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Everything posted by SiskyxBeanz

  1. oh my! John is pretty ripped haha! I like his facial expression, his shorts, and that random trash bag hanging on his wall xD!
  2. !!!! garret + farmer's tan = amazinggg :hyper:
  3. feel the shoreline thriving! turn around turn around turn around!
  4. well i'm done with awkward situations empty..conversations xD!!!
  5. That's EXACTLY what John said! It took the band a little bit to stop but when they realized it was pretty serious they stopped immediately. John said that she looked like she forgot her name or where she was when she got up. If I was near the front I would've totally helped that girl up no matter who it is.
  6. HAHAHA!!!!! I wanted to! I was going to turn around and yell at them and yeah more bands are doing that and I love that! That's pretty much what gets me hooked to most bands live tbh. Their kindness toward the crowd makes me wanna smother them in hugs xD!
  7. WATCH IT BURN! Let it die! Cause we are finally free TONIGHT!!!!!!!
  8. haha yeah the girls behind me were all "wtf?! Why'd he stop the song just for that girl?!" I seriously wanted to like hit them and tell them it's a thing called kindness and most civilized people live by it xD! oh and I love your videos of the show PlzSpeakSoftly! The one of him backing up the van is my favorite for some reason haha xD! oh and the writing on the van was from the FL show I went to, I think, haha and on their myspace they were talking about how they had to pay for a new paint job xD!
  9. Aww that's pretty sweet that you saw them after the show!!! At the show I went to, when they came on this girl passed out and John stopped the song and had the band stop so he could ask the girl if she was okay and help her. He wanted her to sit on the stage but the security wouldn't let him so he had a little bit of an argument with the security xD! Then he gave the girl a bottle of water and then Garret and John were throwing water bottles to everyone and asked everyone if they were hyrdrated and ready to go. They never finished the song but I thought it was uber sweet of him to stop the song just to help that girl.
  10. ^ should know that I think Jeremy's beard in your sig looks pretty sweet xD!
  11. No problemo!!! I'm glad you got to the front!!!! It was way too brutal here to get to the front =/ xD! I'm glad you had a grrreat time!!! :hyper:
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