teachers is getting married soon.

i'm failing a class.

i got straight a's.



we have off campus lunch.

our cafeteria is huge.

the tables are really split by all the cliques.

all the lunch ladies are old.

we have a lunch guy.

all the chips are diet.

they don't sell soda.

the pizza is in circle form.

the cafeteria smells weird.

i sit with my boyfriend.

i don't eat lunch.

i eat like a beast at lunch!

soup doesn't cut it for me for lunch.

i love going to wendy's for lunch.

i've eaten lunch in the nurses office before.

i have a double lunch!!!


study hall

i do all my homework in study hall, but then again who doesn't?

i'm a teacher aid for my study period.

we can leave for study hall.

we can't leave, but i cut all the time.

i sleep in study hall.

i have study in the morning.

we can eat in study.

they hold study in the cafeteria or the library.

we have to sign in.

i've gotten a detention for not signing in.

i have a lot of friends in this study.

i'd rather have a class than a free period.

i have two study periods.


after school

i have a job after school.

lots of people from my school work at the same place.

i volunteer.

i walk home.

i always get rides home.

i go to the library.

i always have practice!

i always have to eat once i get home.

i get high after school.

i do my homework right after school.

i always feel like doing surveys after school.

i take bubble baths after school.

me and my boyfriend hang out after school.

i take a nap after school.

i get really lazy after school and get right into bed.

this is the best time of day.

i have a piano or other type of instrument lesson after school.

i have dance class after school.

i watch tv after school.

i hate going home after school.


dinner and after dinner

i cook dinner for my family.

we always go out or buy outside food.

i eat tv dinners for dinner. sometimes

i eat alone. sometimes

we watch tv during dinner.

dinner is always the best.

i'm never hungry for dinner.

my mom is a terrible cook.

i have tv shows to watch after dinner.

i'm never home for dinner.

i go to my room right after dinner.

i help my little brother or sister with homework after dinner.

i do homework after dinner.



i read before sleeping.

i'm always on the computer before sleep.

i sleep with the tv on.

i sleep in complete darkness.

i still need a night light.

i listen to calming music to fall asleep.

i can never fall asleep.

if i don't sleep before 11, i feel gross.

i never sleep before 2 unless i'm really tired.

i'm an insomniac.

i'm always tossing and turning.

i always text before falling asleep.

and that never really helps because i always want to see their reply.

i've slept over at a friend's on a school night.

i'm always tired.

this is the best time of my day.

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waking up

i like to sleep as much as possible.

and stay in bed until i absolutely have to get up.

but i woke up really early today and i felt surprisingly energized.

i wake up at 5.

i'm a morning person.

it's dark when i wake up.

i wake up drooling

an alarm clock wakes me up.

my mom or dad wakes me up.

my phone wakes me up.

i wake up in odd positions.

i've woken up crying.

i've woken up in the worst mood possible.


getting ready

i shower in the morning.

my shower has a draft

i take longass showers.

i take forever in the morning.

i think i take average time to get ready.

i cannot function in the morning without breakfast or coffee.

the first thing i do is pee.

i can't leave the house without brushing my teeth.

i plan what i'm going to wear ahead.

i hate searching for something to wear.

i could care less what i look like, its just school.

i have to straighten my hair everyday.

i go on the computer sometimes before, during, or after getting ready.

i play music when i get ready.

getting ready wouldn't be so hard if it wasn't so frickin' early.

life would be easier if school started at like, 11.



i decorate my locker. (my friends write on my locker if that counts haha)

i filled it with tons of pictures of friends and family.

i didn't even bother this year lol.

my locker is so messy.

i have papers in there i have to get rid of.

i have a collection of water bottles in there.

i have a water bottle in there.

we don't have locks on our locker.

i've had notebooks stolen from me before.

those notebooks were $20.

i share lockers with someone.

i got a small locker this year

i put books in other peoples lockers.

my locker is tan.

i hate wrestling books out of my locker.

my locker is in a big hallway.

my locker number is a palindrome.

my locker number has letters in it.

my locker is in the middle of two guys.



