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Everything posted by ItsOnlyLife

  1. i really do hope they add it to their upcoming album
  2. ^its awesome. I'm so invested in all the new stuff going on with them that I have kind of been MIA in paramore for awhile now. LOL But have you heard "lets kill tonight" and "Nearly witches"? They played it live at their NY show and they sound AMAZING. Can not wait until that album is out and I can hear the studio versions. Its safe to say that Panic! is back
  3. I'm really excited for him. He's a very creative and talented musician so I'm really looking forward to what his new band sounds like.
  4. yeah exactly. And it is great. I just wish tickets weren't so expensive. LOL
  5. My sister saw them perform in London a few times when she was there. She told me that they are amazing performers and I should see them sometime but I haven't gotten around to it. Although I heard they are playing at Coachella this year.
  6. AHHHHH new album titled "Vices and Virtues" is FINALLY coming out on March 29th! I'm so excited. This album is going to be great. I'm so happy for brendon and spencer for continuing to make music for us. Its been a long time but I know this album is going to be great. There's already a clip of their new single 'the ballad of mona lisa" on their official website panicatthedisco.com It comes out February 1st and I can't wait. They have been my favorite band before Paramore so its great to finally see things happen for them again after the split
  7. this show is effing amazing. I started watching last february and the fact that we have to wait until november again sucks so much! I really want to know what their new powers are going to be. I'm excited! LOL
  8. I watched this last week and I was surprised by how much i liked it.
  9. I kind of like it. I usually tend to love their more slow songs. LOL
  10. Ok after watching the whole interview i just have to say that I love taylor even more now. He is just awesome.
  11. I'm watching right now and its really hard to watch. I guess cause i can kind of relate with having disagreements with someone close to me.
  12. I think I missed out on this. I'm a little bummed but I think I totally forgot about it after I read the sad news. I know I did send one for Taylor so I'm happy about that. So glad she liked it though. And thanks for saying it was from all of us on this site.
  13. I'm sorry but no songs should be written like taylor swift. I hate taylor swift's lyrics. Not everything is a freaking fairytale. And aside from that, who says those guys deserve it? you're just hearing her side of the story. Ok i'll stop making this a taylor swift post by moving the conversation along to the fact that i'm saddened by the fact that I can't listen to BNE the same again after knowing what i now know and how it seems like they aren't even friends.
  14. Ok so I missed a video that featured josh? UGH i would have liked to have seen it
  15. True. I'm sure they had difficulty in posting this and writing because they obviously knew that people would interpret it in many different ways. We can't blame them for wanting to get this out there at least they felt that we were important enough to finally see where they were coming from. None of us can really hate on them for doing it this way because none of us have ever been in a band like Paramore. I know some of us will say that I would have done it this way if I were them but you're not and if you were you would have probably done it the same way. Its a tough situation to be in. I mean, they aren't only losing their band mates but also their friends it seems like. that must be hard.
  16. And the debates have started. LOL All i have to say is that people are going to have their opinions and probably even choose their sides which sucks. But it is what it is. And in regards to josh and zac's statement, it comes off as bitter especially towards Hayley but if thats how they felt than I'd rather have them tell their part of the story, the truth, than anything else. And tbh when I first starting reading the blog I thought it was a fake but it is what it is.
  17. I'm reading josh's blog for the first time. I'm probably halfway through it and I can't seem to continue reading it. I just don't know how to react. Its something I wish I would have read yesterday since I believe thats when it was posted because this can really put a damper on an already rainy birthday for me. And also the fact that christmas is a few days away as well. I just feel like BNE isn't the same record that I thought it to be. I don't know what to think anymore. It's just a weird feeling. I also have a feeling that this may start something especially with the way the media is. But I still support zac and josh and I dont know. I just...its so surreal that this is happening like this. All I have to say also is that when I get older I want my own label but I hope it never comes to this. I never want to drive people apart like this. I want to discover the next Paramore based on talent but not have it be like this. IDK I didn't realize how labels can be like this. I don't ever want my label to be like this. now i'm just rambling but I guess I'm just in shock still. Even though i shouldn't be.
  18. ItsOnlyLife


    ok maybe I'll give the other seasons a try. LOL And yeah the US version looks awful. I hope it gets canceled too.
  19. People are so dumb sometimes. Obviously the lead singers are going to get more attention whether they want to or not. It sucks but that's the way the media is these days. And I hate how people are just assuming things when they have no idea what is actually going on.
  20. Thanks! I can't wait to read what he has to say. I'll probably get tear eyed because I always feel like whatever josh says he really means it and i'm sure it must be really hard for him. He put a lot into paramore's music and it will never go unnoticed.
  21. wait are we expected to read something from josh? And I just heard that demo from tunnel and if it makes zac happy then so be it. I wish him the best and I always forget he's my age so I can understand a bit even though I couldn't even imagine being in a band as successful as paramore at my age. I just hope that whatever he and josh decide to do. I hope it works out for them because they are both very talented and deserve to be happy. I'm just so grateful that I at least got to see them live even if it was only once and I was planning on going to a bunch of more shows but I'm glad after all these years that i was able to make it to one in time. And I'm also lucky i got to meet them.
  22. OMG panic at the disco all over again. But I can't say I'm that surprised. I'm just shocked that this is actually happening. I'm really going to miss Josh and Zac.
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