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Everything posted by Volcom87288

  1. I like the tribute idea most of the people on the boards have seen them in concert and have pictures so we could make like a slide show of like warped tour and of the tour.
  2. I would love a avatar design or I would like to make one
  3. Volcom87288


    I see where you can get an avatar but what is it?
  4. Volcom87288


    Hey!! I am new to the boards and havn't really got the hang of trying to post and stuff so if you have been here for awhile and know anything that might be helpful please tell! Thnks:D
  5. I love her clothes if it was up too me I would totally steal everything in her closet well I would ask her if I could just borrow it first
  6. I love her make up when she is onstage it loooks great but I wouldn't wear make up like that out but I mean she can pull it off soo go girll
  7. I was at the Norfolk show and I waited for Four hours for her to come out so I could meet her and she didn't talk I knew why because someone told me earlier and after the norva show they canceled like a few shows after that so she could get better but that concert was truly amazing and I couldn't believe that she would sing that amazing with a blister WOW she is good
  8. Is anyone going to Warped Tour Charlotte or Virgina Beach to see Paramore this summer?? I don't know which show to go too:confused:
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