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Everything posted by Invision

  1. Ok Christianity is broken up into many different teachings and they all have their rules. I was born and raised Roman catholic and what i learned is that if you dont follow the bible, the ten commandments and go to church you will go to hell. Now how can Jesus he all loving and forgiving but is willing to send someone to hell for some mistakes they have made in their life. Now i'm not saying murders should go to heaven but they fact that the church is using fear in order to get people to believe in their faith is rediclious. I do believe in god but i believe that you shouldnt have to go to church every sunday. As long as you are a good person you will get into heaven. If you have made mistakes then you should be given a second chance to make things right. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but this is what i think
  2. They are saying that he might of passed away from acute asthma. He didnt feel any pain he just stopped breathing in his sleep. Hawthorne Heights is a great band and Casey is what made it great. He will be missed by all.
  3. i can play the guitar... And i guess i can play the bass because seeing as it doesnt seem to hard
  4. Well it all depends on what you want to play, an electric or acoustic guitar. If you are serious about learning how to play then i would suggest getting an acoustic just because its a good guitar to learn on. As for brand i would suggest getting an Ibanez. An acoustic Ibanez will be about $100 but your not going to need a $500 guitar to learn how to play. This is what i got for my first guitar and i had no problems with it at all.
  5. I think that your all forgetting about th australian accent. The best one of all mate .
  6. If the concert is not for a while ticketmaster may not be selling them yet.
  7. Ya im a guy soooooo anyways.. Hayley is......
  8. Ketchup.... Seriously i just ate a spoon full of ketchup :D
  9. Hopefully they come to NY.... Even better if they played Long Island... Most bands do play here because of such a large fan base here.. :D
  10. How About Bert from The Used... If u guys have ever seen Big cheese magazine .. the cover is a picture with both of them on it.... Together they would kick some major ass.
  11. Invision


    Hello Im Alex! Have fun posting:D
  12. Hey welcome to the forums... My name is Alex.
  13. Invision

    The Used

    I'm actually surprised no ones said the Used.... Unless its like 20 pages back and if its that case I'm to lazy to look that far :D ... Their new album Lies for Liars is awesome!!!
  14. Wondering how many guys out there like Paramore or is it strictly a girl band....
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