my homeroom teacher has an accent.

s/he can never get us to stop talking.

s/he always wants us quiet during the morning announcement.

i talk a lot in homeroom.

i do all my homework/study in homeroom.

i have math posters in my homeroom.

my homeroom is in the auditorium.

my homeroom teacher doesn't care what we do.

my homeroom is arranged alphabetically.

i have a lot of friends in my homeroom.

i read in homeroom.

i've known this kid in my homeroom since pre-k.

i don't like someone in my homeroom.

homeroom is 10 minutes.

homeroom is pointless.



i don't mind my classes.

i don't have my favorite class until after lunch.

i hate my morning classes.

my afternoon classes are easyyyy.

i dread 9th period. its so boring.

i'm sick of school.

i get so many papers and essays.

i drown in homework.

i've had my phone taken away in class before.

we can chew gum.

all the desks have lots of gum under them.

i've touched one before. ew.

in one class, all we do is basically watch videos.

one of my teachers swears by apple products.

my favorite teacher is a male.

my spanish teacher is nuts.

one of my teachers is getting married soon.

i'm failing a class.

i got straight a's.



we have off campus lunch.

our cafeteria is huge.

the tables are really split by all the cliques.

all the lunch ladies are old.

we have a lunch guy.

all the chips are diet.

they don't sell soda.

the pizza is in circle form.

the cafeteria smells weird.

i sit with my boyfriend.

i don't eat lunch.

i eat like a beast at lunch!

soup doesn't cut it for me for lunch.

i love going to wendy's for lunch.

i've eaten lunch in the nurses office before.

i have a double lunch!!!


study hall

i do all my homework in study hall, but then again who doesn't?

i'm a teacher aid for my study period.

we can leave for study hall.

we can't leave, but i cut all the time.

i sleep in study hall.

i have study in the morning.

we can eat in study.

they hold study in the cafeteria or the library.

we have to sign in.

i've gotten a detention for not signing in.

i have a lot of friends in this study.

i'd rather have a class than a free period.

i have two study periods.


after school

i have a job after school.

lots of people from my school work at the same place.

i volunteer.

i walk home.

i always get rides home.

i go to the library.

i always have practice!

i always have to eat once i get home.

i get high after school.

i do my homework right after school.

i always feel like doing surveys after school.

i take bubble baths after school.

me and my boyfriend hang out after school.

i take a nap after school.

i get really lazy after school and get right into bed.

this is the best time of day.

i have a piano or other type of instrument lesson after school.

i have dance class after school.

i watch tv after school.

i hate going home after school.


dinner and after dinner

i cook dinner for my family.

we always go out or buy outside food.

i eat tv dinners for dinner.

i eat alone.

we watch tv during dinner.

dinner is always the best.

i'm never hungry for dinner.

my mom is a terrible cook.

i have tv shows to watch after dinner.

i'm never home for dinner.

i go to my room right after dinner.

i help my little brother or sister with homework after dinner.

i do homework after dinner.



i read before sleeping.

i'm always on the computer before sleep.

i sleep with the tv on.

i sleep in complete darkness.

i still need a night light.

i listen to calming music to fall asleep.

i can never fall asleep.

if i don't sleep before 11, i feel gross.

i never sleep before 2 unless i'm really tired.

i'm an insomniac.

i'm always tossing and turning.

i always text before falling asleep.

and that never really helps because i always want to see their reply.

i've slept over at a friend's on a school night.

i'm always tired.

this is the best time of my day.

