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Everything posted by Paramore_Is_My_Anti-Drug

  1. I found them on myspace...(which I hate to admit) But I think they are really really good. And...they Love Paramore!! So yea If youre interested in checking em out heres their myspace: http://www.myspace.com/esme
  2. I love Greeley Estates! I saw them on Fuse one day and was blown away! And the lead singer is a cutie too =)
  3. Oh yea I love TRJA..bands like them make me soo proud to live in Florida =)
  4. haha great video. When Hayley runs up to get the candy..lmao =D
  5. Lets Trade Eyes! haha yea I have light brown eyes..and I mean Im ok with them but everytime i see someone with really nice green or blue eyes...i hate mine and want theirs badly.
  6. I actually really think he should get a lip ring. Before I said I couldnt picture but now...I kinda do. And I like it =)
  7. Ohmy the spelling....I meant hair lmao Yea her hair color and eye color go perfect together... just like peanut butter and jelly =P
  8. Exactly... I think she has the best voice in the business actually. oh gosh like when you think bout brittaney spears..and you say hayley has a bad voice?! Thats just my opinon..No offense to anyone that likes brittaney spears.
  9. Oh...well I think thats capable for me.. I have 3 friends who wanna go....so we'll all pitch in money. Im excited =)
  10. lol.. knowing me Ill prolly like wait after the show for like 5 hours just to get a glimpse of them. im very determined at times =)
  11. Oh... man...well I think i could prolly find 3 of my friends to come along..and help pitch in some money.
  12. ^^ Yea It would be. I love both versions..but the CM is my fave
  13. Sorry Im confused..... So the M&G cost extra? So in total of all....how much would it be? I wish they werent doing the meet and greet =( It'll be my first time seeing em and i really wanted to meet em but I doubt my mom would pay the extra.
  14. I Heard bout them..well kinda saw them..i guess.. but i was at my friends house and she was going through her pictures online and I was standing behind her and I saw a pic of paramore and in my head I was like (whoa theres a gurl in that band..sweet) So the next day when I got home I googled..myspaced...and purevolumed them..and instantly I fell in Love!<333 So yea...Usually when I see a band with a gurl in it I check em out right away...i dunno..I just think its kool when bands have a gurl(s) in them =)
  15. I think Here We Go Again would be a great single. But Im happy with Emergency. Pretty Much any Paramore song would rock as a single.
  16. Yea mine are light brown...and plain.... and it drives me crazy whenever i see someone with really pretty..green..or blue eyes.
  17. Yes ...I love her eyes...I have a thing for green eyes..they like amaze me lol...but I wish I had her eyes!!
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