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Water restrictions


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Australia has been in drought just about forever, and some level of water restrictions exist in basically every area of the country.


Water restrictions range from level one where sprinklers are banned, and hoses etc cannot be used between 10am and 4pm, to level five which basically means no hoses, no watering gardens, no washing cars, no outside-use of water.


I've never really heard anything about water restrictions elsewhere in the world, I don't know if this water shortage is an international problem or not.



So, basically, my question is: are you on water restrictions?

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Indeed I am... is there even a part of Melborune that isent?

Really, we've been on water restrictions sooo long its just become natural to have shorter showers and watch water usage ect..

I honestly don't think they'll ever lift the restrictions entirely.. when you think about it the amount of water we were using before, it was rediculous!



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heck yeah man we're on water restrictions. I even have that timer thing you put in your shower and when that ends you should stop showering. lol.


but it's been CRAZY raining over here in sydney. hopefully a good thing for the drought but so far all I've been hearing is bad news - floods ruining houses and even one death to a whole family on the road.

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Yeah, well, I know you guys are on restrictions :P my question was aimed at non-Aussies, but yeah. Thanks for your input too.


And I agree that the restrictions should never be lifted. And they ought to truck all the flood water out to farmers.. haha.

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They're cutting off water to some farmers soon.. like, saying they can't use it anymore. Things are getting crazy.


Don't water grass.. such a waste.


I feel bad for kids who are missing out on the childhood water play.. like, you know, sliding around on water and detergent on a tarp, playing with a hose.. whatever.


Australia will probably become extinct.. we'll all die of thirst.

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Las Vegas is. The lake is really low and even during monsoon season we don't catch up, and our monsoon season is BAD. But yeah, we actually have watering groups here, so you're only allowed to use sprinklers/hoses on certain days at certain times. For example, Group A can water Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after 7 in the evening. There's like 6 groups I think. But nobody is allowed to water before 4 in the afternoon. Also, all the car washed recycle their water and we have "splash pads" at the county parks here, which is like a mini water park, and those all have basins under them which recycles the water.

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I vaguely remember once when our city was (maybe?) talking about not letting poeple use spriklers... For some reason it seems to me like they've had restrictions on sprinklers because my area is so upper-middle class suberb that EVERYONE has to have their lawns greener than the next person, meaning their sprinklers are ALWAYS on, though it's not that bad this year-we've gotten lots of rain...


But pretty much every spring the river in our city floods massive, so there's not usually a problem with it.


And being in Iowa, I can't see them EVER putting a restriction on water, beacuse the farmers need to do whatever they have to to keep their crops from dying... And with the ethanol being in demand like it is, that's about the dumbest thing that could be done here....

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Yeah.. I live in Queeensland in Australia and the water restrictions are down to level 2.. It has just now become habit to not spend longer then 4 minutes in the shower.. and not hose the garden..People are complaining about the restrictions but they won't let the government build another dam i don't get it.. if you don't want them to build another dam don't complain..

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