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Everything posted by XBurnItDownX

  1. i don't know if we've spoken but hey i'm Danni [: and i know exactly how you feel right now, trust me, i'm almost in an identical position, except, i'm not in California. x] so if you need anyone to talk to, i know i probably won't be your first option x] but you can PM if you ever need someone to talk to [: right, my rant. x] i'm under way too much pressure right now, people are EXPECTING me to just get back up and carry on, but i can't, i can't shake this feeling, i feel useless and pretty much empty. it doesn't feel at all like christmas, christmas songs just annoy me, and i have fudge all compared to last year and every other year and it just makes it worse because this has been such a crap year alltogether! i was hoping the end of it would be OKAY. but i guess, i can't complain. i just hope 2009 will be better coz, this years been the worst year of my life too. oh and, it's too cold
  2. ^ the days leading up to christmas are the slowest days of the freakin' year and and and Robert Pattinson cut his hair! he looks like Justin Timberlake (he's still amazing though x] )
  3. i confess i'm slightly excited for christmas. i confess, i give up trying to make other people happy [:
  4. ^ it's awkward when that happens. x] i confess, i don't really care if they're upset or not, they weren't there when i needed them, why should i be there for them.
  5. ^ ahhhh i want it! x] that's amazing
  6. agreed! he's almost the perfect Aro! the first guy that popped into my head was Jason Isaacs (the guy who plays Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter) no idea why, i mean if he was a LITTLE less evil he'd be like perfect. x] ^ awwww come on' date=' how can they fire him! he [b']has[/b] to stay.
  7. it's 6am, i was bored, so i made a wallpaper ツ : x] not too good, but i love the pictures
  8. I confess, i'm actually looking forward to christmas!
  9. ^ aww thank you i get mistaken for Japanese/Asian alot x] but i'm completely english i think my eyes are strange... x] but thanks
  10. *didn't see other thread about this * YAYYYY OWL CITY! ♥
  11. i haven't posted myself in a while either x] samantha and becca you're really pretty! most recent of me: i look like an alien, in my opinion hahha x]
  12. ^ there's a difference between saying "ikr" and "how r u?" x] i hate people telling me how i should feel. i hate people going back on their words. i hate being cold and having a sore throat. x]
  13. ^ nothing wrong with that x] i confess, i'm not looking forward to councilling... x] but then again who would. i confess, i'm bored as hell.
  14. Pete Wentz almost elbowed me when he ran past me twice in a monkey suit when i was in the queue waiting to see FOB, that was.....entertaining. x] i've met the drummer and bassist from Elliot Minor. x] Oli Sykes walked past me at the BMTH gig before the show. + i met Chico of the x factor when i was like 11. :rotfl: nothing too spectacular. not compared to some people meeting Green Day + Blink 182! x] *is jealous*
  15. christmas, Robert Pattinson's SINGING VOICE (not his face....even though it is very nice there's more to him than his appearence x]) + sleep. like someone said up there^ i hardly slept for like 2 weeks. haha x] so it was nice to get some sleep.
  16. dear self, i think the lyrics 'just talk your self up and tear yourself down' couldn't apply to you MORE right now. ffs, why do you let tiny things drag you down?! i know you're upset, and i know there's things to be upset about, but you're making it worse for yourself! just say sorry and atleast TRY and rebuild the friendship instead of saying "yeah i suck, i'm sorry, i hate myself too, bye" ¬_¬ what the hell was that? was that meant to be an apology. it's christmas and what have you done this year? f*ck all. oh, you've seen a few bands big deal, you've done nothing. yes, you do suck, yes you are ugly and fat and yes you have no personality, but the only person who can change that is you. so, dear self, wake the f*ck up please. it's harsh. but it's true. i am useless, but i could TRY not to be. danni x
  17. ^ "THIS IS WHAT I AM! I DON'T HAVE A SIX PACK BELLA! :crybad:" hahah i love him x] and yeah i know but i meant about Taylor [:
  18. thanks Katie, and Ross and Guro it was just sorta out of the blue yah know /: i confess, i might have just lost the best friend i've ever had and its my f*cking fault. i didn't mean for what i said to come across as nasty or spiteful. ffs, it was over something so stupid. but now (no matter how many times they say 'it's okay') our friendship just doesn't feel right, we've been close friends for so long and i'd never f*cked it up before, it was kinda like a record for me, but now, i just feel like complete shite tbh. and wooo councilling today's gonna make that so much better i just cba anymore.
  19. it's my background because i was there + i'm on my account my dad's laptop and he won't let me delete any of the icons ¬_¬ hense why i have a load of crap on my desktop. x]
  20. genius whoever made it. x] *applauses them*
  21. (this makes no sense quoting in opposites but whatevs ) awwww lucky! x] apparently we get assigned seats....but yeah, i might just run to the front. x]
  22. ^ haha! it's cool isn't it! i was just like "i have to upload this thing, it's gold" i love Rob, but you gotta laugh
  23. ^ f*ck what anyone else thinks, i know that's easy to say, but don't take anyone's shit to heart [: i cannot wait till christmassssssssssssssssssssssss oh and Twilight on friday i have preorder tickets so i better get good seats! tbh, no one around here had even heard of Twilight until i said about it ¬_¬ then alll of a sudden everyone loved it. they're like 'I'M THE BIGGEST TWILIGHT FAN EVER! I'VE READ THE FIRST BOOK!' i'm like 'yeah, i've read all four :roll:' x] sorry, i just like ranting about all the new fans that came in after the trailers started to play on TV and the internet [: but yeah, annoys me. x] oh and i hate headaches and christmas is taking tooooooooo long to come. x]
  24. ^ my dad convinced me when i was 7 that Gollum lived under my bed O_O seriously hahahah just thought i'd randomly share that with you all....
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