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waking up

i like to sleep as much as possible.

and stay in bed until i absolutely have to get up.

but i woke up really early today and i felt surprisingly energized.

i wake up at 5.

i'm a morning person.

it's dark when i wake up.

i wake up drooling

an alarm clock wakes me up.

my mom or dad wakes me up.

my phone wakes me up.

i wake up in odd positions.

i've woken up crying.

i've woken up in the worst mood possible.


getting ready

i shower in the morning.

my shower has a draft

i take longass showers.

i take forever in the morning.

i think i take average time to get ready.

i cannot function in the morning without breakfast or coffee.

the first thing i do is pee.

i can't leave the house without brushing my teeth.

i plan what i'm going to wear ahead.

i hate searching for something to wear.

i could care less what i look like, its just school.

i have to straighten my hair everyday.

i go on the computer sometimes before, during, or after getting ready.

i play music when i get ready.

getting ready wouldn't be so hard if it wasn't so frickin' early.

life would be easier if school started at like, 11.



i decorate my locker.

i filled it with tons of pictures of friends and family.

i didn't even bother this year lol.

my locker is so messy.

i have papers in there i have to get rid of.

i have a collection of water bottles in there.

i have a water bottle in there.

we don't have locks on our locker.

i've had notebooks stolen from me before.

those notebooks were $20.

i share lockers with someone.

i got a small locker this year

i put books in other peoples lockers.

my locker is tan.

i hate wrestling books out of my locker.

my locker is in a big hallway.

my locker number is a palindrome.

my locker number has letters in it.

my locker is in the middle of two guys.



my homeroom teacher has an accent.

s/he can never get us to stop talking.

s/he always wants us quiet during the morning announcement.

i talk a lot in homeroom.

i do all my homework/study in homeroom.

i have math posters in my homeroom.

my homeroom is in the auditorium.

my homeroom teacher doesn't care what we do.

my homeroom is arranged alphabetically.

i have a lot of friends in my homeroom.

i read in homeroom.

i've known this kid in my homeroom since pre-k.

i don't like someone in my homeroom.

homeroom is 10 minutes.

homeroom is pointless.

I don't have 'homeroom';-)




i don't mind my classes.

i don't have my favorite class until after lunch.

i hate my morning classes.

my afternoon classes are easyyyy.

i dread 9th period. its so boring.

i'm sick of school. it's kindasorta crushing my soul.

i get so many papers and essays.

i drown in homework.

i've had my phone taken away in class before.

we can chew gum.

all the desks have lots of gum under them.

i've touched one before. ew.

in one class, all we do is basically watch videos.

one of my teachers swears by apple products.

my favorite teacher is a male.

my spanish teacher is nuts.

one of my teachers is getting married soon.

i'm failing a class.

i got straight a's.



we have off campus lunch.

our cafeteria is huge.

the tables are really split by all the cliques.

all the lunch ladies are old.

we have a lunch guy.

all the chips are diet.

they don't sell soda.

the pizza is in circle form.

the cafeteria smells weird.

i sit with my boyfriend.

i don't eat lunch.

i eat like a beast at lunch!

soup doesn't cut it for me for lunch.

i love going to wendy's for lunch.

i've eaten lunch in the nurses office before.

i have a double lunch!!!


study hall

i do all my homework in study hall, but then again who doesn't?

i'm a teacher aid for my study period.

we can leave for study hall.

we can't leave, but i cut all the time.

i sleep in study hall.

i have study in the morning.

we can eat in study.

they hold study in the cafeteria or the library.

we have to sign in.

i've gotten a detention for not signing in.

i have a lot of friends in this study.

i'd rather have a class than a free period.

i have two study periods.


after school

i have a job after school.

lots of people from my school work at the same place.

i volunteer.

i walk home.

i always get rides home.

i go to the library.

i always have practice!

i always have to eat once i get home.

i get high after school.

i do my homework right after school.

i always feel like doing surveys after school.

i take bubble baths after school.

me and my boyfriend hang out after school.

i take a nap after school.

i get really lazy after school and get right into bed.

this is the best time of day.

i have a piano or other type of instrument lesson after school.

i have dance class after school.

i watch tv after school.

i hate going home after school.


dinner and after dinner

i cook dinner for my family.

we always go out or buy outside food.

i eat tv dinners for dinner. sometimes

i eat alone. sometimes

we watch tv during dinner.

dinner is always the best.

i'm never hungry for dinner.

my mom is a terrible cook.

i have tv shows to watch after dinner.

i'm never home for dinner.

i go to my room right after dinner.

i help my little brother or sister with homework after dinner.

i do homework after dinner.



i read before sleeping.

i'm always on the computer before sleep.

i sleep with the tv on.

i sleep in complete darkness.

i still need a night light.

i listen to calming music to fall asleep.

i can never fall asleep.

if i don't sleep before 11, i feel gross.

i never sleep before 2 unless i'm really tired.

i'm an insomniac.

i'm always tossing and turning.

i always text before falling asleep.

and that never really helps because i always want to see their reply.

i've slept over at a friend's on a school night.

i'm always tired.

this is the best time of my day.


