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Paramore/P!ATD fanfiction

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So I dunno if anybody else on here is a fan of band fanfiction, but for those who don't know what it is, its basically a fictional story written by fans about...anything at all.


Eg. Harry Potter fanfiction, Fall Out Boy fanfiction etc etc.


Anyway, one of my favorite writers recently posted a Paramore fic (the first I've ever read), and although its only started for the first chapter, I'd really recommend you guys to check it out.


The first chapter had me rolling around laughing.


Please remember, this is all FICTION. Lol. Don't take anything in it seriously.


To read it, you need to register onto this board. Once you do, you'll see a link under 'FanFics'.


The fic is called 'I Got Him Where I Want Him Now' by Hopelessly Blissful.


I'm going to try and get the writer's permission to post the first chapter here so you won't need to go through the trouble of registering if you end up not liking it.


Anyways, check it out people!

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Hmmm, I'm a fan of fanfiction, but I've never read anything about actual bands. It just seemed a bit weird to me since, not that I know these people, but that these people actually exist, and I know how some authors are and get a bit...carried away in their writing. If you know what I mean.

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I hate when people write fan fiction about real people.. so creepy. I have no problem with people who write fan fiction about like.. tv characters or whatever, but real people? =/


yeah i know what you mean. That's what I was trying to say without possibly hurting someone's feelings for reading that stuff. But its just not my thing, fictional characters and stuff? Understandable, actual living people....not so sure....

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I totally understand where you guys are coming from. I used to think it was weird, but a lot of the stuff is just for fun. Nothing comes out of it.


Besides, the author I'm recommending doesn't get carried away with her plots.


But I guess its completely understandable. If you're not comfortable with it, don't read it. =)

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Hahaha, like I read this one GC fic with twincest.




Benji and Joel. Going at it.


Made me laugh, and then shudder.


Anyways...if anybody wants to read the first chapter of that fic, I've recieved permission to post it onto here so here goes..





I Got Him Where I Want Him Now, PATD-Brendon, Paramore-Hayley/Music

By: Hopelessly Blissful




Hayley Williams


Singer for Paramore




Brendon Urie


Singer for Panic! At the Disco







"You-You're so ugh!" I shrieked, turning and stomping away from the person who had become possibly the biggest bane of my existence in 18 years. So literally, I hated him more than anyone I'd ever hated in my whole life. Ever. "Such an asshole," I muttered as I walked away, just barely out of his earshot.


"Hales?" I looked up when Josh appeared next to me, eyebrow raised in confusion as he walked with me. "Were you just talking to yourself?" he asked, clearly trying, but failing not to laugh at me.


"No," I snapped. "Not really. Okay maybe but I have my reasons."


"Which are?" he asked and I felt irritation creeping up my spine at just the thought of him.


"He's just so, so- annoying!"


"Wow thanks Hayley that really clears up why you were just standing here talking to yourself. It totally doesn't make you look crazy at all.


I glared at him. "I mean Joshua, that Brendon is annoying."


"Brendon? Really?" he asked, apparently shocked.


"Yes! I can't stand him! He's just so..."




"Okay listen smartass-" I started. "Wait why do you seem surprised? Josh you don't actually like him do you!?" I whined.


"I just don't see anything to hate about him. He's never been anything but nice to me," he shrugged.


"This is like the worst kind of betrayal. Like seriously. What happened to the whole hoes over bros thing?"


He blinked a few times. "Well for starters..."


"The fact that you're not a girl is irrelevant. The point here is that as my best friend since the beginning of time, you are supposed to be on my side in this!"


He paused. "I am on your side. I'm just not all that sure what I'm on your side for."


"It doesn't matter. I hate Brendon. Brendon doesn't have a whole lot of use for me. Your role as my best friend is to be the captain of Team Hayley!"


He laughed. "In all the years I've known you, I've never known you to be this dramatic about anything. Ever."


