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i heart guese

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Everything posted by i heart guese

  1. 1. Band/artist name: The Academy Is 2. Are you male or female: santi? 3. Describe yourself: the author 4. How do other people feel about you: we've got a big mess on our hands 5. How do you feel about yourself: black mamba 6. Describe current dating status: down and out 7. Describe where you want to be: LAX To Ohare 8. Describe how you live: you might have noticed 9. Describe how you love: judas kiss 10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish: sleeping with giants 11. Share a few words of Wisdom: skeptics and true believers 12. Now say goodbye: everything we had
  2. http://img33.picoodle.com/img/img33/4/1/6/f_n2080111930m_69454e1.jpg
  3. - went to cinema - got my hair cut - went home
  4. your guardian angel-the red jumpsuit apparatus
  5. 7th period:7 weeks-gym class heroes feat william beckett
  6. err.. i dont really remember. somewhen in june probableey wwtlty met your teacer?
  7. 8 =] sure.. here it is http://img01.picoodle.com/img/img01/4/1/6/f_71c0r2tm_b25df26.png
  8. i got renee zellweger.. shes blonde and im not..oh wow.
  9. gotta be somebody's blues-jimmy eat world
  10. wooow.. 5000 members.. amaziiiing... and maybe i am the last member when i post this.. lolz
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