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Everything posted by miss_emergency

  1. HA! i BEGGED and it WORKED!!! i got 'Modern Minds And Past Times!!!' and i LOVELOVELOVELOVE it!!!! ohh and i made a funny little joke about the song Jenny.. i changed Jenny to my name Jana and i sing Jana instead of Jenny... LMAO!!! my mom thinks i'm crazy and i fell asleep listening to Happy Birthday and now it's stuck in my head!!!
  2. the song is wayyyyy awesome in acoustic!!!
  3. yeahh Here I Stand is awesome... and True Love...
  4. ^OH!!! i'm so silly.. my bad! lol.. i know i wish i could come as well!!!
  5. i loved this vid... it's so funny! and hayley was funny with her shoes!!!
  6. *sings* "i know it's kindah late, but happy birthday..." *yells* "I LOVE KYLE! eep...." LOL's
  7. if they do a live vid for hallelujah i hope it's kind of like the "Neighbors" vid by TAI or the "Right On, Right Now" vid by Powerspace... those are good live music vids...
  8. i hardly have any autographs... ickkk... i only have AAR's autographs and Carey Hart's... how exciting..
  9. ^hhahaha! omg'z.. you're really tall.. to me.. lol.. elf army? strange..
  10. NO!!! hye met kenotia? (if you did.. LUCKY!!!)
  11. and you totally deserve your award as well!!!
  12. ^lol.. ohh and today.. i went to pac sun.. and guess what they played? CRUSHCRUSHCRUSH.... ohh yeahhh.. and then... the cashier.. a guy.. was singing to it.. and i go "i love paramore.." and he goes "HELL YEAHH!!" and i started laughing and he goes "i sing good huh?" and i shake my head and leave...
  13. yes.. but it didn't work out too good.. HYE thought you saw your friend at the store, yelled "HI", but realized.. it wasn't them?
  14. Okay, is it just me or is this a little freaky to you too? I went school clothes shopping with my mom (boring as it sounds) and i wasn't in the greatest mood.. and so my mom dragged me into yet another store that i thought had nothing i'd like there.. she started grabbing clothes for me to try on then all of a sudden.. i hear this playing "Hey, this is Zac and Hayley from Paramore and we're going to talk about our new single Misery Buisness..." and then i go "no way..." and then Miz Biz starts playing.. then like almost every shopper in the store starts humming and singing along to Miz Biz.. and i start flipping out!!! I literly hear PARAMORE every where!!! two other stores i went into played Miz Biz as well on the same day!!! and then the local radio station plays Miz Biz as well!!! a little freaky but soo totally awesome!!! lol..
  15. i had a para-dream once.. err twice but i only remember this one... i was with my "band" and we were sitting on the edge of the stage after warped and when everyone had left.. then hayley comes and sits next to me and goes "let's play" and i go.."huh?" and she jumps up and the rest of paramore start playing miz biz and we were all dancing around and having a blast in a empty warped tour stage.. then i woke up and i was like "haha.. I WISH that could happen..."
  16. ha! i have the first one.. and i love it.. lol!!! oohh i want the hoodie.. but only thing is that we can't wear pull over hoodies at my school.. weird huh? and soo unfair.
  17. i love emo guys.. but my friends hate them.. but idc.. lol..
  18. ok, we'll share the name!!!! Hayley- i look like a FRUIT BAT!!! classic.. but the greatest.. lol
  19. hey!!! i'm jana... hope you have tons of fun on here!!! need any help or have any questions? just PM me and i'll help you out!!! nice to meet you!!!
  20. HOW does AIDEN creep someone OUT??? that's weird.. AIDEN's AWESOME!!! i'm gonna name my son aiden.. that's when i have one.. lol.. i love when hayley said "I can't get 'em out!!!" in the beyond the video clip for miz biz.. lol.
  21. wish granted, but when you get it.. it runs away.. err flies away.. whatever unicorns do.. LOL i wish.. i could tour with Madina Lake
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