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time to show off my amazing music taste!



i'm going to do this a bit differently. Instead of posting a myspace link (frankly, i hate it when people post myspace shit everywhere.) I'm just going to upload a song.

hopefully my dearest mods are okay with this.


first off,


1. Rilo Kiley


I found out about these guys when they were passing out flyers at a show. I never really looked into them until my friend put them on a mix for me. they are truly amazing. they're kind of hard to describe. Kind of eisley/tegan and sara mix.


The Good That Won't Come Out - Rilo Kiley




2. AKissForJersey


This is a local band that is actually making it somewhere. I found out about them when my friend's friend started dating the guitarist. (15 vs 19, he's kind of a pedo) but, since I knew the merch guy previously, i got a FREE! cd. and i procedded to fall in love. and it's kind of awesome, cause they're kind of a 'legend' around here, but I can go to the mall and see them. (they kind of live there)


Father Part The Clouds - AkissForJersey



3. Cocteau Twins


This band has long broken up. My dad introduced me to them when I was about 9 years old in a library parking lot. The older people on the boards will probably like this a lot. They have about 9 albums and 10 EPs, and all are absolute masterpieces. I was torn between two songs to post, so...


Bluebeard - Cocteau Twins



Persephone - Cocteau Twins



4. Tegan and Sara


ah, good ole' tegan and sara. You've probably heard of them. They're Canadian. Kind of folkish/indie. just good.


I know I know I know - Tegan and Sara



5. Denali


This another one i found out from my dad. They have a girl singer, and are kind of mellow. over all, they're great.


French Mistake - Denali



6. The Sounds


I actually found out about the guys from a dude that started talking to me at Starbucks. I ended up seeing them at Warped and bought the CD for like 6 bucks. They're from Helsingborg, Sweden and are fronted my a women.


Ego - The Sounds



7. FischerSpooner


here's another I found out from my dad. From what I can understand, they've been around for a while, but kept up with the times. Their sound is very technoish. which is good to some extent.


Cloud - FischerSpooner




8. Days Away


They are one of the best bands around at the moment. I got into them when i saw them when they were opening for circa survive. They pretty much blew me away. I can't really think of anything to compare them to.


God and Mars - Days Away



9. Sullivan


I actually found out about these guys when I saw this girl at my school wearing their shirt. Nice to know selling/giving away for free merch actually works. Spencer Chamberlain's brother is the drummer. woo. They sound sort of generic, but something for me just sticks out.


The Charity of Saint Elizabeth - Sullivan



10. Paulson


I heard about them of that Bastard's of Young thing that aired on Fuse a while back, and ever since i can't stop listening.


Paulson - Ultra-High



11. Park


These guys actually broke up a couple of weeks ago =[. Only like 2 months after I heard about them.


La Amoureux - Park



12. Lorene Drive


These guys are so amazing. I saw them at my first show when they were on a tour with Emanuel and The Audition. They are great live, and overall nice guys. Romantic Wealth is their first album and i suggest everyone go buy it this second.


So Easy - Lorene Drive



13. Emanuel


My very influential friend found these guys about a year ago. we both fell in love and still listen to them non-stop. Even me, notorious of listening to a band for 2 weeks then becoming tired of them. this Cd, whew, it's just so good. They're about to release a record called Black Earth Tiger (I think)


Breathe Underwater - Emanuel



14. Pretty Girls Make Graves


Sadly, these guys also broke up a couple of weeks ago. They have a mixture of guys and girl singers. It’s very unique.


Pretty Girls Make Graves – All Medicated Geniuses




14. Hopefield


I found out about these guys on absolute punk, they had a free EP download. They really remind me of Anberlin a lot.


Hopefield – Be Honest




15. The Receiving End Of Sirens


These guys are great. Sadly, the first time I saw them live I kind of fell asleep standing up =/. But they are good live, they actually sound better live than they do recorded.


The War of All Against all – TREOS



16. Autopassion


Despite the lead singer being drunk 24/7, this band was a great find on my part. I saw them live before I’d ever heard of them and the whole crowd was a huge dance party. It ended up being one of the best shows I’ve ever been to. They’re compared to The Strokes a lot.


I Like Your Purse – Autopassion



17. Yearling


I also found out about these guys from a show. They’re really poppy, but still good.


Bells – Yearling



18. Aqualung


This is really just one dude with a nice studio and a piano. He was featured on VH1’s You Oughta Know little specials. You may recognize his first single “Brighter Than Sunshine.” Musically, he’s more on the mellow side.


Good Times Gonna Come – Aqualung




If the links die, just say something and i'll re-up them



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Awesome bandsssss :) Fischerspooner's Odyssey album is one of my favorites.


I actually just saw Paulson a few weeks ago playing with Daphne Loves Derby and they gave me a sampler of some songs on an album they're releasing in March under a new record label (which actually is their original album with a few new songs I believe, including a really catchy one "Calling On You").


Love the other bands you posted, too, esp. Aqualung :)

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I've seen them twice, and the last time I saw them totally impressed me! Especially their new song. Have a listen if you haven't heard it before!




(edit: I noticed it's on their myspace but like you I'd rather have the actual file) :)


ah! thankyousomuch! I can't get on myspace, so i pretty much love you right now.

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