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Everything posted by EasyTarget

  1. Ahh Guro, the deathly hallows symbol would be rad! It's awesome your friend has that, Marjanne! Yeah, I really would like to go through with it someday.
  2. Furt was awesome. Finn has disappointed me for most of season 2, but he redeemed himself in this episode. Cried at the vows bit, I just love Burt and Carole together. :')
  3. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Okay, so I technically haven't started yet, but I will tonight.
  4. I still want lyrics on my wrist, but I now want a line from SING by My Chem, because that song is one of those really uplifting ones that means a lot to me. I just don't know if I'll ever have the guts to go through with it.
  5. Awh Kevin, it's awful that your dad went through that, but I'm so glad his treatments are working!
  6. I confess I am glad in a small way that there is snow. It gives me an excuse not to go out for awkward times tomorrow night.
  7. Defo will do! My sis will probably get us seating tickets though, I assume you'll be standing?
  8. I confess that I am struggling to listen to anything but Danger Days. I see 30STM soon and yet I can only listen to My Chem. xD
  9. I know I keep changing whether I'm going or not, Ross, but I think it's on now! So long as my sister manages to book tickets, I'm not too worried about money yet. I've waited half my life to see Blink, afraid my hopes are already up!
  10. I know I keep changing whether I'm going or not, Ross, but I think it's on now! So long as my sister manages to book tickets, I'm not too worried about money yet. I've waited half my life to see Blink, afraid my hopes are already up!
  11. Just a theory, but maybe people are saying it, getting bored because nothing is happening, then logging off before anyone else they used to talk to logs in. And for me, I just don't like the layout and shiz, I was so comfortable with the other one. xD
  12. They're pretty awesome. Impressive EP.
  13. Couldn't agree more aaaand if MCR come back again and you're planning on seeing them TELL ME BEFOREHAND!
  14. I confess I kinda miss these boards, they're dead now.
  15. Sucks! I didn't even realise you were going Ross. But yeah, VERY impressed with the new songs. Just wish Honey hadn't been the song to be replaced on the setlist.
  16. I confess that I always feel slightly depressed the day after a concert.
  17. I know it's a longshot, but I really need to sell my ticket. I've been trying to for weeks with no luck, thus this post. It's £26.90 and a seating ticket. If you're interested, message me please and I can send it straight out.
  18. I confess I'm super tired, but don't want to go to bed yet.
  19. Took me too long to realise the extent of how amazing they are! The shame. xD Going with parents is better than alone though I guess? I've been to a few great gigs with my dad.
  20. The site has been painfully slow for me since it changed. Thus not logging in much as I get stressed out by having to wait so long.
  21. I've decided to watch series two online. I simply cannot wait until January. Fuck living in the UK.
  22. Much prefer Versa to Paramore nowadays. I really want them to come to Newcastle on tour, but then again none of my friends like them, so I'd have nobody to go with. :/
  23. LOL... This is interesting. Diversity can be good though. Never listened to fun. What are they like? I like some rap, but I'm not keen on Airplanes and haven't listened to anything else by B.o.B..
  24. THEY DID WHATSERNAME?! Bahhhhhhhh I love that song.
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