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waking up

i like to sleep as much as possible.

and stay in bed until i absolutely have to get up.

but i woke up really early today and i felt surprisingly energized.

i wake up at 5.

i'm a morning person.

it's dark when i wake up.

i wake up drooling

an alarm clock wakes me up.

my mom or dad wakes me up.

my phone wakes me up.

i wake up in odd positions.

i've woken up crying.

i've woken up in the worst mood possible.


getting ready

i shower in the morning.

my shower has a draft

i take longass showers.

i take forever in the morning.

i think i take average time to get ready.

i cannot function in the morning without breakfast or coffee.

the first thing i do is pee.

i can't leave the house without brushing my teeth.

i plan what i'm going to wear ahead.

i hate searching for something to wear.

i could care less what i look like, its just school.

i have to straighten my hair everyday.

i go on the computer sometimes before, during, or after getting ready.

i play music when i get ready.

getting ready wouldn't be so hard if it wasn't so frickin' early.

life would be easier if school started at like, 11.


i decorate my locker.

i filled it with tons of pictures of friends and family.

i didn't even bother this year lol.

my locker is so messy.

i have papers in there i have to get rid of.

i have a collection of water bottles in there.

i have a water bottle in there.

we don't have locks on our locker.

i've had notebooks stolen from me before.

those notebooks were $20.

i share lockers with someone.

i got a small locker this year

i put books in other peoples lockers.

my locker is tan.

i hate wrestling books out of my locker.

my locker is in a big hallway.

my locker number is a palindrome.

my locker number has letters in it.

my locker is in the middle of two guys.



my homeroom teacher has an accent.

s/he can never get us to stop talking.

s/he always wants us quiet during the morning announcement.

i talk a lot in homeroom.

i do all my homework/study in homeroom.

i have math posters in my homeroom.

my homeroom is in the auditorium.

my homeroom teacher doesn't care what we do.

my homeroom is arranged alphabetically.

i have a lot of friends in my homeroom.

i read in homeroom.

i've known this kid in my homeroom since pre-k.

i don't like someone in my homeroom.

homeroom is 10 minutes.

homeroom is pointless.

I don't have 'homeroom'




i don't mind my classes.

i don't have my favorite class until after lunch.

i hate my morning classes.

my afternoon classes are easyyyy.

i dread 9th period. its so boring.

i'm sick of school. it's kindasorta crushing my soul.

i get so many papers and essays.

i drown in homework.

i've had my phone taken away in class before.

we can chew gum.

all the desks have lots of gum under them.

i've touched one before. ew.

in one class, all we do is basically watch videos.

one of my teachers swears by apple products.

my favorite teacher is a male.

my spanish teacher is nuts.

one of my teachers is getting married soon.

i'm failing a class.

i got straight a's.



we have off campus lunch.

our cafeteria is huge.

the tables are really split by all the cliques.

all the lunch ladies are old.

we have a lunch guy.

all the chips are diet.

they don't sell soda.

the pizza is in circle form.

the cafeteria smells weird.

i sit with my boyfriend.

i don't eat lunch.

i eat like a beast at lunch!

soup doesn't cut it for me for lunch.

i love going to wendy's for lunch.

i've eaten lunch in the nurses office before.

i have a double lunch!!!


study hall

i do all my homework in study hall, but then again who doesn't?

i'm a teacher aid for my study period.

we can leave for study hall.

we can't leave, but i cut all the time.

i sleep in study hall.

i have study in the morning.

we can eat in study.

they hold study in the cafeteria or the library.

we have to sign in.

i've gotten a detention for not signing in.

