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Election 2008


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Im a HUGE political junkie, so i was wondering if anyone had any views on the upcoming election...the candidates, the parties, the issues, policies....anything!


i know almost everyone here is part of the youth generation, and especially in America the voting turnouts for the 25 and under group are VERY low.


So this goes out to everyone from any country: VOTE IF YOU'RE ELIGIBLE!!!!


I personally am an Independent. Since I live in NY, only democrats can vote in democratic primaries and republicans in republican primaries only--so since I'm an independent, i can't vote for either :(. But If I could vote in both primaries (like those in New Hampshire): I would vote for Richardson on the Democratic side and McCain on the Republican side.


However I believe that this election is gonna be crazy, but i think the general election will be Clinton vs. giuliani. if that happens, I would rather poke my eyes out than pick who is the less worse candidate haha.


so what are your opinions on anything?


Also if you arent american you can i still talk policies and stuff unless you want to make your own thread on World Politics.


its all cool with me :hyper:

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er all i know is i pray that clinton DOESNT get it.

really anyone who believes in abortion and well her believes in gerneral. shouldnt win.

so democratic party in general..

but clinton. cuz she drive me insane. and i think a women president is safe (im a girl and still i just dont like it) expecially if its her.

but at the same time i hate bush cuz hes just odd..

yea im going for juliani.

unfortunalty i live in cali so most likely the democrats will have 52 of the votes :(


wen i become of age. i probably wont vote. i dont liek the way the system is run. our votes dont exactly count. its wat ever the house of reps want to vote for. they should vote for wat we vote for but tthey dont HAVE TO!

wich is wat gets me mad

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er all i know is i pray that clinton DOESNT get it.

really anyone who believes in abortion and well her believes in gerneral. shouldnt win.

so democratic party in general..

but clinton. cuz she drive me insane. and i think a women president is safe (im a girl and still i just dont like it) expecially if its her.

but at the same time i hate bush cuz hes just odd..

yea im going for juliani.

unfortunalty i live in cali so most likely the democrats will have 52 of the votes :(


wen i become of age. i probably wont vote. i dont liek the way the system is run. our votes dont exactly count. its wat ever the house of reps want to vote for. they should vote for wat we vote for but tthey dont HAVE TO!

wich is wat gets me mad



personally social issues are ridiculous, the most important thing should be the economy and our relationships with other countries and human rights (which i could be sorted into social issues)


but voting over someone over abortion? gay rights? there are more important things in this election than those two issues.


and just to clarify clinton's and MOST of the other candidates cuz theyre pussies in saying what they really believe....she and the others believe in states deciding whether abortion should be legal or not. Like Fred Thompson won the National Right to Life Committee endorsement, yet he believes that states should decide on the issue.


honestly, if you dont like the system, then dont just stand there and do nothing about it, try and change it. Im not saying you are gonna get what you want, but you should at least vote for the people you believe should be in office.


our votes do count. yea, gore won the popular vote in 2000 but lost the electoral, but this is a semi-weird example....you can hit more runs in a world series but still lose the series.


its because we live in a plural system. I believe it should be proportional representative system with many different parties that can get their voice out there.


so in short, there are things you can do to change the system, and I hope it happens in my lifetime, get a group of friends who share the same ideals, start a petition, an online blog, write letters....anything!!!


cuz if you dont do anything about it then personally i believe you shouldnt complain about it.

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yeah i think they can. there are so many people in the US, adn we get stuck with a bunch of idiots in office. everyone in every branch of gov't are idiots in my opinion. yes, there book smart. but their either corrupt or liars or something. and theres so many levelheaded people even in your own town, alot of common sense, good people skills, really smart, good at managing people, and they would qualify. but the problem is their not interested. but thats just my opinion.

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just a thought - imagine if obama and clinton won vice president & president. we'd kill two birds with one stone. =O


He's already said he won't be her running mate because he's running for president, not vice president.


And like Claudia said, the 25 and under vote is pretty low. Most of the people who vote are middle age to elderly conservatives, so the chances of Hilary or Obama winning are pretty slim. Also, in the history of the US the presidencies generally go in eras. IE, 3 or 4 republican presidents in a row, and then it switches to a democrat for 3 or 4 terms, and then back, etc. So as far as that it seems pretty likely that it will still be a republican, but it could always change.

I'm not going to say my position because I don't want to get into it with anybody.

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as long as hilary doesn't get it, i'm cool 8-)


i'm generally a democrat, but i'm supporting juliani. i don't go for the party, i go for the person and his/her platform.


giuliani is basically a democrat haha


just a thought - imagine if obama and clinton won vice president & president. we'd kill two birds with one stone. =O


even if clinton wins the nomination, her and obama have two COMPLETELY different opinions. i think clinton would pick Bill Richardson if she had to pick only from the prez candidates....and i think i would giver her my vote, cuz Richardson's foreign policy is genius.


^ yeah i thought about assassination... lol i might just move to canada if that election happens. :P


honestly, you guys make her sound like the devil.:twisted: she's not my kind of tea, but still, i think theres a lot worse out there.

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