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Everything posted by neversummergirl

  1. Sadly Paramore isn't a featured band in the article but the inside picture of Hayley and other awesome bands members (Spencer, William, Joan Jett etc.) is way worth buying it.
  2. Yup TINY picture but it's still really rad .. especially since she is in it with Joan Jett.
  3. Hey sorry guys .. I'm at my grandma's house I will definitly scan it when I get home monday if you still want it by then. Kevin Lyman is on the cover and in the bottom left picture there is a picture of Hayley kissing Joan Jett on the cheek hehe. And then inside the magazine for the article there is a huge picture of Hayley and the rest of the artists together with Kevin Lyman.
  4. ARG me too! They have the best Paramore/Hayley pictures of any magazine and we can't even get it!
  5. 6 times!? Wow lucky ... I've still yet to see them once.
  6. Ah I do! But now now =/ Cause I'm not on my computer lol. My stupid laptop is broken WAHHH
  7. Really?? O wow, I'm surprised it looks recent. yeah I figured it was a myspace picture ... it looked very myspacey lol.
  8. ^ Wow, the M&G sounds so cool. I'm really pissed that I'm going to get stuck behind the M&G people even though I will be waiting super early outside the venue. It doesn't seem fair .. but I guess that's how they gotta do it.
  9. Wow I'm pretty much speechless after seeing this ... there's nothing really else to say other than Hayley is SO SO SO SO SO SO SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Wow, I sound like a creepy stalker .. IM NOT! haha On a random side note ... I think it's so rad that Hayley is playing the keys during the tour! That's really sweet that she is so multitalented. And it adds a cool touch to the show.
  10. Ahh that was me! That's so rad you remembered .. thanks for posting .. this took a while to reply lol but I'm at my Gmama's house so I didn't have access to a computer for a while. God, her eyes are SO INCREDIBLE!!! it says preppy club member forever rules apply join application fees are not included here. oh. EDIT: whoever was the one that wanted a screenshot of hayley at the beginning of emergency (i believe it was jackie) here you are. at least i think this is what you wanted. EDIT #2: here's another.
  11. ^ sweet ... so that means you most definitly have to hit it up, meet them, and tell me if they're as chill as they seem lol.
  12. I have that piano one saved on my computer .. I'm on my Gmamas now. Um speaking of piano.. how rad is it that Hayley is playing it on their headlining tour!?
  13. ^ Where online? I missed the second episode. Ugh and third for that matter.
  14. ARG stupid MTV won't let Mac computers watch their online stuff (PREJIDUCE!) lol And I can't even watch it on TV b/c I'm at my Gmamas house bah. I want to see that too.
  15. Woooow!! O god, reading this thread got me SO stoked for the show in 5 days!! I'm so glad everyone had fun!! The video's and pics so far are GREAT and I can't wait to hear more peoples reactions from other shows. Um and Franklin,Hallelujah, and My Hero?!?!??! HOLY SHIT! LDSJFL;ASJ Omg I seriously cannot freaking wait .. I am shitting myself right now. And Hayley playing the keys? I don't think she can get any cuter ... or more talented lol.
  16. ^ YAY pictures =) I will definitly try to take pictures too .. 6 days till my show XD. I love you sig btw .. that upper left picture of Hayley is one of my all time favorites haha.
  17. ^ It looks like meat of some sort haha. And who's in your avatar? Jw
  18. The Billboard is out =) I bought it today and it has an AWESOME photo of Hayley .. with lead singer of Aiden, William Beckett, Kevin Lyman, FAT MIKE (eww right next to Hayley), lead singer of UnderOATH .. and I think someone else. Anyway, it's an awesome picture .. I havn't read the article yet.
  19. Wow, I just listened to 'Roses' It's so good!! The album comes out the same day I see Paramore =)
  20. I wish i could get free Monster =( One time at the snowboard shop i work at we had the Vans pro team come and they brought cases and cases of free Red Bull .. it was amazing haha. But opps WAAAY off topic there.
  21. They seem really chill .. i'd try to meet them after their set if it didn't mean losing my spot up front lol
  22. ^^ omg that's hilarious! hahaha I loved the windex story.
  23. Thanks so much! Wow, this looks awesome .. I can't wait to get it!
  24. ok yeah maybe ill see you .. i guess we'll go around that time .. do you have M&Gs? I just REALLY don't wanna get stuck behind a ton of people just bc im not going to the M&G
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