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Everything posted by lilley_1

  1. Then please do tell about the greatest that is Communism. What about is so great?
  2. Well green is hard to classify and sometimes it is give its own category and other times is grouped with the rest of hallucinogens. So I'll give you that victory cause without green in my halluncigenic category then mushies would be the only one you said was safe that would be classified as a hallucinogen (i also didn't realize that you were catergorizing cocaine as a safe drug because you kinda contradicted yourself by saying that its highly addictive). Also I do agree that alcohol is a dangerous a drug (its a depressant btw) and the fact that most people don't classify it as boggles my mind sometimes. Overall, you can die from drugs but you can also die from too much sugar (which studies have shown is really addictive oh the irony) or caffiene but society sees nothing wrong with those two (i guess nicotine should fall under this category as well). So yes, I do get your overall point but its kinda hard to change America's mindset on whats a bad drug or not. I just don't like people when their high and I think its really stupid that people choose to use (no matter what drug it is). I never said that I disagree with you on the governments stance on drugs but rather the fact that you're using drugs. I think that we are losing the war on drugs (whether its to a bunch of stoned people or not i don't know). It really needs to be a grassroots movement instead of the federal government pushing regulations and laws down our throats. And itsgettingcloser, I'm not going to respond to that cause you're basically saying that I'm stupid for thinking the Communist Manifesto lead to the Russian Revolution, stalinism and the cold war which it pretty much fact. k i better go to class bye
  3. You do know that it was written in the 1800's and was the backbone to the russian revolution and stalinism right (Marx was also German and wrote it in his home country). This is not recent stuff here. the entire text : http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/6/61/61.txt or you could just google it yourself and actually read up on it. maybe after you read it you'll think differently. if you compare quotes from the book to obama quotes the similarities are staggering.
  4. the reason i didn't give you examples right away is because i no longer have the book. i read it in 10th grade (early 06) for ap euro and i had to give it back at the end of the year but if you must see examples i guess i'll try to find my notes from it.... it only took ten minutes but my pack-rattish ways prevailed I'm gonna try and paraphase here. All throughout society there you were either the oppressor or the oppressed (79-81). In the industrial revolution there were two class the Bourgeois were the modern feudal nobility or to put in into modern terms the rich. The proletariat were the laborers who wanted change and to rise against the Bourgeois (pg.80-85). The Bourgeois centralized production and politics (and thus created an uncontrollable society) while the Proletariat were enslaved by the machine (pg. 85-91). The proletariat were revolutionary due to the fact that the must rise against the bourgeois, overthrow them and become the majority (pg. 91). The communist party brings about the interest of the change-makers... the proletariat (pg. 95-97). Communism wants to abolish major truths in our society or to put it in a better way everything created by the Bourgeois must go (pg. 99-103). The communist have the interest of the working class in mind and against the traditional social and political order (pg. 119-121). At the end of the book he states (only direct quote btw) "The Porletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working men of all countries,unite!" This means that the proletarians must band together and take over the country by getting rid of the rich and corrupted minds of the bourgeois (no doesn't this sound familiar to you). Mind you that this is bad notes from a sophmore in high school but i hope they'll suffice for now. I never beleive I said that abortion should be made 100% illegal, so stop saying like thats what i beleive. in fact .... see right there i said exceptions to the abortion issue. i agree in roe v. wade only to the point that it should be left up to the states (not directly addressed in the constitution, therefore according to the tenth ammendment it should be left up to the states). therefore i don't get where you're getting that i'm some radical pro-life person from. I only know the psychological effects of the drugs (i'm a psychology student btw) and have never used any illegal drugs. However knowing that i'm pretty much addicted to caffiene and sugar, I get your point that what government makes illegal or legal has a lot to do with money (in 1914 caffiene was two steps away from becoming illegal). I just know that abuse of drugs (even occassional use) can literally change your brain chemistry and can cause brain damage. However, its really your decision but most of the ones you listed as ok seem to be Hallucinogens which you can still get addicted too beleive it or not (someone from around here actually was addicted to them...). I do agree that the gov would get a shitload of money if it were to become legal. However, most experts agree that if that were the case, that more people would become addicted.
