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Everything posted by SuperJess

  1. Here's a jacket like Hayley wore on New Year's Eve: http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/urban/catalog/productdetail.jsp;jsessionid=5C0F6A30259F6F1BE96D54E60B1DC68E.app11-node2?itemdescription=true&itemCount=60&id=13645270&parentid=W_APP_SALE&sortProperties=+product.marketingPriority,-product.startDate&navCount=8&navAction=poppush&color= I'd never wear it and it's hella expensive but I figured I'd post it in case you guys were interested.
  2. ^Same here. My voice coach asked me what I wanted to sound like and she said she was going to give me the voice I needed and wanted. It's my voice just better, basically.
  3. Haha you think 5 foot 7 is short? I'm 5 foot 2 on a good day buddy.
  4. Double post but oh well. This is WAY better than classical training because it's geared to correct your problems and give you a nice big range to work with. My cousin took choir for years and she has no range at all because they trained her with a classical method. While my range has just exploded since I've taken voice lessons, and my voice is much stronger and my technique is so much better.
  5. It will help for sure. I needed power and my tone is "beefier", for lack of a better term. My coach helps me a lot with breathing and getting enough breath behind me to produce a strong, full sound. My lessons are $65 an hour but it really depends on the coach, I know Brett Manning's are like $200 an hour, so you'll just have to call them and see. Also they should give you a free trial class before you have to pay for them.
  6. Yep I finally found one! She's a level four as well and I love her. Before my first lesson she asked what music I liked and I said all sorts and she asked if I liked Paramore so I knew it was a match made in heaven haha. ROXCHICK93-find an SLS instructor on the site Trevor posted. That's where I found mine and I absolutely love her to death, and my voice improved after four lessons. I do two half hour sessions each week, sometimes two forty-five minute ones. You could still learn a lot from a level 2 but obviously a level 4 will know way more. My instructor started taking lessons from Seth Riggs (creator of SLS) when she was 14 and she's like 55 so she's just incredible, she knows so much. Plus an instructor with more experience will be much better at finding the right exercises for your voice to target your problems. I'd say go with the level three if possible. DAISY RA-RA-Read what I said above to roxchick93. Since you're in Spain you're out of luck but hey you might as well try that level 1 teacher, every little bit helps right? There's actually a singer from Spain who's been in town working with my voice coach for a little while, he said the closest good coach he could find was in Paris. And I guess when he goes back to Spain he'll be doing webcam classes with my instructor. I know some teachers do webcam and phone classes, but that may be pricey for you to call from Spain and all that. I would definitely get the Brett Manning dvd stuff if I were you, and he's also going to have videos of other people's classes online that you can pay for. He's Hayley's vocal coach if you didn't know and his site is singingsuccess.com. DAYUM that was a lot haha.
  7. ^It is stupid, especially in like 15 and 16 year olds because it causes brain damage, and other problems. Everything is still developing at that point and the alcohol can seriously screw it up.
  8. ^His parents were at the Vegas show and he was talking about drinking so that'd be a yes.
  9. Haha you'd be surprised...most people who drink are drinking to get drunk.
  10. ^I'm pretty sure he's a bit of a binge drinker. He's drinking to get drunk.
  11. ^Good luck! And believing in yourself definitely has a lot to do with it. My vocal coach always tells me if you're thinking "Oh man I sound like shit..." then it WILL sound like shit. As long as you're brave and confident, you will be fine! I'm planning on trying out for American Idol eventually, I don't want to be the next Kelly Clarkson, I just figure why not try out, only good things could come from it, you know? It never hurts to give it a whirl.
  12. ^Haha all the sparkle of Vegas has worn off after living here. I mean I LOVE this city, but I'm over the strip haha. We avoid it like the plague, except for going shopping every now and then, and even then I only usually go to fashion show. But that's cool, do you have family here?
  13. Same here. After 2 weeks everything had changed, it was incredible. And was it cheap_perfume who said they might take lessons with Brett (Hayley's coach)? My voice teacher is actually friends with him, because she's an SLS instructor so they know each other through that. I'm hoping either this summer or next year to get down to Nashville and do the workshop he does where he gives you lessons & you have dinner with him and get his dvds and all that jazz.
  14. Do you take voice lessons? (That's to the original poster) I love my voice coach so much. Sadly I will be without her for 2 weeks because I'm going to Idaho haha. I'm not in a band because I just can't find anybody that I really want to work with her, everybody in Vegas thinks that just because P!ATD and The Cab got signed that they should just get a deal handed to them and they don't want to work. Eventually my voice coach will be helping me write some songs and when I get them recorded I'll definitely share with everybody on here!
  15. ^Haha I don't think she's trying to be sexy. 90% of the time she pulls a face anyway.
  16. I play that at work all the time and we blast it and all rock out, haha.
  17. It really bums me out because Zack is super talented and nobody really knows.
  18. GROCE. Everything about that girl is fake. "LYKE OMGZ COLLUGE IZ SO WEIRD PPLZ." Please. She's a freshman in hs.
  19. Aww that's sad. I love Rian & Zack a lot. I actually REALLY wanted them to be there for the interview I did on Warped, I'm always bummed when they only give you the singer.
  20. DAYUM. AP is a really backwards magazine and they always contradict themselves but I'm sure this will be an awesome article.
  21. My friend is on a mission and he said if Hilary gets elected he's not going to come home. Just wanted to add a little humor to this thread.
  22. Def. see paramore instead, CIWWAF sucks live now pretty much.
  23. Don't worry, you didn't offend me. I understand that a lot of people who don't know a whole lot about singing hear things way differently than I do, and my voice coach hears things differently as well. Trust me last time I saw boys like girls I wished that I didn't sing because I could hear all the flaws in Martin's technique, and I could tell that he doesn't warm up, or at least he doesn't warm up well because the first two songs are always awful. Also, they should just stay away from doing any Queen songs. IMHO, nobody should do Queen because Freddy Mercury just can't be matched.
  24. Well she's been singing for over 40 years so I'm guessing she knows a bit more about singing than you bb. Haha. But I agree, he has gotten WAY better live, but when they do covers it seems like he's sometimes (not always) trying too hard to match the original perfectly and it screws him up. I think when they do covers they just need to take it and make it their own, honestly they could do some really great stuff that way. But a lot of their show is theatrics and that's their gimmick, it's pretty much why their so huge.
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