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Actually, the guy that's now rumored to be playing Jacob is 26.


Read about it here.



NO! i dont like that guy.

i dont get why they got taylor then.

they couldve just picked some one of decent hieght and that was kinda big and make him not be so big in twilight then gain muscle in new moon.


but they shouldnt just replace taylor like that.

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NO! i dont like that guy.

i dont get why they got taylor then.

they couldve just picked some one of decent hieght and that was kinda big and make him not be so big in twilight then gain muscle in new moon.


but they shouldnt just replace taylor like that.


They also didn't know if they'd be making New Moon when they did casting for Twilight.

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i know. but like they shouldve picked some one who could meet both rquirements just in case

twilight is huge. its pretty obvious they were gunna make new moon


Twilight didn't get as huge as it is now until the movie started filming and getting hyped up, even though it was still popular before then. They didn't know it would do as well as it's done. The actors and Catherine have said so.

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well then why did they make the actors sign a contract for three movies?

obviously they knew it was a possibility

i've lost my faith in summit

seriously, so far, it sounds like this movie is going to FAIL big time

and poor taylor

he's so enthusiastic about it

you can't give him the part, let the movie get huge, and then say 'oh sorry, you're replaced by some random fuck'

i'm so pissed off

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well then why did they make the actors sign a contract for three movies?

obviously they knew it was a possibility

i've lost my faith in summit

seriously, so far, it sounds like this movie is going to FAIL big time

and poor taylor

he's so enthusiastic about i

you can't give him the part, let the movie get huge, and then say 'oh sorry, you're replaced by some random fuck'

i'm so pissed off


Because if Twilight were to be successful enough for the others to get made, they don't want to lose their main actors.

I hope that guy isn't Jacob, he looks too old. Plus he's Asian...not Native American.

If they're going to replace someone, they need to get it right.

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