i have a lot of friends in this study.

i'd rather have a class than a free period.

i have two study periods.


after school

i have a job after school.

lots of people from my school work at the same place.

i volunteer.

i walk home.

i always get rides home.

i go to the library.

i always have practice!

i always have to eat once i get home.

i get high after school.

i do my homework right after school.

i always feel like doing surveys after school.

i take bubble baths after school.

me and my boyfriend hang out after school.

i take a nap after school.

i get really lazy after school and get right into bed.

this is the best time of day.

i have a piano or other type of instrument lesson after school.

i have dance class after school.

i watch tv after school.

i hate going home after school.


dinner and after dinner

i cook dinner for my family.

we always go out or buy outside food.

i eat tv dinners for dinner. sometimes

i eat alone. sometimes

we watch tv during dinner.

dinner is always the best.

i'm never hungry for dinner.

my mom is a terrible cook.

i have tv shows to watch after dinner.

i'm never home for dinner.

i go to my room right after dinner.

i help my little brother or sister with homework after dinner.

i do homework after dinner.



i read before sleeping.

i'm always on the computer before sleep.

i sleep with the tv on.

i sleep in complete darkness.

i still need a night light.

i listen to calming music to fall asleep.

i can never fall asleep.

if i don't sleep before 11, i feel gross.

i never sleep before 2 unless i'm really tired.

i'm an insomniac.

i'm always tossing and turning.

i always text before falling asleep.

and that never really helps because i always want to see their reply.

i've slept over at a friend's on a school night.

i'm always tired.

this is the best time of my day.


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How many people have the ability to hurt you emotionally?

Anyone has the abilily. The people I care about can get to me.


Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months?

You can never be certain of the future.


When was the last time you had a conversation with your last ex?

I don't have a real ex, but the last person I "went out with". I last talked to him... A few days ago?


Have you ever kissed someone who smokes?

Not romantically, but in truth or dare I have.


Do you cry easily?

Not as easily as I used to. I've toughened up in the past few months.


Are you excited for anything?

I was excited for Christmas. I'm not really excited about anything at the moment.


How are you feeling right now?

Numb, yet confused, useless, sad and shocked. :???:


Are you worried about anything right now?



Ever gotten in a car accident?

Not major.


Are you afraid of getting your heart broken?

I am, yes. I don't dwell on it though.


Do you think the person whom you like will break your heart?

No. He won't.


Who was the last person you texted?



What is something that can easily kill your mood?

Bad news.


Did you have any unread messages when you woke up today?

Yep, three.


What's the last TV show/movie you watched?

Coronation Street.


Did it rain today?

I don't think so. I haven't been out.


Are you mad at anyone right now?



Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?

Loads of those.


When was the last time something bothered you?

Right now.


How was last night?

I can't actually remember.


Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didn't?



If you could pack your bags right now and were given a plane ticket, where do you go?

New York.


What do you really think happened to Steve on Blue's Clues?

Haha, I remember that.


Do you trust all of your friends?



Have you ever talked on the phone while in the shower?



Will you be under the influence of alcohol today?



Last kiss drunk or sober?



Does your mom think Robert Pattinson (Twilight) is attractive?

Yes, she's a nerd.


What are your plans for the rest of the week?


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How many people have the ability to hurt you emotionally?

Not very many people.


Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months?

I hope so... but it would take a miracle.


When was the last time you had a conversation with your last ex?



Have you ever kissed someone who smokes?



Do you cry easily?



Are you excited for anything?

Christmas :D


How are you feeling right now?

Cold, happy.


Are you worried about anything right now?



Ever gotten in a car accident?



Are you afraid of getting your heart broken?

When I think about it I guess so.


Do you think the person whom you like will break your heart?

Not intentionally.


Who was the last person you texted?



What is something that can easily kill your mood?



Did you have any unread messages when you woke up today?

Like 7 lol


What's the last TV show/movie you watched?

I'm watching the Devil Wears Prada


Did it rain today?



Are you mad at anyone right now?



Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?



When was the last time something bothered you?

I don't keep track.


