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Everything posted by IamBec88

  1. They're cool ones However, I don't think we'll be able to hold off the teeny boppers forever.. when paramore start being promoted over here.
  2. I've converted just about every cool person on the aussie Hilary Duff forum - might not seem good to you guys but fans are fans and we have loads who like completely different stuff to Hil usually (like me). But yeah, a bunch of the guys over there have bought Riot and a few AWKIF.
  3. hahahah this thread is great!
  4. No, they'll come this year should be anyway
  5. There's no need for the petition they'll come
  6. Nah I didn't sense any sarcasm. Sounds like the real deal to me. I wonder if they'll come together to Aus.
  7. Yessssssssssssssss Now, to never let them leave
  8. Or at all? This LJ post made me laugh so freaking much.. I don't know why.
  9. I played drums for about 4 years.. not anymore though, I sold my kit. I wanna get another one though.
  10. They're cutting off water to some farmers soon.. like, saying they can't use it anymore. Things are getting crazy. Don't water grass.. such a waste. I feel bad for kids who are missing out on the childhood water play.. like, you know, sliding around on water and detergent on a tarp, playing with a hose.. whatever. Australia will probably become extinct.. we'll all die of thirst.
  11. Yeah, everything looks fine to me. To be honest, I haven't seen a major change since the staff numbers decrease. And you have a load of staff as it is. 2 admins and 4 mods? Plenty.
  12. So bizarre being that rugged up while performing on stage.. you'd think you'd heat up majorly!
  13. Yeah, it's like.. kind of weird though.. all of the older fans will just be pushed on to the outer. Paramore don't know who's a new fan and who's an old fan. We just all blend together... chances of meeting them decrease, chances of them remembering you decreases... But, with all that said.. I am absolutely stoked for them. I just understand what people are saying.
  14. Paramore on TRL? ...and so it begins. Congrats to them though they must be excited/nervous.
  15. Yeah, well, I know you guys are on restrictions my question was aimed at non-Aussies, but yeah. Thanks for your input too. And I agree that the restrictions should never be lifted. And they ought to truck all the flood water out to farmers.. haha.
  16. A secret show would be so great and intimate Secret Shows Australia put paramore in their top friends like the week after they canceled coming here - damn them
  17. Australia has been in drought just about forever, and some level of water restrictions exist in basically every area of the country. Water restrictions range from level one where sprinklers are banned, and hoses etc cannot be used between 10am and 4pm, to level five which basically means no hoses, no watering gardens, no washing cars, no outside-use of water. I've never really heard anything about water restrictions elsewhere in the world, I don't know if this water shortage is an international problem or not. So, basically, my question is: are you on water restrictions?
  18. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good lord, no. I don't want all those fans liking Paramore. Paramore are actually good, and they'll only like them because lyk omgz Zac is s000 hawwt. Paramore deserve better fans.
  19. I don't have one at the moment because it's pretty awkward because I live in two different places - half the year at home (during holidays) and then 10 hours from home during uni terms. But up until the end of last year, I worked at Video Ezy (like Blockbuster - a big video store chain). I worked there for like, 3 years or something and it was the best job. I don't think I'll ever find another casual job I love that much.
  20. crushcrushcrush would kick butt in mainstream world imo. So, if they're after that...
  21. Saw Brand New for the first time the other night - oh my
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