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New LJ...August 8th


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I didnt see this anywhere so here it is..


Hi everybody!


Sorry it's been a minute. This trip to Japan was sooo busy. Press days like we've never experienced before. People think we're special or something.... they don't realize we're total losers, so they wanna talk to us and dress us up to take photos of us. Weird.


Anyways, it's been a lot of fun. Summer Sonic was everything we hoped it would be. Before this week we'd only ever played small clubs here in Japan. This time we played one of the biggest festivals they have! I hope we won over a lot of people.. it was great to see some of the fans that were at some of our first shows. That always makes us feel amazing. To know that people cared enough to stick around. Weren't scared away by the big movie soundtrack and all that jazz. Seriously, though. Awesome fans here.. and we can't wait to come back.


Jeremy and I did some shopping tonight. I bought two dresses from a Cosplay type store... and found some Doc Marten type boots that were way skinnier than usual and don't make my legs look like little stumps. Hahaha! Jeremy even got a leopard/awesome belt. Now we can match and wear ours together. YES!


One more thing about Summer Sonic.


Both shows were hotter than any Warped date we've ever done. Upon exiting the stage, every single one of us were afraid we'd pass out. I literally thought I was going to die. Then, a few times, I'd realize that I was just straggling across the stage like a drunk and forced myself to pick my head up and try to look like a living person. And a couple other things: We saw our friends in Saosin... who rule and have a new record that also rules. We also got to watch Mew. Most of us have listened to Mew since their first album (which is my favorite). The show was spectacular. If these guys are ever in your town, DO IT!


The battery % display is making me nervous. I'm typing so quickly it's disgusting.


Well, me and Taylor will be heading to Sydney, Australia tomorrow morning. Gonna be a long flight. We promised each other we'd eat tons of ice cream to make up for all that I don't usually get to have on the road. The shows are done for a while though, so I'm allowed. Not really sure what all the trip is going to entail. Tons of interview. Radio style, I'm sure. Hopefully, meeting a ton of you guys. Whatever it is, we'll have a good time. Probably eat at Outback Steakhouse cause it's so Australian. You know, get in good with the locals.


Love you guys so much. Thanks for all the support this summer and to everyone who came out to Summer Sonic, we had a blast. Can't wait to come back next year!

Talk soon everyone.



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