How was last night?

It was pretty good.


Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didn't?



If you could pack your bags right now and were given a plane ticket, where do you go?

I'm there.


What do you really think happened to Steve on Blue's Clues?

No idea, never watched it


Do you trust all of your friends?



Have you ever talked on the phone while in the shower?



Will you be under the influence of alcohol today?



Last kiss drunk or sober?



Does your mom think Robert Pattinson (Twilight) is attractive?

Not at all


What are your plans for the rest of the week?

Xmas shopping tomorrow with friends, then Christmas Eve & day :)

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How many people have the ability to hurt you emotionally?

Not that much.


Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months?

I think.


When was the last time you had a conversation with your last ex?

3 days ago


Have you ever kissed someone who smokes?



Do you cry easily?



Are you excited for anything?



How are you feeling right now?



Are you worried about anything right now?



Ever gotten in a car accident?



Are you afraid of getting your heart broken?



Do you think the person whom you like will break your heart?



Who was the last person you texted?



What is something that can easily kill your mood?

Enemy from school.


Did you have any unread messages when you woke up today?



What's the last TV show/movie you watched?

fist of zen


Did it rain today?



Are you mad at anyone right now?



Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?



When was the last time something bothered you?



How was last night?

i didnt sleep at all


Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didn't?



If you could pack your bags right now and were given a plane ticket, where do you go?



What do you really think happened to Steve on Blue's Clues?

No idea


Do you trust all of your friends?



Have you ever talked on the phone while in the shower?



Will you be under the influence of alcohol today?

im planing :D


Last kiss drunk or sober?



Does your mom think Robert Pattinson (Twilight) is attractive?

i dunno


What are your plans for the rest of the week?

going out with my boyfriend

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waking up

i like to sleep as much as possible.

and stay in bed until i absolutely have to get up.

but i woke up really early today and i felt surprisingly energized.

i wake up at 5.

i'm a morning person.

it's dark when i wake up.

i wake up drooling

an alarm clock wakes me up.

my mom or dad wakes me up.

my phone wakes me up.

i wake up in odd positions.

i've woken up crying.

i've woken up in the worst mood possible.


getting ready

i shower in the morning.

my shower has a draft

i take longass showers.

i take forever in the morning.

i think i take average time to get ready.

i cannot function in the morning without breakfast or coffee.

the first thing i do is pee.

i can't leave the house without brushing my teeth.

i plan what i'm going to wear ahead.

i hate searching for something to wear.

i could care less what i look like, its just school.

i have to straighten my hair everyday.

i go on the computer sometimes before, during, or after getting ready.

i play music when i get ready.

getting ready wouldn't be so hard if it wasn't so frickin' early.

life would be easier if school started at like, 11.



i decorate my locker.

i filled it with tons of pictures of friends and family.

i didn't even bother this year lol.

my locker is so messy.

i have papers in there i have to get rid of.

i have a collection of water bottles in there.

i have a water bottle in there.

we don't have locks on our locker.

i've had notebooks stolen from me before.

those notebooks were $20.

i share lockers with someone.

i got a small locker this year

i put books in other peoples lockers.

my locker is tan.

i hate wrestling books out of my locker.

my locker is in a big hallway.

my locker number is a palindrome.

my locker number has letters in it.

my locker is in the middle of two guys.



my homeroom teacher has an accent.

s/he can never get us to stop talking.

s/he always wants us quiet during the morning announcement.

i talk a lot in homeroom.

i do all my homework/study in homeroom.

i have math posters in my homeroom.

my homeroom is in the auditorium.

my homeroom teacher doesn't care what we do.

my homeroom is arranged alphabetically.

i have a lot of friends in my homeroom.

i read in homeroom.

i've known this kid in my homeroom since pre-k.

i don't like someone in my homeroom.

homeroom is 10 minutes.

homeroom is pointless.



i don't mind my classes.

i don't have my favorite class until after lunch.

i hate my morning classes.

my afternoon classes are easyyyy.

i dread 9th period. its so boring.

i'm sick of school. it's kindasorta crushing my soul.

