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Everything posted by breakablethread

  1. i love how the door opens and you just hear hayleys voice rofl bless her
  2. you have to buy them seperatley if you want them shipping, so theres no 3 for 3 deal but i suppose if somebody is willing to buy them then send them you and you pay them for it then youre sorted.
  3. im really not liking the picture inside the gatefold vinyl. doesnt flatter any of them.
  4. i think its only an instore thing and it doesnt apply online :[
  5. or maybe it was this guy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leeland
  6. i hope it was leeland from dog the bount hunter but his is spelt leland :[
  7. ^^ you mean the writers? simpsons arent real and neither is time travel
  8. oh god. a tour with those 3 bands would be SICKKKKKK.
  9. i love the fact that i live in manchester now im gonna go and get em today x
  10. i know the original capacity was about 1500, but apparently its gonna be 3000 capacity because theyve added a balcony
  11. fuck that "they only make about $13". producing a shed load of buttons, tons of stickers, a few thousand tees. theyre not gonna buy them at retail price are they. theyre gonna mass produce them all. and i dont know how heavy this tshirt is but $10 for postage is ridculous.
  12. i need to go out and get that. anybody know if the 3 for £3 offer is on hallelujah like it was for MB?
  13. if they were to go bigger it would of been apollo, which is the same size as Academy 1 now so yeah.
  14. ooof that sounds like a good tour. add eisley to the bill and its perfect
  15. its hardly "unfair" that they played hallelujah in london. im just guessing her voice felt up to it. good for hayley.
  16. thats really weird. i went on it before and saw it had launched and guessed id just missed it. literally like 10 minutes before i saw this post. hah.
  17. just with a new thread everyday the old threads (that nobody looks at anymore because it was the day before's chart position) spam up the board.
  18. i have a video of when it rains, but it seems so does everybody else haha. i think i see my camera in your video. it ocassionally pops up hah x
  19. rofl im guessing thats why meg rung me.
  20. next time put it in the chart position thread. we dont want a new thread every time everytime they change position.
  21. there probably is. its probably ripped off mtv or something. i dont have it im afriad. whore isnt so much of a bad word over here haha
  22. i think the rules are, if its unreleased, the band dont want us to have it. therefore no posting.
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