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Everything posted by GerBertMcWay

  1. Ugh, so the dogtags are $10 now instead of $5. I was upset, because I really wanted them but I didn't have $10 to spend on them =|
  2. Ahhhhhhh I can't believe it's over :[ Hahaha omg it was so fun. I'm all sunburnt and whatnot :] So, we get there in the morning and they don't let us in because apparently there's something wrong with our tickets =| After like, more than an hour waiting, they finally give us new ones. But I was like, freaking out because I didn't know who we were missing :/ So, I guess I'll just skip to the Paramore part. We found out about the acoustic set at like, 2:00 and the set was at 2:30, but apparently you had to win some contest to go to it? Or, they gave us this HUGE bag, and were like, fill this up with empty bottles, and you can go to the set, but we were like, uhhh no thanks. So their regular set was at 4:30, but so was Mayday Parade's acoustic set D: I was planning on going to the first half of Mayday Parade, and the second half of Paramore, but Mayday Parade was running like, 10 minutes, so I just went to Paramore's. I had missed Misery Business and some of Here We Go Again. I crowdsurfed and then got down near the front, like 2nd or 3rd row but I wasn't really fun, LOL, so I made my way back and crowdsurfed again Then I went back to Mayday Parade's set because I REALLY wanted a hear this one song, but they weren't playing it, so I ran back to Paramore, found my friends and crowdsurfed twice more Such a good set. EDIT: LOL apparently I was half asleep last night when I wrote this part. I didn't get to meet them though, oh well.
  3. TOMORROW TOMORROW TOMORROW! Do you guys think it would be really stupid to go to Paramore's signing and not get anything signed? =| Hahah I'm not bringing much with me so I won't have anything to get signed, and plus, I don't really WANT anything signed, but I kind of still want to go to the signing and just like, say hi =| Would that be really stupid/awkward?
  4. Hahah yeah, I was just about to come in here and see if you all knew about that. I'm so glad they're doing that, because now we won't have to wait in the super long signing line. Do you think a lot of people are going to do it?
  5. "[edit:] well, instead of the long post i had before... now, i'd just like to say this:" does anyone have what she said before?
  6. It was just Hayley and Josh on a webcam. It wasn't that great hahaha. Oh well.
  7. No you can't. I guess they figure it would take too long and they're trying to get as many people as they can through the line.
  8. You should have crowdsurfed to the front
  9. I don't really like it. Especially how the words come up sometimes, I don't like that at all.
  10. Hmm, well The Starting Line just announced a fall tour with 4 Years Strong, & Permanent Me, and it's from September 13 till October 4 so I guess this tour will be after that.
  11. I never really thought he was a good singer, even on the cd I didn't think he was that great. A few months ago though, I saw them play an acoustic set and I was expecting him to be bad since it was acoustic, you know? But he was SO good. Like, better than on the cd. I was really surprised. He must just have his good and bad days, lol.
  12. haha I saw you, you were in my group thing but I didn't say hi because I'm lame.
  13. ahhhhhh I love these pictures so much.
  14. Heeey, all off topic and whatnot, but were you at the Taking Back Sunday volunteering thing on sunday?
  15. Wow, sweet pictures edit/ what kind of camera do you have?
  16. LOL shouldn't you be sleeping then? have fun!
  17. LOL I had this one where my house was like, the tla in philly. so there was like, a line outside and I was in it, but then I was like, wait, I live here I can go inside whenever I want. so then I went inside and paramore played and the stage was like, really cool. there were these box things all over that they could stand on and whatnot.
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