  5. awww man i lost the game
  6. 1. I'm getting it from the The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. Maybe you should actually read it sometimes instead of just blindly ignoring it. 2. The media is on your side dude. So stop acting like you're the victim here. 3. Theres a difference between abortions because the child is gonna be born without a brain or a grave medical condition (like Tay-Sachs disease) or if the mothers like is at stake then killing a perfectly healthy baby because the mother got knocked up at 16 by a gangbanger. The Freedom of Choice Act wants to release all restrictions on abortion (including those in the third trimester) and make it so that practically anyone can do it. The abortion laws in this act has are not just wrong but put the people who decide to have an abortion in harms way (theres a possibility of killing two lives instead of just one). This is also exactly why the federal government shouldn't get into issues like this. that is epic I'm not exactly sure what drug you're talking about but I sure hope you stop using drugs. They are bad for you (yes, I include alcohol in the drug category).
  7. exactly (if it lets me you're getting rep again). i know this is terribly biased but you can sign a petition here http://www.fightfoca.com dude, what you are suggesting is communism. in capitalism there are always going to be the rich and the poor. i'm sorry but you can't take money from the middle class and give it to the poor. Well my parents make $60,000 a year (one full time, one part-ish time (about 7 hours a day)) but apparently since we don't fall under the rich bracket we're poor and need help. You can't have the government saying who is poor and who isn't. When I was little my family made maybe $30,000 a year (two kids but TWO parents and still only one income) but we weren't considered poor and in fact couldn't even get reduced lunch at school. So by giving money to the "poor" , you are changing the definition of poor and rich until we're all the same (which would be poor). It is sooo markist that it isn't even funny (and we all know how that turned out. just look at soviet russia). as for guantamino and obama silly decision to close it... i'm more concerned about the where the terrorist go now and later. Basically I don't want those guys in my state prison (France is only taking the "innocent" ones mind you) because they'll get set free cause of you "progressives" (which is really another word for far-left liberal) spouting off how people who killed thousands of people and committed an act of war deserve rights. In WWII I guess we shouldn't have taken Japs and Nazis as POWS cause they also deserved "rights". they'll most likely be back plotting against the US in no time. According to your definition of torture we should ban 24 because it shows Jack Bauer "torturing" suspects. your slam against kiersten and i's opinion on opinion was not called for and is ineffictive use of dysphemism (if you don't know what that is look it up). guys that are going to bomb our country or already have in the worse attack on US since pearl harbor shouldn't be given a slap on the wrist. despite what you want to say... WE ARE IN WAR AGAINST THESE TERRORISTS and have to act like we are. Would you in WWII give Japs rights after Pearl Harbor? I think not! (since you guys so compare bush to hitler, i should have the right to compare terrorists to nazis) you are trying to talk as if you don't beleive in global warming (or climate crisis, or global crisis or whatever it is called this week) but I know you are. Obamas stimulus bill only has 2% going to clean or green or whatever you call it now technologies. I don't think thats going to fund that whole restructuring you're talking about. Plus most experts state that the second the economy starts to pick that we'll be looking at $4 gas again in no time. I do agree we need new and better reifineries but we have to start getting the vast majority of oil from the US no matter how long it takes. Like someone else said before the same companies own the rights to clean technologies as well as oil. So in ten years we're going to need that oil cause we won't have magic flying cars that don't need fuel or run on electricity (which still requires fuel from an outside source which is most likely coal and theres no such thing as clean coal). i was gonna comment on your earlier post but multiquote for some reason isn't letting me and i just spent like 20 minutes writing this (yes , i know there are grammar mistakes and i didn't capitalize.. bite me! it doesn't mean that some lonely, bored redneck that doesn't know anything!)
  8. yeah i heard this about a month ago on kellyville but i haven't been on youtube enough to notice. basically warner wants to get paid for the videos being up there and since youtube won't pay them (or won't pay what warner is asking which is outrageous) they have to take down all videos. its pretty stupid if you ask me.
