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Everything posted by FromAmberToLast

  1. I straightened my hair this morning, but the humidity poofed it all back up. >.>
  2. Did anyone hear that they're coming out with THREE new albums next summer? I read it in an interview on ultimate-guitar.com. I'll need to go find it if anyone wants it. Is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking??? 3x albums = 3x $.. -le sigh- I'm kinda disapointed in Green Day right now...
  3. :hyper: I just hope it's not anything big, like something that totally covers his arm..
  4. I'm 14 and never had a boyfriend. I HATE the saying "Music= life" cause that's just stupid. I hate it when people chew... I crack my knuckles, but can't stand it if someone else does. My dad's 79.
  5. I'd batch slap that shat bag. ;D What would you do if your parents suddenly decided to move to Indonesia?
  6. I'll help. ;D Is there any particular date you need it by?
  7. I didn't even know they were headlining in the first place. Lol. I'm pretty sure they still are if they hadn't said anything about it. =P If they're headlining Warped does that mean their set will be longer???
  8. Had this art competition thing for art. Apparently I have mad drawing skills, but suck at coloring. =P
  9. D00D WTF and now my mom says I can't go???!? What a bitch! Seriously, just give me a straight answer already. >< I get my hopes up REALLY high then she squishes it because "I don't want to stand up for an hour and you've already been to 2 concerts." It's not like I'm asking her to do this every night of her life... >.> And I brought my grades up just like she wanted me to. I can't stand her at all, really.
  10. Lol I'm not exactly sure how it works either. I'm also used to getting it mailed in.
  11. -is, yet again, jealouse of your awesome abilities- But I'm sure you worked really hard for those awesome abilities. Kudos.
  12. "One light, one mind flashing in the dark. Blinded by the silence of a thousand broken hearts." It's a cool image seeing one person coming out lit up, and standing out amongst the crowd.
  13. Does anyone know if her ears are pierced?? jw cause I just got mine pierced and realized I've never seen a picture of her earlobes. LOL.
  14. You're really good. D: -is jealouse- And D00D, you must be really brave. o_____o I mean, going on stage and dancing and headbanging and what not in front of the school. I'm not sure how it is at other school's talent shows, but at mine EVERYONE is mocked for life regardless of if you're good or not. Lol. -is still jealouse-
  15. bahahah the gimli one made me laugh the most. xD and while you're at it you might as well watch this one. xDDD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8t03nYyyDU Frodo sounds funny when Merry and Pipin jump on the bed. xD
  16. ^Lol I've got a bit of almost everything. Korean, German, Irish, Mongolian, Dutch...I don't really look like a certain race either. =P I always thought Josh and Zac looked somewhat Hispanic. =P Like, not much....but still.
  17. Ha that'd be a nice offer, but I don't think my mom would let me, being that I don't know you. xD But thanks for keeping me in your thoughts. Lol. And yeah, at least I can actually go to their show. I'm so stoked!
  18. Lucky ^ What I wouldn't give to meet them... Anywho, my mom finally agreed to take me if I do shit loads of chores. xD I'M SO EXCITED!!!! :hyper:
  19. Anyone going?? So far for me my mom said it's a no. But the battle to see Paramore ain't over until the 12th! Mwahaha. Anywho, it'd be cool to know somebody else here that's going. ^-^
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