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Well, my parents were never Married, but they were together for along time, until my twin sister and I were about a year old.

I know there are different sides to when your parents split when you're younger, as appose to dealing with everything when you're older, because I think it's more hard to cope with it when you're older. But, I'm used to having one parent around more than the other. I just wish I had a normal family. Such as a mom and a dad with their children in one home. I just feel like that's how it should be, and I always wonder what it's really like to be living with both parents.

I know I'm going on about my own experiance way too much, but to just get to the point, no, the song does not change my views. It just makes me realize that these things happen, and they're real.

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its shit. i mean my parents were together for 15 years and then they broke it off. people change differently.

my mom has moved on and i have a stepdad but my dad still hates my mom. he really doesnt want anything to do with her.

but honestly i forgot the feeling of what its liek to have 2 parents in the same house together. they broke up when i was 12 and i evetually got over it.

it didnt effect my view on marriage or love. they can work, both of my grandparents have been together since the 50's. you just have to find someone who when you change and get older through out life thier on board with it.

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in all 100% honesty, and dont hate me for saying this if you knew my dad you would agree, i so wish my parents were divorced.

my dad treats my mom like shit and he treats his kids like shit too. he puts us all in a terrible mood and everything is easier/more fun when he is not around. the only reason he is around is because my mom doesnt have money to leave him and he/we just inherited a shitload of money.


so if my parents got divorced of course i'd be a little bummed because it is my parents but in truth it would make things alot easier

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My parents are divorced, but honestly, it doesn't really effect me at all, neither did it 8 years ago when it happened. I can't say I'm fond of the living arrangements I have now, because I cant hang with my friends on the weekends like I'd wish to. But I'm fine with it anyway.

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Okay, so my parents divorced when I was around 9 years old I think. It wasn't a surprise to live without a father because my father was never here for me. When my parents were still together I only saw my father once in a month. Because he was staying in a city too far away from us because of his job and he just didn't seem to care about his children. We were like toys he could brag about. And that was not good. You can shoot me but I don't like my father that much. He doesn't even know anything about my life, doesn't know that I love English so much as you can see, that I have a passion for music, that I can play guitar well. He knows nothing about me. He doesn't have to care about me but my brother. He's a genius. He's studying at one of the hardest university (unless the best) in the country and my father hasn't even realized that. If I were my father, I would be so proud of my children.

Maybe because of his leaving I am like this. Okay, most of you don't know me but I'm not that ordinary type of girl. I'd like to put some other things down too but I think that wouldn't make sense.


And about the song: it's beautiful. When I first listened to it I was sitting mesmerized. I couldn't think about anything else but my parents' divorce.

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Oh Steph&Demi&who's parents have divorced or something like this,I'm so sorry for that. :(


My parents're together atm,and they're very happy.I feel good for that.And I've no friends that their parents split.But when I listen this song,it makes me sad but it helps me actually.I realize that nothing's simple in life and I totally believe that I'll find someone that I really can love forever and he can be my only exception.I know,it's not that easy but I believe with all my heart.I can wait forever to find him.


And Shanny,thanks for this topic.Really good idea! :D

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