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Everything posted by Jorgi

  1. Oh jee, i know someone who is downright and unhealthily obsessed with Milla Jovovich.
  2. I'm buying it today, i'll hook y'all up with the hot gossip and suchlike. Haha.
  3. Darlings, we Brits do not walk, we glide. One foot always 10.375 cm infront of the other whilst walking, no more and no less. Our walk is sophistication. Of course we have our elbows tucked in for the chicken wing effect without fail, and effortlessly wave with our palms facing inwards to passers by (but only after personal instruction from the Queen). Generally to be spotted with a cup of tea clasped in free hand with the pinkie finger sticking out. ... In reality, we can't really walk anymore. Our jeans are either far too baggy or far too tight.
  4. Ah, but you can get epiphone versions of the bullseye as well so it's all good ;D
  5. Saaame. There's an epiphone one at this guitar store in my town, it's displayed in the front window and i walk past it every day on my way into town *Droooolll*. it's 538 quid though, gahhh. Need to get me a job.
  6. Ahh sammme although i already knew. Still dead exciting. In other news my friend just phoned me like "OH MY GOD THERE'S A BLOODY WOMBAT IN MY BACK GARDEN", so of course i was like "heyyy, wombat in hitchin ?!". Turned out it was a badger. Proper made my day, that has
  7. Wooo, thanks Thankyou Sammmmmm !!! <333
  8. Nope, you're right ! Although i don't know if that's the significance of it or not, maybe someone else played it. Well, that's the model anyway.
  9. There are too many chavs absoloutely everywhere, matey. Damn them.
  10. wish granted, but after a week a rabid camel comes along and chews your fingers off- you'll have to learn to play it with your feet. i wish i could... sing ?
  11. My Dad freaks out about import tax, thus no paramore shirts for me. Boo.
  12. Eek, yeah "/ Recently i've come to the conclusion that boys are far more trouble than they're worth.
  13. without your kisses - jose vanders
  14. i'm pretty sure it'd succeed in scaring little chickens too, if you tried hard enough.
  15. famous last words. but still, it could be TWO hours of marching with toilet paper on your head being yelled at by stupid, bald, mr. cross ! That'd be worse, eyy.
  16. blimey, there's a barbie dance? awesome.
  17. Just think, the sooner you go to band, the sooner it's over !
  18. oh blimey. ...Xmas decorations ?! in august. Sure thing jorgi, sure thing.
  19. Done the bungee thing so i guess sky dive. Going to do that pretty soon as well, though. would you rather look intimidating or naive ?
  20. Bad Boys ! ahahaha. Russel Howard: "do you ever reckon the queen lies in bed with the duvet right up to her neck so just her head's showing, and goes "LOOK PHILLIP, I'M A STAMP!" legend.
  21. sing in front of a million people it'd be totally embarassing, as i cannae sing cap'n ! but a great experience. would you rather be in a film or tv series ? Oh jee i keep posting just after other people. >_<
  22. breathe underwater, you can look at fishes with the added bonus of not drowning. would you rather be able to breakdance or do ballet ?
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