"What's your point?"


He shrugged. "I have no point. I'm just making an innocent observation about the life of my best friend," he said, tossing his arm over my shoulders.


I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why do I feel like you have something to say?"


He shook his head. "Nope," he shrugged. "Nothing," he said, kissing my temple before he walked away.


Honestly, I wasn't sure when I started hating Brendon. Because really, we'd only just met about two weeks before when the tour in which we were opening for Panic! At the Disco, started. All of the other guys, at least from what I could tell, were great. He, was an ass. He was pompous and cocky and he seemed to have a complex where he believed, literally that he was God's gift to the world. And as such, I couldn't stand him.







"You seriously mean to tell me you like her!?" I huffed, dropping into the seat across from Ryan at our "kitchen" table.


"I didn't say I like her Bren I said she seems nice enough from what I know of her. I just don't see what about her bugs you so much. She's kind of sweet," he shrugged, barely looking up at me from his magazine.


"Sweet!? Sweet?! Ryan she is not sweet. She's like...So far from sweet she's sour!"


He laughed, and I could see him roll his eyes. "Don't you think you're being a little bit dramatic?"


"No! God she's just so-So, she's irritating. She's like one of those girls that just runs her mouth constantly. Haven't you noticed she like, never, ever stops talking?"


"You mean kind of like you?"


I glared at him. "When I talk people actually care to listen to what I have to say." He looked up at me finally, blinking a few times. "Okay you know what shut up no one asked for your opinion on this. And aren't you as my best friend supposed to be on my side?"


"I wasn't aware there was sides to take."


I gasped. "Of course there are sides! There's the good side, my side, or the dark side, which is Hayley's side where everyone thinks that you want to hear their opinion on everything."


"Funny I would think your side would be much the same," he muttered.


"Ryan! Are you even listening to me here?"


"Yes, despite trying really hard not to I can hear you loud and clear Bren."


"I just don't see what's so appealing. Like, the girl wears like, neon tights. On a daily basis. Who does that!?"


He laughed. "Why does it matter to you how she dresses?"


"She looks ridiculous! Like seriously, she dresses like a four year old who got to pick out her outfit for the first time."


"This bothers you way more than it should, you're aware of this right? It's not like she's making you wear neon tights."


"That's probably her next step. That's how girls like that work Ry, they move in slowly until the whole population is infected. She's already got Spencer, Jon isn't far behind and now you're sitting here telling me you think she's sweet. She's like...out to break up the band."


"Brendon are you seriously listening to yourself?"


"Well not in the literal sense, but metaphorically, she's totally the Yoko."


"Okay Brendon," he nodded. "I'll make sure she doesn't like, try to kidnap me and try to brainwash me."


"I appreciate that Ross, and I'm going to ignore the smartass tone and pretend that you genuinely mean that."


He nodded. "Pretend away."


"You know what else? Doesn't it seem like she just bosses those guys around. Like it's her band and no one else's?"


"Um, no not really..." he said, raising an eyebrow. "You know what I think?" he asked, looking up at me finally.


"No, but somehow I think you're going to tell me."


"I think you like her."


I gaped at him. "I do not! Have you not been listening to me this whole time? Bitching, complaining how much I dislike her? Did you not hear any of that?"


"I heard it. But you seem to hate her way more than necessary. Especially considering you've known her all of two weeks."


"I don't like her. Whatever the opposite of liking her is, that's me."


He nodded. "If you say so."


"And I do," I nodded. "Like her," I scoffed. "Please Ryan, be realistic."


He shook his head. "Fine. You're right it's totally normal for you to obsess over her neon tights."


"And her hair. If she's going to wear obnoxious tights they should at least match her obnoxious hair."


"You have got it so bad," he laughed, as he headed back towards the bunks. "It's really sad and I just hope you realize it soon."


"You don't know what you're talking about!" I called after him and I heard him laugh again. "Like her," I scoffed again, to myself. "Please."