i get so many papers and essays.

i drown in homework.

i've had my phone taken away in class before.

we can chew gum.

all the desks have lots of gum under them.

i've touched one before. ew.

in one class, all we do is basically watch videos.

one of my teachers swears by apple products.

my favorite teacher is a male.

my spanish teacher is nuts.

one of my teachers is getting married soon.

i'm failing a class.

i got straight a's.



we have off campus lunch.

our cafeteria is huge.

the tables are really split by all the cliques.

all the lunch ladies are old.

we have a lunch guy.

all the chips are diet.

they don't sell soda.

the pizza is in circle form.

the cafeteria smells weird.

i sit with my boyfriend.

i don't eat lunch.

i eat like a beast at lunch!

soup doesn't cut it for me for lunch.

i love going to wendy's for lunch.

i've eaten lunch in the nurses office before.

i have a double lunch!!!


study hall

i do all my homework in study hall, but then again who doesn't?

i'm a teacher aid for my study period.

we can leave for study hall.

we can't leave, but i cut all the time.

i sleep in study hall.

i have study in the morning.

we can eat in study.

they hold study in the cafeteria or the library.

we have to sign in.

i've gotten a detention for not signing in.

i have a lot of friends in this study.

i'd rather have a class than a free period.

i have two study periods.


after school

i have a job after school.

lots of people from my school work at the same place.

i volunteer.

i walk home.

i always get rides home.

i go to the library.

i always have practice!

i always have to eat once i get home.

i get high after school.

i do my homework right after school.

i always feel like doing surveys after school.

i take bubble baths after school.

me and my boyfriend hang out after school.

i take a nap after school.

i get really lazy after school and get right into bed.

this is the best time of day.

i have a piano or other type of instrument lesson after school.

i have dance class after school.

i watch tv after school.

i hate going home after school.


dinner and after dinner

i cook dinner for my family.

we always go out or buy outside food.

i eat tv dinners for dinner. sometimes

i eat alone. sometimes

we watch tv during dinner.

dinner is always the best.

i'm never hungry for dinner.

my mom is a terrible cook.

i have tv shows to watch after dinner.

i'm never home for dinner.

i go to my room right after dinner.

i help my little brother or sister with homework after dinner.

i do homework after dinner.



i read before sleeping.

i'm always on the computer before sleep.

i sleep with the tv on.

i sleep in complete darkness.

i still need a night light.

i listen to calming music to fall asleep.

i can never fall asleep.

if i don't sleep before 11, i feel gross.

i never sleep before 2 unless i'm really tired.

i'm an insomniac.

i'm always tossing and turning.

i always text before falling asleep.

and that never really helps because i always want to see their reply.

i've slept over at a friend's on a school night.

i'm always tired.

this is the best time of my day.


How many people have the ability to hurt you emotionally?

everyone. depends


Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months?



When was the last time you had a conversation with your last ex?



Have you ever kissed someone who smokes?



Do you cry easily?



Are you excited for anything?



How are you feeling right now?

hungry. rawr


Are you worried about anything right now?



Ever gotten in a car accident?



Are you afraid of getting your heart broken?

don't care


Do you think the person whom you like will break your heart?



Who was the last person you texted?



What is something that can easily kill your mood?

getting in trouble


Did you have any unread messages when you woke up today?



What's the last TV show/movie you watched?

not sure


Did it rain today?



Are you mad at anyone right now?



Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?



When was the last time something bothered you?



How was last night?

I didn't sleep till 2:30 am.


Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didn't?



If you could pack your bags right now and were given a plane ticket, where do you go?



What do you really think happened to Steve on Blue's Clues?

he went off to pursue a career in music (I research this type of stuff) and I hate JOE. le grr.


Do you trust all of your friends?



Have you ever talked on the phone while in the shower?

yep... well, bath.


Will you be under the influence of alcohol today?



Last kiss drunk or sober?



Does your mom think Robert Pattinson (Twilight) is attractive?

no. yuck


What are your plans for the rest of the week?


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1. Do you believe in god or more than one god?

No. Sometimes I wish I did, but I don't.


