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Everything posted by misstezzypants

  1. what do you mean? and no, i dont mind you asking i just dont get the question
  2. TWLOHA is good! i only heard of it a few months back, when i first got into my recovery and i can now openly talk about my issues of self harm, suicide attempts and depression. if it helps you should always talk about stuff peeps!! My rant of the day. was going to be very long but i will keep it simple and sweet i completely. fail. /rant
  3. exactly! so, kids. dont do it seriously
  4. Yup it just shows you that it only takes one, ya know! he would have been 20 now, miss him like crazy i only tell people that to show them taking drugs IS real, bad stuff Does happen
  5. im against drugs completely. my best friend took one E pill and died.
  6. hey kiddos!! how is the para house today
  7. I did. at a festival some girl said "its my birthday, can i have a kiss" i said yes ha Do you own an ipod/mp3 player?
  8. yeah its the length, i think if you were to add more than 3 (large) signatures it'd slow everything down. BCC code is like, the code that centers it, the begining of the image code. well, i believe so anyway!
  9. ^^^ *cuddles* its horrible isnt it? the amount of times i try, ive been trying since the age of like, 8 to diet, but it doesnt shift.
  10. I get what you mean! Im a catholic, not practising, but i do believe in god, i do alot of things such as praying every now and then, visiting a church but... Im bi sexual and i do think, is it so bad? 'yaknow.
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