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Everything posted by UrLittleDecoy

  1. 70 kb? haha holy shit, i'd be screwed, the size of my current sig is almost 200 kb haha. i know that saving a sig as a jpg file instead of png can make it a lot smaller, but on some graphics it actually makes a difference. and some even require to be saved as a png. i tend to like to save all my graphics as png files, in fact i've been saving all of them as pngs for years. but if there's really a need for a limit, either to resolution or size, i think everyone can live with that.
  2. i confess i'm done with my exams and i actually aced all 4 of them.
  3. just wait a little more... oh don't even tell me about it but i think i'm gonna rewatch both seasons during the summer
  4. i am so sorry i confess i'm seriously scared of my exam that's on tuesday
  5. alright. i SWEAR i'm doing it on tuesday.
  6. nope i haven't started it yet... so, shoot!
  7. hahaha that sounds good. now i can't wait to see it... awesome now my evil side needs to come back too.
  8. i confess i've done ridiculously good at my exams so far. but that's gonna change next tuesday
  9. haha that's okay. alright, maybe not today but tomorrow i'll start making it for sure. if that's okay
  10. ooooh do that maybe you could just go around and kiss all the men on the cast like nina
  11. i confess i have an exam tomorrow for which i'm afraid i'm not fully prepared
  12. haha holy shit that's a lot of pics to be on one sig. but i'll try to make up something
  13. i confess tomorrow i'm meeting a woman to talk about my summer internship and i'm kinda nervous. Oo
  14. thanks yeah sure, what do you mean by "like it" haha?
  15. ^^ a belated thanks to you guys :') hi my name's betty and monster made me do stuff again. and this is absolutely random but i haven't had internet for the past couple of days and i started making textures?wallpapers? out of boredom using my old brushes haha. here's the outcome one, two, three
  16. Haha deal. yeah they might come to vienna one day.. i hope so. sziget would sound reasonable but as long as they do warped every year, they won't come to sziget :/
  17. oh i'm sure you did great. that's too bad :/ it's a male cat, i don't even know why i wrote "it's so small and cute" when i could've written he. ANYWAY, here and here are photos of him :3
  18. thanks, congrats to you too then oh good luck for that :/ btw we've just brought home a new kitty it's so small and cute :3
  19. haha i've just written in the confession thread that i've passed it how was yours?
  20. i confess i've passed my art history exam
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