  9. lets see : 1. Nationalize the banks (because of the bailouts the government now has a share in the banks) 2. Nationalize Healthcare (sounds good but means lesser quality of healthcare and the rest of us are gonna have to pay for the 45 million that aren't insured right now) 3. Close Gitmo within a year (means terrorists will end up in republican state prisions cuz no democrat will take them cuz its "unsafe"). 4. Push at least an $825 pork-filled stimulus plan (most of it doesn't come into play for years where we have a 99% chance of being out of the current recession. If you read the specifics you'll realize that most of it is pork ironically). 5. Pass the Freedom of Choice Act (this act not only allows doctors to kill living breathing babies that survived botched abortions but also makes it so that pretty much everyone can perform one) 6. Appease the terrorists like Neville Chamberlain appeased Hitler (see where peace brought us) 7. Make the US eco-friendly. However it is not possible to be free of foreign oil in ten years, like Obama wants us to be, especially since he won't let us drill in Alaska. 8. Robin Hood philosophy - take from the "rich" and give to the "poor". remember when Obama said the only people to see raised taxes were those making a quarter million or more. Well, he lied. The new cutoff is $75,000. Basically hes gonna take away from middle class families (yes, $75,000 is middle class here) and give it to those on welfare and/or spend all their money and smoke and drinks (maybe if they wouldn't spend their money on drugs , they wouldn't have to have 2 jobs). I'm sure theres more but thats all I can think of for now.
  10. bump possible new topics: the bush legacy (good or bad) obama as a presdient i.e. stimulus package , gitmo etc. tim geithner and other cabinet picks general issues (like gun control , education etc.)
  11. to sanguis and anyone else who have been reading my posts.. instead of raining on Obama's parade (its still great to see a person of color acheive the presidency), i'm just gonna bump the politics thread so we can talk about it there.
  12. Sanguis; I just read your post but since i have a class in 30 minutes, I'll try to keep my comments brief. 1. There was never a surplus. We broke even. That site told you lies. There were whole committes made to figure out what how we were going to spend the money but in fact the surplus never came. 2. Objection, Bush was in office for eight years not four and we are currently at around a 11 trillion deficit. War costs money but the democrats in congress also spend a ton of money on pork barrel projects (think the bridge to nowhere) and are currently wanting to spend a trillion a more (even bush didn't spend a trillion dollars in a month). It will Obama not Bush that will have mindlessly spent 11 trillion dollars within four years (at least we know where the money went during Bush's presidency). The middle class also had tax cuts (only way I know this is that my family is middle class) and they did help a little bit. The top-down philsophy is classic republican. So therefore instead of dissing just Bush, you're dissing the entire republican party(give tax refunds to the poor and they'll continue to sit on their asses, give them to the rich and they'll have the cash to create new business and hence jobs) 3. Don't remember the Estate tax and I really don't have time to look it up. However, as I've said before its classic Republican to give breaks to the rich. However, in Obamas new stimulus plan the cut off for the rich is not 250,000 but 75,000. yup thats right if you make 75,000 a year you're considered rich under Obamas plan and will get taxes shoved up your ass (as you can see I'm more anti Obama then pro Bush). 4. You are trying to show a comparsion but it fails miserably because the tax cuts given to the poor only decreases one percent(I'm assuming the stats come from Jan 2001 when Clinton was still in office). Basically , if my assumption is right, the poor didn't have that many more tax breaks on Clinton then Bush. Also to prove your point you need more recent data. 5. This falls into the same category as 9/11 was inside job and such. It is merely rumor and theres not CREDIBLE evidence to state that this is true. A game is definitely not credible evidence. 6-7. as i've said i may do them later but i have to go to class soon. 8. Its true that Obama has a lot of work to do but it was not all caused by Bush. The democrats over-spending (especially when they had the majority from 2006-2008) caused this as well as the American people themselves (spending too much, not taking responsibility, buying houses they can't afford. We can't expect the government to bail out the American people and American have to get their heads out of the gutter and spend wisely (not mindlessly) and sacrifice a few things before the economy gets back on track. I suggest you read up on presidents in the Gilded Age (1877-1890) because those are true examples of what a bad president is (for example 1/8 of the population had 7/8 of the money).
