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Everything posted by brokenstarx

  1. yeah. thats actually a better picture than what i had seen...it ws the same pic i think but darker and just...yeah...ew. atleast he's a natural brunette so it wont last too long
  2. the sounds. they are reeeaaally good.
  3. here's a better pic of adam... i kinda stole it so don't spread it around anywhere. my friend said she sayit on jay leno and that it wasn't too bad. but gerrad way on the other hand...wow. it's not so pretty.
  4. whoawhoa wait. adam blonde? PICTURES? i love the subways...definitly a good band your so lucky...i want to go to one of those concerts
  5. omg wow! were you going to go to seattle this weekend? cause i was too haha it didn't workj out though cause my gramma said that we weren't going to go because my aunt would have to bring her baby and it's too hot out but then she called sunday morning and was like "so are you guys coming?" my mom was kinda mad haha it sucks though cause i would've loved to go
  6. whoa sorry it took me awhile to reply...i forgot to check back you probobly wont see this but anyway on their official messge boards i think i posted like...twice? i dunno...the boards were too slow for me and i just got annoyed with it. my love for them only lasted over the summer of last year though...it was very short i probobly shouldn't say i hate them, because in a way, i kinda still "like" their music as much as i hate saying it i really just grew out of their music like you did. although i don't listen to them anymore. when people mention how much they hate Gc i don't say anything, because if i never liked gc i would probobly have never heard of rancid or nofx (which is kinda sad to say)
  7. ooo i like those pics. hayley looks nice in yellow
  8. omg yeah...as im getting older my mom was like "we have to get passports for crossing the border" i think it's really stupid
  9. yeah..the border isn't really a problem...they just have to know how to answer questions properly i've been crossing the border my whole life...i've come to learn you really only give them a short and simple answer and tell the truth, don't tell them more then then they asked but i've also come to learn the border people can be a huge pain in the ass. but hope they don't have any problems that would suck so much
  10. lmao! yeah very dramatic she took me to one (mcr and circa survive) and then she was like "THAT'S IT. NO MORE." like, i have a cool mom, but she hates driving in big cities and paying for people's tickets so she wont do it. but im begging for her to take me to see paramore in seattle.
  11. frick this is the time when i wish i was 18, with a full license and a job my mom wont take me to any concerts
  12. OMG THAT VIDEO IS SO AMAZING. i swear i freaking had a heartattack. but survived that just made my week. haha i freaking suck at that guitar heros game...seriosuly, my 6 year old cousin does the part where she presses the keys and i strum...that's all i can do.
  13. yeah...i watch her show because i have no life and nothing to do but i find her kinda whiney and yeah..when she was crying about the whole video treatment and stuff i was just like "suck it up! you're 15! Deal with it!" im 14 and i don't even act like that jeez.
  14. mmmmm poutine hehe i would've come here earlier but i had to get off the computer uhhh... -we don't all live igloos -saying 'eh' is fun -we have funny coloured money!!! -we give the best hugs thats it...more soon though
  15. it's both my mom wont drive anywhere near vancouver because she hates driving through big cities and i have absolutly no money.
  16. AHHHH warped is tomorrow in vancouver FUCK IM NOT GOING. and AFI is gonna be there CRAP i wasn't gonna go cause paramore wasn't there but now im in love with billy talent and afi and underoath and they're like, all gonna be there TOMORROW. im angry.
  17. meh for me im really strict about screamo bands they have to have a good scream that wont make me cringe i personally, love the used's scream, when he does scream his voice is just...i dunno it sounds good and rough not high pitched but there are many other screamo bands i like. to name a few trivium alexisonfire killswitch engage senses fail underoath silverstein and some of the older bands
  18. omg yeah i was looking for the cd last week when i went to the states and they didn't have it and i looked on the website cause usually if you search paramore it shows the CD and they didn't even have that i was just like "uhh...okay then."
  19. i think it's wierd how hot topic is having a paramore giveaway contest and they don't have any paramore mechandise. maybe they'll have some soon...i hope i find there is band merch at west49 but they're mostly for guys in like XXL shirts which is like wayyyyyyy too big for me. and plus it's more expensive than hot topic.
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