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Everything posted by Shivari

  1. Removed due to insensitivity/complaints - Ross So was this. =P
  2. If I hurt your feelings, then I'm sorry. But you should learn to stop taking things so seriously. It's a joke, and I could pull out much darker humor than a 9/11 party.
  3. Oh noez you made fun of teh 9/11s.
  4. Happy September 11th everybody! Who wants to come to my 9/11 party? Joking aside, I was in 3rd grade, probably just doing some work in whatever class I was in. My teacher said nothing to us but the principal made a few announcements that pointed to something bad happening, but never said what was really going on. I thought someone in the school had died at first. But then like right as school ended I saw both of my parents at the door of the room, they took me to the car and explained to me what was going on. I remember my dad had stayed home sick that day and was watching the news when it first broke. When I got home he had all of the TVs moved into the family room and had them all on different channels.
  5. The possibility of a micro black hole accidentally forming in the experiment in October and growing larger is rather low. You guys don't seem to understand what they're really doing. They're firing beams of protons at each other, not making black holes for shits and giggles. Maybe read this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hadron_collider#Purpose
  6. How *many* Paramore fans do I think there are? About a million at most. Not many people in my school have any idea of who they are, so that's a pretty large sample base with few people knowing of them. Also, you don't add an "s" at the end of million or billion, you'd simply say 2 billion. The grammar Nazi attacks~!
  7. We'll still be here tomorrow. There's a similar chance of me being able to put my hand through a wall because the bouncing molecules happened to align and let it pass right through.
  8. I used to hate them, but I've grown quite find of them recently. Unfortunately I never eat breakfast so I rarely eat them. The only time I have them are when I get McDonald's breakfast or I go to Denny's late at night. Yeah...
  9. I've been thinking about AP English for next year. I know I'll do AP Government and hopefully AP European History too. Then I can watch my social life breath it's last depressing breath.
  10. I can't figure out how to write more for my theme song essay. I honestly have nothing else I can say. These kinds of essays suck.
  11. I got by retainer today and now I can barely talk. I slur all of my words into a jumbled mess.
  12. Then you should join *cough* http://wrestleweek.com/forums/index.php *cough* and help us grow! We'll have a Raw party thread tonight!
  13. I knew that someone here would be a wrestling fan, and that they'd find it funny.
  14. That gave me an idea, how about jobs in the village? Not sure how to implement it though.
  15. I'll live with Defiance and company, even though that's apparently a bad idea.
  16. I'll be gone for a while so if you want me in your house tell me. Or I'll live alone...
  17. I think we can agree that anytime you have to write on a vertical surface it sucks.
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