In all honesty, I wasn't sure what it was about Hayley that I hated so much. But something about her had rubbed me the wrong way since the moment I met her and I still maintain it was in large part to her obnoxious hair and obnoxious tights matching her obnoxious personality.


I stood up, heading back to my bunk, when an undeniable shudder went down my spine at the easily recognizable sound of Hayley's voice, followed by Spencer laughing, and me wondering if her goal was to actually make me miserable.


"Oh Bren," Spencer said, stopping at the top of the stairs, and causing Hayley to plow into his back and then peak around him, her hazel eyes, that I liked to pretend I hadn't noticed the color of, flaming when she saw me.


"Spencer," I nodded, ignoring Hayley and the glare that she had fixed on me. "I'll be elsewhere," I said, shuffling back to my bunk.


I stayed there all of maybe 10 minutes before I realized that I was really, really bored and that no matter how many times I kicked the top of mine (the bottom of Ryan's) or how much noise I made, he had no interest in doing anything to entertain me. I sighed, lifting myself off of the mattress and heading back out front, hoping that Spencer had the decency only to pick up something that he needed, and get her away from me. Obviously, I had no such luck and when I walked out, the first thing I noticed was the open cabinet, where my cereal lived, the second thing I noticed was the box, of Cocoa Pebbles, clearly marked BRENDON, in big black letters, sitting in the lap of the red headed she-devil.


"What the hell!?" I yelped and both she and Spencer turned to look at me.


"What?" Spencer asked.


"You let her eat my cereal!? Spence you know how sacred that is!"


They both blinked a few times before Spencer spoke. "Sorry. I didn't notice," he shrugged, and my jaw might as well have hit the floor.


"Traitor!" I hissed and he rolled his eyes. "And you!" I said, pointing at Hayley. "Don't pretend like you didn't see my name on that box. It couldn't have been more obvious."


"Actually I didn't Brendon. But it doesn't shock me that you'd do something as juvenile as writing your name on a box of cereal."


"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"


"It means whatever the hell you want it to mean!" she snapped back.


"That you're a bitch?" I asked, and her eyes narrowed to an almost frightening glare, if y'know she wasn't like four feet tall and 65 pounds soaking wet.


"You know what? I was going to be nice and just give these back, but for that," she said, and made a dramatic show of licking the palm of her hand and each of her fingers, before sticking her whole hand back in the box and moved it around a few times, before she pulled it out and pushed the box into my chest. "Enjoy your cereal, asshole," she smirked.


I stared at her, then looked over at Spencer, he almost looked like he wanted to laugh but wouldn't because he wasn't sure who he was supposed to be loyal to.


"You really-" I started, and she stood in front of me a smug smile on her face. "I seriously don't know if I've ever hated anyone as much as you!"


"Well that's good because I know I've never hated anyone as much as you!" she shot back, and I was struck with the frightening realization that she was all kinds of hot when she was mad like that.


"You think just because you're the only one of us who suffers from PMS you get to act like a bitch all the time?!"


"Go to hell! That's such a lame guy thing to say seriously. Oh because I stand up to you then I must be PMSing? Grow up!"


"Guys!" Spencer said, standing up.


"Stay out of this!" we snapped in unison and he rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath before he left, shaking his head.


"Well I figured I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. No one can be this obnoxious all the time!"


She huffed. "You're such an asshole!" she shrieked, suddenly close enough for me to be aware of her, and be able to feel her breath on my face as she panted in exasperation.


I swallowed heavily and watched as she did the same, and I couldn't help when my gaze shifted down to her mouth, and there was a weird voice that sounded a whole lot like Ryan in the back of my head telling me I really wanted to kiss her.


"Why are you still here?" I asked, finally stepping back.


She glared at me. "Because I wanted to get the last word," she smirked, before turning and bouncing down the stairs.




Please remember...this is ALL FICTION.

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