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Everything posted by GerBertMcWay

  1. You guys keep complaining about how mtv is like 2 years late or whatever, but shouldn't you be HAPPY about that? We've had all this time to have them to ~ourselves, you should be glad mtv didn't start paying attention to them at the begginning. Another thing, mtv doesn't kill bands unless you let it. I never complain about bands getting ruined by mtv or the radio, or songs getting overplayed, because I don't watch or listen to either. If you're going to continue to watch mtv or listen to the radio, then you have no room to complain. One more thing! Teenies. I really hate that term because who are you to say who does and doesn't like Paramore for their music? Just because someone thinks a band member is hawt or whateva, doesn't mean they like the music any less. I think Paramore is an attractive band, does that make me any less of a ~true fan? People who hear of bands through mtv aren't necessarliy any less of fans. Is it their fault that they didn't hear of every band before they got big? There's a difference between liking a band only BECAUSE they're big, and first hearing of them after they're already big. K, I'm done :]
  2. Sweeeeeeeeeeet. I'll have to watch. What time does it come on?
  3. I definitely like the newly recorded Hallelujah better than the old one. It fits better on the cd. And it's more like, fun or something. More upbeat, maybe.
  4. Aw Hayley's hair looks so good, hahaha. Thanks for the pictures. :]
  5. That happens anyway though, even if they don't tour together, because they're on the same label. That's how a lot of people get interested in some bands, especially ones on fbr. They'll like one band on the label, and then check out the others.
  6. Paramore would probably even be under Gym Class Heroes, I would think. They've gotten pretty huge too. And you really can't blame Fob for not hanging out with fans. Seriously, could YOU find time to hang out with thousands of people? Hahaha no. Paramore is even kind of getting like that. I mean, they still try but it's just impossible. But Fob tries too. They have meet and greets, which aren't the same as Paramore's BUT there are more people at Fob's. Think what you want, but they really are busy people and they don't just sit around on their tour bus all day before and after shows and whatnot.
  7. Hahahaha how is that annoying? That's the point, they didn't know them before but since they've seen them at hct, now they like them. I don't see the problem with that. That's the same that would happen with Paramore.
  8. Exactly, which is why they could be considering it even if they don't particuraly like Fob.
  9. Not really sure how reliable this source is =| but whateva. Fob's doing a fall tour and Gym Class Heroes is already confirmed annnnd Paramore is apparently "thinking about doing it". I guess they were offered or whatevs but they're not sure. So don't get too excited/upset/devastated/ecstatic yet, but what would you think about this if it were true?
  10. No, they'd be a totally different band. Having a guitarist leave is WAY different than having the lead singer leave.
  11. He told me and my friends a story about some guy named Turd. Pretty amusing.
  12. I just don't understand what's funny about the number of students in that school.
  13. it's just one school. all states have both small and large schools.
  14. yooo Brent, I'm interested if it's not too late :/
  15. It's not like, the end of the world, but you do have to deal with annoying fans wh only like them because they're popular.And then the morons who don't like them just because of their popularity.
  16. yeah, because that's like people are saying they're a completly new/different band when in reality they're not. they're still paramore.
  17. That's good, especially if you look at who else they're up against. There's a lot of really big people up there.
  18. Haha, they're by the same band, of course Roit and Awkif are going to be compared.
  19. It really is beginning to be. And also, if/when they get really big, it will be a trend to NOT like them as well.
  20. For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic <33333333333
  21. Oh wow, LOL I just listened to the new beginning of Misery Business. It reminds me of I Love Lucy or something =|
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