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Everything posted by Chesh

  1. Haha it is the first article about Paramore here in Israel. it's awesome I can't be bothered to translate all of it but basically they compared her to Avril and Hayley said the crowd always asks them to sing Skater Boy and sometimes they (Paramore) played "Complicated" they also wrote this "they're a Punk Rock band with a pinkish soloist" I guess that's pretty gay, like thinking of them as a girl's band only. however, they wrote awesome stuff about the album (RIOT) and basically it's a very good article with no criticism or stuff like that well here is the picture of it (the title there says "Give Me More)
  2. LOL, just seen this on youtube haha he's funny as hell, it's cool someone filmed him
  3. Chesh


    I love them, they came to my country when I saw Paramore in London but of course Paramore has priority
  4. Chesh


    Anyone knows them? it's an Indie band with a female singer
  5. It sucks.. the crowd didn't seem to care about them. Hayley was talking to herself most of the time lol, but yeah that's what happens that you're the first band on a big fest
  6. It's just without any effects... at the studio and other shows they usually use effects so I don't know, I hope not lol I don't think other shows would be streamed, KROQ is doing that every year so if Paramore will play on next year's KROQ there would be another webcast
  7. Yeah it sounds like she's sick or something but I guess there weren't any effects and her mic had problems
  8. I did, but couldn't get a picture of that :/
  9. They just changed it on this page: http://www.kroq-data.com/kroqnow/ii07/webcast.html Paramore 6:40-7:20 but on the main page it's still 3:10-3:40 weird...
  10. sorry if there's a theard like this but I didn't find any. so if anyone wants to put his/her myspace address put it here myspace.com/idan182
  11. Chesh


    They have 2 more albums, one is from 2002 and the last one is from 2004 but the older one is the best, yeah they're a bit too old lol
  12. I don't remember which band sang it but all I remember is the word "everybody" lol. they said that alot and with screams anyone knows what song is it? I don't think it's by This Providence
  13. All is up on youtube you can see the window part here:
  14. Chesh


    Anyone heard of them? they are a great band The album "Now You See Inside" is the best
  15. Haha yeah, I filmed it and it should be uploaded along with the full 6th show on the media section soon you can see a picture of it here and check my youtube account, they should be there as well soon http://youtube.com/profile?user=chesh182
  16. No problem guys, I'm glad you all liked them don't download "08 - Let The Flames Begin.mpg" yet, it's incomplete and the link needs to be fixed
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