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Confession Thread - Part 9


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Thank you guys. Okay, here it is: Why is it that a guy clearly tells your best friend that he doesn't like you and makes it sound as though you two aren't even friends, but then turns around right after you--or in my case, I,--have been ignoring him for the past couple weeks and tries to talk to you, throw things at you, stares at you, etc.? Is that the guy's way of trying to be all intimidating and rude? If so, do I just continue to ignore him?

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Ignore him, obviously he's not being nice, nor should you turn around and be nice back.


I don't know if that's the right thing to say about this situation, but that's what I would do in you shoes.

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If there's one thing I've lost more patience for as I've gotten older, it's fucking idiots.

I've had to let go of friends in recent months, as much as I don't really want to, because they just do stupid things and be assholes.

When I was younger I would have given more benefit of the doubt and tried to justify still being friends with those kind of people, but as I move on through life and grow up, I realize I don't have time for that crap anymore

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I'm thinking to ignore him too. The only thing is that he's not acting mean or rude by doing any of these things, I just have to point out. Part of me feels bad for ignoring him all of the sudden, but another part of me has this feeling it's for the best and that his intentions aren't nice.


I wish I had decreased patience for certain kinds of people, Harry. My problem is that I have possibly too much patience and put up with bull for too long >.<

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I'm thinking to ignore him too. The only thing is that he's not acting mean or rude by doing any of these things, I just have to point out. Part of me feels bad for ignoring him all of the sudden, but another part of me has this feeling it's for the best and that his intentions aren't nice.


I wish I had decreased patience for certain kinds of people, Harry. My problem is that I have possibly too much patience and put up with bull for too long >.<


The decision is clearly up to you at this point.

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When I was 17-18-19, I guess you could say I cared too much about others, putting up with the bullshit.

In the end I would end up hurting myself and it was time better spent improving upon myself.

Don't take that as if I'm saying I've become selfish, I haven't, but I've just gotten older, grown up and learnt more about responsibility, as well as contrast and balance in life.

Had I known what I know now, there are so many people I would have given up on sooner really

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