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Ways to Get Kicked Outta McDonald's

Guest Arya

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I forgot to use proper capitalization and punctuation. So sue me. But check these out, and add some of your own :willy_nilly:.


throwing a Wendy's burger at the cashier.


dress up as Ronald McDonald and offer drugs to every little kid you see.


blasting loud, annoying music in the bathroom, and just walking away.


stealing ALL of the condiments.


Run it with a gun and stockings over your head and rob the place of an order of large fries and a small soda.


Squirt ketchup over the nearest person, after kitting them over the head with a mop and screaming. "THEY"RE DEAD"


Walk in with a drill, unscrew one of the tables, then walk out with the table, For part two you walk back in an hour or two later with one of those color plastic kiddy picnic tables, place that where the old table was, then charge the store manager for repairs.


put mud in all the little kids' shoes


Order a Whopper. When they tell you they don't serve them, start a riot, demanding you get your Whopper. In the middle of fighting, leave.


Unscrew the toy display, and remove the toys. Throw them at people.


Barge in, say you're the health inspector, then start eating all their fries from the main batch.


Ask the price of every item on the Dollar Menu.


order a taco


get a job there and never come and keep the uniform and sell it on eBay


Buy a burger, keep it sitting out on your counter for a week, then take it back. Go through the drive through and throw it in the window complaining about their horrible health practices.


break dance on a table


Order a burger, stick a fake cockroach underneath the bun while they're ringing you up, and then scream, demanding your money back. If they point out that the bug is plastic, comment on how despicable that is.


order a burger, eat half of it, go back through the drive though and say it tasted funny. do this a few times until you are full


Buy fries, and then throw them at people. If they ask what you're doing, tell them you're trying to end world hunger.


Pay a bunch of little kids to go in and demand to see Ronald. Have them riot when the employees can't fulfill their request. Then burst through the door in a Ronald suit, to the befuddlement of the employees.


Ask them how much they'll sell their spatulas, hats, aprons, or other random objects for.


stand at the counter and just stare at the employees and when they ask you to what you want to order slap them hard across the face and walk out.


Demand to see the manager. When he/she comes out, throw a cheeseburger in their face and run.


go up to the counter and start asking for all of the items on the menu . when they tell you the price , say 'oops . my mistake , that is a dollar over my budget . sorry .' and walk away .


Go through the drive through on a unicycle. Be amused by the face of the person at the drive through.


Scream into the drive through speaker, then run.


drive up to the drive through , and when the say "can i help you?" make farm noises and just sit there , blocking traffic for miles behind ; while making transitions between noises


Order something, take a bite, then scream," I am NOT loving it!" Then go to the counter, throw it in an employee's face and say," I've been lied to!!!" Yet again, I recommend you run after this stunt.


Pay a foul-mouthed little boy to insult the employees and everything McDonald's stands for.


get a job there, but blue food dye in all of the fries and when they start serving them, quit.


Ask a random employee to marry you, then claim to be their high school sweetheart. Present them with a plastic ring from a toy machine.


Ride a bicycle around the restaurant while singing "Ring Around the Rosie".


break into the freezer and take a handful of fries. go though the drive though and order some fries. eat really fries and put frozen ones in fry holder thing. go inside and demand and explanation.


Order a frosty.


Go to the drive through and ask why they don't sell video games. When they reply something like 'this is a fast food place', scream and riot.


Drive through the drivethrough, and order a hamburger with extra cheese. Hopefully the person working the hole is stupid enough no to notice, and you get cheeseburger for the price of a hamburger.


fall asleep in one of the booths and when they tell you to wake up because they have to close scream and say "get out of my room you stalker!"


Tell an employee that a toilet just exploded. When they freak out and go into the bathroom, barricade the door (especially effective if the toilet really DID explode!!!).


Glue both bathroom doors shut with superglue.


Go to Burger King, buy something for take out. Walk into the mcdonalds, sit down at a table and calmly eat your meal. When you finish (making sure to save some soda, something that stains) walk up to the counter saying it tasted funny and you want your money back. When the staff says it wasnt their food, pitch the remains of the soda on them. Walk out indignantly.


