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Everything posted by Parawhore914

  1. lol. I have no use for a Cigar Box though so...
  2. haha, I love your Tyra avatar Steph. But thank you for letting us know, I wouldn't have if I didn't have you guys. It should be fun though, looking forward to it. I love the little d'Fused segments.
  3. Aw, I know, I missed you on here! Right now I'm talking to my friend that I like. She's pretty upset that the guy she likes[[liked?]] doesn't like her. Secretly though, I'm kind of glad...Is that wrong?
  4. aw, that doesn't sound cheesy, it sounds cute. actually, that's when i knew i liked my friend, after we saw hairspray together. ...and hopefully better things will come in the way for both me, Katie and everyone else that loves their straight friend but can't have them.
  5. ZOMG! YEAH! A BI GUY! But um...yeah, you do get the best of both worlds when your bi I guesss. At least, that's how I see it.
  6. lol. I was but, I can't now because my parents won't let me :[
  7. Ah, I see... Well that's nice you still get to see at the mall Katie.
  8. Oh. Well, at least they didn't care all that much, eh? How did people react when you came out?
  9. I don't think I could eat a birthday muffin. I mean, I would eat it if it was the only thing avaliable on my birthday--especially if I was on the road. And it's not that I don't like muffins. I just couldn't eat a sweet muffin with all the frosting on it and all...
  10. lol. Lucky. I'd give anything to have like--one bi/les./gay friend right now. yes, we are the people that stalk Sexuality Thread every moment of our free time. lol. I'm ok...I guess? I want to see if my friend[[the one I like]]can come home with me after school to go to a party. Hopefully she'll answer her phone... I hope all goes well with that!
  11. Ah, ok, I see it now. **laughs at herself at her own stupidity** Yeah, it's a Austrain bar in Germany. At least, that's what I'm sticking with...
  12. ello. how's life for you? still no bi guys?! **sigh** ah well...
  13. I'm talking on the phone to the straight best friend...That I like :/ And it does suck. What color do you want?
  14. It is? Really? I haven't seen it on their myspace...
  15. lol. I love GayGod/Matthew Lush. and **poof** you have you offical Sexuality Thread jacket!
  16. Yeah, go 14 year olds. Live up to it![[i'm 14 too]]
  17. I don't know if this has been posted or not, and if it has then--by all means, delete--but if it hasn't.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI6zDDuLh4I
  18. lol. That's what my friend said earlier on in the day.
  19. ^^ so do I. I agree with poodzilla in some ways--while they do get A LOT of coverage I just feel that MTV has a way of pumping up a band and then a couple of months later they just forget about them.
  20. ^^ lol. I know, right?! That's something you usually don't watch...Unless it's MTV week of course.
  21. hmmm...I've never really gotten into ATL but, I don't know...People here say they're good so, maybe I'll give it a try.
  22. and yeah to more gay guys, I love gay guys :] yes, i know, it sucks--majorly. especially when they like someone else :/ lol. we seriously do have a club. me and holleh have jackets.
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