2. Have you or a sibling ever had to move out of your parents' house?

My sister was kicked out for about a week this summer. If you ask me, it should have been a lot longer.


3. What do you like best about summer?

Short days and long nights. As in I have irregular sleeping patterns. I also love family BBQ's.


4. What was the last nightmare you had about?

I haven't had a nightmare in a long time, I can't remember.


5. Do you have any sex toys? Do your parents know you have them?



6. Are you a scene kid?

No! As if I'd dare.


7. Who was the last person who called you? The last person you called?

Ashlee and Amanda.


8. When's the last time you went to a coffee shop? What did you get?

I don't go to coffee shops.


9. Do you like the Japanese culture? Do you wish you were Japanese?

I kind of do, yes. For both.


10. Have you ever thought you found "the one"?

No thought needed.


11. Who do you miss right now?

One or two people.


12. Have you ever tried to contact someone but couldn't reach them?



13. Do you know anyone with schizophrenia?

Not officially, but I do believe they have traces of it.


14. Do you usually wear a seatbelt in the car?

Yep, always. Unless there isn't one available.


15. Have you ever watched a sunrise or sunset?

Yes, both actually. They're beautiful. You take things like that for granted.


16. Have you ever had an old lady give you peppermints?

Not that I recall.


17. When's the last time you consumed alcohol?

Couple of weeks ago. Actually, maybe less than that. I'm too lazy to do the math.


18. What is something you've never done before that you want to try?

Sky diving.


19. Would you walk 500 miles for the one you love?

I'd probably collapse after five, but I'd try.


20. Do you know someone who died at a young age?



21. How do you get over break ups?

Heh. Find someone else to fancy.


22. Do you know anyone named Sara(h)?

Sarah, yes. I know a few.


23. Are you friends with any of your exes?

I wouldn't say friends and I wouldn't say exes. I talk to the guys I used to go out with.


24. Ever been to Vegas?

No, but I'd love to. I'm a Killers fan. Panic! too. ;-)


25. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

Chocolate Fudge Brownie.


26. Have you ever had a parent tell you to behave but you didn't listen?

I'm a teenager, what do you think?


27. What's the best party you've been to?

Good question! I've been to some cool parties with friends, but I'll say my sister's wedding reception for a reason other than dancing around.


28. What is your favorite candy?

Ooh, don't make me decide!


29. What would you do if someone wanted a ransom for your friend?

Haha, I'd laugh.


30. Have you ever kissed a girl and liked it?



31. What is 70x7?

490. I'm just going with what the previous poster put.


32. Do you know anyone who's died in a hospital?



33. What is your ASL?

I feel like I'm on omegle! 15, female, England.


34. Has anyone wrote you a love song?



35. Do you ever hear voices in your head?

Yes, but not in a weird way. They don't tell me to burn things.


36. Do you believe in karma?

Yes. Karma is a bitch.


37. Has there ever been a time when you seriously couldn't breathe?

Yes. I used to have really bad asthma.


38. Have you ever had your mom shine a light in your closet or under your bed to show you there weren't any monsters?

Haha, nah. I was never scared of monsters, just skeletons in top hats!


39. Has anyone ever surprised you late at night?

Depends how you mean. I don't think so.


40. Wouldn't it be convenient if you could breathe underwater?

Definitely. My worst fear is drowning.


41. Who was the last person to kiss you?

Cyber kiss was Guro, haha.


42. The tent's so big in your pants baby.

Wow, uhm, thank you.


43. Do you like lemonade?

Nope. Used to.


44. Do you hate papercuts?

Uhm, duh?


45. Do you like sex and drugs?

Wouldn't know for either.


46. Have you ever had a blood transfusion?

Nope. Never needed one, thankfully.


47. Do you feel comfortable when you're naked?

If I'm alone I do.


48. Are you so sexy, it hurts?



49. Would you rob a jewelry store with a gun if you could get away with it?

No. I'd rob a sweet shop though.


50. Did you play pretend as a kid?

Didn't every kid to some extent? I was over-imaginative, I still am.

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