Dress up using a santa stomach pad, a pillow, or anything to make you look pregnant. Walk in demanding to see Ronald... Claim he is the father. Break down in tears when they refuse to deliver him. Or substitute the last step for fainting, or acting like you're going to have the baby in the middle of the place.


Ask the cashier to open your happy meal toy


Lay superglue all over the toilet seats


Rub peanut butter on all the door handles


Put saran wrap over the toilets, under the toilet seats, lower seats and lids...


Ask the manager to flush the toilet for you because you are afraid of moving water. Then go wash your hands and lock them in the stall


rub peanut butter or chocolate sauce all over the bathroom walls in the inside handle of the door. People will always assume the worst.


Get a fake cast & sit in a wheelchair, then roll into the playplace and tell the kids: "Get out of there! Look what it did to ME!!"


Pour lemonade all over the bathroom floors


poor you coke into the toilets, then put little pieces of hamburger and to add effect.


sit at a table on the top floor and make fun of people with your friends


Find some cheap fur (good will used fur coat fabric will work), bundle it around a small pillow or something so that it looks vagely like a small animal. Now for the prank... Take it into the bathroom (mind you in a bag or something so they cant see it). Soak it (either in the sink or toilet), then come out sobbing cradling it... Claim its your lost pet and that you found it stuck in a toilet.


Clog the sinks in the bathroom with toy stuffed rats.


Go with your friend on a busy day. Stand in the middle of the line while they're being served, then, when they ask how much it'd be, jump up and down with your hand in the air and say: "Ooh! Ooh! I know the answer! Pick me, pick me!".


Take one of those cat toy ferret things, wet it and make it look rabid... Then set it loose


Walk around the restaurant coughing, sneezing, and generally acting sick. When you order, cough a loogie on the cashier. Apologize and tell them you have the flu or some other contagious disease.


Ask the cashier if he can break a 100 when buying one item from the dollar menu.


Throw a potato at the cashier


Sit down with a newspaper and a lottery ticket. Stand up and scream," I won! I won the jackpot!!!" Have a friend run across the restaurant, tackle you, and steal the ticket. Then stare at your empty hand for a while before shrugging and walking out.


go up to random people (including the cashier) and scream "NO YELLING IN MCDONALDS"


order a value meal and when they ask you what you want to drink with that, start muttering to yourself and when the ask you again, burst into tears saying "ITS JUST TOO HARD" and bang your head on the counter


sit down and try to throw fries into your mouth but miss horribly (ideally hit your forehead or something) and then run up and say your suing the fries for brain damage


throw fries at the cashier while s/he is trying to get your drink, then blame it on your pet monkey, who happens to be invisible. Pour the drink over the cashier, and say the voices told you to.


order a vegetarian hamburger, when you get it, demand to know where the meat it. when they say they thought you were vegetarian, slap them and say "DON'T TRY TO CONFUSE MEH WITH THE FACTS"


go up and say

"yah i want a double cheeseburger and a--"


-talking to yourself-

"yeah she does doesn’t she"

"oh you're so bad"

"come on stop"

"yah know we could--"

when they say something you say

"well excuse me, i didn’t know we had EAVESDROPPERSSSS at McDonalds"

turn up your nose and walk away


Through skittles at other customers screaming "Taste the rainbow!"


hit people with a cardboard tube covered in gold glitter while singing "magic stick"!

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  • 2 weeks later...

lmao my friends and i got kicked out of McDonald's once. we were on a field trip and stopping for lunch. there was no one in the playplace....so naturally we changed that. a few minutes after more of our friends accumulated, we heard "HOW OLD ARE YOU!!". yeah it was the manager. we scattered. it was so great. not as great as those other ideas but yeah. lmao.

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ooh ive done this one before:

bring any type of ointment...any acne cream will do the trick


walk in, wait for the cashier with the most acne

and say something like:

"hi, id like a hamburger- [look at their face] OH DEAR LORD!"

-dig into ur purse/pocket frantically and give the pimple cream to the cashier person-

then after handing it to him/her calmly and reassuringly say something like

"its okay...everyone goes through it..."

and walk away after seeing their awkward faces


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