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Everything posted by shootatsam

  1. I'm looking for a picture, I don't really know where else to post. It's of Hayley leaning forward, with a huge butterfly stamp/graphic behind her. If I remember correctly, it says paramore in red at the bottom, and it was some kind of large scan or magazine photo.
  2. Anyone know where I can see the rest of the photos from this gallerys top banner? http://paramore-music.org/photos/index.php I'm making a custom skin for my HP laptop, and I wanna use these images. Thanks.
  3. guitars sound like guitars. drums sound like drums. but only one person can open their mouth and sound hayley williams..I'd definitely still support the guys, no doubt about that. But the question was..would we love the band as much? and for me, hayley's where it's at.
  4. does anyone have the photos from this article? i can't find it anywhere. =]
  5. Just curious what the most recent update on the main site is about? I gather a magazine or something of the sort printed something negative, or misused their words. Any chance on getting a bit more information about this? thanks. =)
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