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Everything posted by 777

  1. Dracula,eh? haha.

    Nothing much,really. I've been having a lot of problems lately,but meh. That's it.

    How have you been? :D

  2. lol you've got really nice eyes I like them.
  3. I confess I luh me some malt liquor on a hot day.
  4. Seen one of your videos by the way ^ adorable. However that isn't grinding my gears. I hate it when people go like "Oh fuck yeah I used to and could smoke so and so(gram or so) much amount of weed and still WALK AWAY" then you decide to smoke them a few grams and they only make it to the second joint AND THEN SAYING that it's peer pressure or else otherwise they'll get help from the other guy to say shit like "Yeah we don't smoke that much, We're not pot heads" and it is them that are smoking my stuff with me. Not only does it make me feel like I'm some no good pot head these people are separating myself from them.
  5. What the hell is this thread doing in page 2. BUMMPITY.
  6. I'm confessin a'my love for some U2 right now.
  7. Absolutely my favorite. Experience talks in this one. Edit: Ahh wth I'll edit another in here. You chose war And will kill tonight Won't you know God in fright? Down the path of time you'll go Red blood in the river flow Polished steel reveals to you Delivered death Inside of you You chose a path not much will go Dark red blood in the river flow
  8. Tic tac chit chat stick stack I'm black. no I'm not.
  9. Got nothing going on. Got no job, No money. Well I got money but can't live on the amount I get a month. I'm losing dignity more and more each time I take from my parents. Everything I hoped for didn't happen. Every choice I made looks like it was for nothing. Couldn't save my best friend from his way of life. Couldn't save my brother from his addictions. Always have been a bad influence, Depends on how you look at it but from a clean mind and an observers perspective sympathy would be hard to find in my role. Things will take care of themselves either way if I decide to look at my current situation in a negative or a positive light. Perception, They say is everything but it's way too hard to pay attention to an illusion coming from nowhere if not thin air. Reality is all around 360 and it sucks. Shucks!
  10. The Game - It's Okay (One Blood) ft. Junior Reid
  11. I confess Better is the best song.
  12. 11th Dimension is AWESOME. He also does "Boombox" with The Lonely Island which is actually kinda cool too. He's the singer for The Strokes and he's actually all right. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68irMrwdCiU That second link is probably going to be a very popular song sometime sooner or later as it is catchy as hooks! It's called "Left & Right in the Dark ". His album is called "Phrazes for the Young"
  13. hahah thats hilarious. Happy Birthday you two.
  14. confess I sniffed a percecette awhile ago. Not at all that great. Rather smoke.
  15. I confess a confessiiiiiiion-AH
  16. I confess this tooth ache fucking sucks. !tihS
  17. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  18. I confess I get a tooth ache each time I have some steak. Some perfectly cooked steak. With paprika.
  19. Actually didn't suck ass much to my surprise. Was pretty good.
  20. Confess I got a million ways to get it
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