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Everything posted by benzzz

  1. benzzz


    Hey Welcome to these boards
  2. benzzz

    Ahoy hoy

    Hey Welcome Erika Cool another aussie
  3. hey welcome My name would be BEN
  4. Sorry I REALLY don't like his stuff. His lyrics aren't very creative
  5. I have to agree with you there
  6. benzzz


    I don't hate them but I don't listen to them. If they were on the radio I'd listen but I wouldn't buy an of their CDs
  7. We should hire goons to bash up anyone who says anything sexist to her
  8. I wish there was something we could do to stop this
  9. It doesn't seem like your being rude at all. I haven't heard anything other than the singles so I can't really say anything.
  10. Its getting me really annoyed. Shes only 17 whats wrong with those people
  11. I don't know, I have never liked Shikira
  12. Isn't Bon Jovi a band
  13. They aren't that bad but I just don't like that kinda stuff
  14. I need to see them live Great pics
  15. I wouldn't think of listening to any of them
  16. I used to like them ages ago. When they released their fisrt album but the reason put me off them
  17. ^ well I was kinda refering to both of them. everyone shuld be able to get along
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