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EDIT: oh, you know what is really hard ? singing AND playing the guitar at the same time. seriously fucks me up, i evidently don't have enough brain cells to handle such a thing.


I can just about play/sing Who's Got a Match, but anything more complex than that is pretty hard.. Cept Damien Rice.. I've got that down 8-):P

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Kayla's right, singing and guitar are more than just two different instruments, and I'd say singing is the harder of the two. Give me the right gear and I can imitate both John Mayer and Slash, but holy moly and all that is bowly (sorry, I ran out of rhymes there) if I was supposed to sing exactly like...well, anyone. Before the sound comes out of your mouth, it resonates with several parts of your head, and that process is unique for each of us. I still think that a bad singing/speaking voice isn't an obstacle unless it's downright horrendous (contemporary music has pretty much gotten over the "tone quality and purity" -thing that would've stopped some people from singing years and years and years ago) but it's true that a good singing voice is a mixture of natural qualities and learning whereas a good guitar tone can be learned with the right gear.


What else? It's well known that a teacher is far more crucial in singing than it is with the guitar since the vocal cords are fragile (especially in the beginning) and there are many muscle coordination -related things in singing that I would've never learned without a teacher. Sure, my singing voice has changed since starting to actually learn it, but that's because I had never fully tapped into what I had before.



-warming up and down



-vocal rest


These are all things that singers need to think of if they are supposed to perform and...what do I think of before performing with the guitar or piano? "Don't get drunk before your set." I occasionally warm up before a show, but that's not really needed unless I'm playing some hyper-technical stuff.


It's also true that you can't really perfect either of those in one lifetime, but yeah, I forgot where I was going with this...

finally someone understands what i was trying to say haha

thank you

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