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Everything posted by marcus

  1. when youve spent the last hour on facebook looking at paramore/paramore related groups to join
  2. the lyric book silly *when u put you could use the edit button intstead of making two consecutive posts...
  3. its like that cause you bought it months too late
  4. if they arent going to the vmas then it doesnt make sense why mtv got them to say that they were invited in that commercial
  5. well your answer is going to be obvious, seeing as how this is a paramore forum
  6. so when are we getting tour dates?
  7. well its +10 for shipping and handling to the states and an extra 10 on top of that for outside the states [im in canada], so 30+10+10=50
  8. 50 for you [and me ] since you live in the uk
  9. ahaha i like how we used the same pictures in our sigs
  10. search paramore being crazy. click on the one thats like 20+ mins i think its called unedited or full version or something like that
  11. band from seattle [i live in vancouver] http://www.myspace.com/greenhamish
  12. give the account that you just signed up with today to me im not paying fucking 50$ for a shirt and a preorder on tickets for shows that arent near where i live
  13. yeah id like to see as well the only way they can get me to pay 50$ for the fansite is if they tour here
  14. thats not steep, its the extra 20$ they are making us pay thats steep. thats whats keeping me from joining.
  15. k ive got to admit, that fucking pwns
  16. sharpies wash out after a couple washes
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