  13. Yeah, I felt my vote was wasted because I'm also from Michigan and EVERYTHING (yes i mean everything, even local positions) went to the democratic candidate even if they were way less qualified than the republican. I think this may be true elsewhere (I mean Al Franken a senator, CMON PEOPLE). Now some people commented on Bush (not gonna quote cause it was in quite a few posts). He was overalll an okay president and gets a bad rap for things that he can't even control (the president can't fix everything for you and shouldn't. James Madison said that the legislative branch shouldn't give out charity). He, for example, kept us safe for 7 years, stopped a dictator (despite reports we are now winning the Iraq war and should be able to pull out in the next couple years with little consequence), gave lots of charity to africa (aids stuff mostly), and most important stuck to guns and did whatever he thought was right for his country. However, (and this is the reason why I say he is meh) the bank bailout is his Waterloo. It was a complete and utter disaster and I can't beleive that Dems are considering other bailouts and stimulus packages because their track recored isn't good at all. We need to let things go to hell before they can get better, otherwise we'll be on the downslide or downturn forever. As for Obama, all I can hope for is that he proves me wrong but with his order to close Gitmo.... (this means those terrorists could be in your local prisions. i mean its pretty much gonna be the republican state prisions where terrorists are housed which is a horrible idea)... I'm doubtful that he is gonna be a good president. I know I said that I was gonna leave this thread but I just had to say these things.
  14. ^well thats not nice the problem with mtv is not only do they play pretty much just reality shows now but the few videos they do play are utter crap. i'm actually glad that they won't be deciding what is "hot" anymore because for the past ten years they've only done horrors to the music industry (i mean rhianna, miley cyrus cmon people get some real music). that is why i won't sign the petition.
  15. well from a psychological standpoint both the environment and genetics play a role. technically no is born gay but rather they are born with a higher likelihood of being gay. The environment and how we are raised or other genetics factors (how we think/act) also play a huge role in sexuality. bluntly, both nature and nurture determine whether someone is gay or not.
  16. meh i was in class when he gave his speech so i didn't watch it. i did watch the parade though and it was boring (at least to me it was). honestly we're just gonna have to wait and see what he does (my mom says i should at least respect the guy so i'm gonna do that but the second he does something wrong hes gonna get slammed by me). theres the best opinion i can give without going all nobama on your butt. leaves.thread.
  17. ^by you quoting i realized i made some grammar/word mistakes in that post.... damn me being poor at multitasking end.of.rant. at least you get the day off (though is a bit ridiculous that you do).
  18. since this is a political post i must comment on it ... (cmon did anyone expect me not to comment on it) well its not just because hes black/brown whatever but hes also liberal to the core. the media is way left and thats why they loved him. if anyone else had the background and positions he had , he/she wouldn't have been elected end.of.story. however basically you got three options (parawhore already said two of them i beleive) : 1. fake sick and don't go to school that day. 2. go to the assembly but moan and whine the whole time or 3. go to school and skip the assembly (if you can... i don't want you to get in trouble) however i'm in college so i don't have to deal with this. in fact i'll be in class when he makes his speech . the high school here is probably doing it too but whether the whole school has to go is another thing (most of the assemblies teachers have to sign up for). oh i agree with you that is hypocritical but i can basically tell you his speech: part 1: list all the problems in this country part 2: say hes gonna "change" all that and use big words to make everyone amazed by him part 3: ritualistic chanting of "yes we can" part 4: summarize parts 1 and 2 and maybe introduce staff members or major policy changes just remember this one thing (cause this post is all over the place)... If democrats were truly smart on politics, they would be republicans .
  19. thats horrible. 14 year olds shouldn't be having sex in the first place. agreed 100%. i couldn't have said it better myself.
  20. agreed... i could never abort my own child. no matter how he/she was conceived.
  21. glad i'm not the only one that is having trouble finding someone... same here. i can give love advice but i can't follow it. well its less bad here cause i'm in college but it seems like all the good guys are taken . :rotfl:
  22. lol that is just great oh and i'm still straight...and single (no decent guys where i live aargh).
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