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paramoreLOVE x

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Everything posted by paramoreLOVE x

  1. holy cow! no that didnt happen at my best buy =/ maybe at hot topic but i dont think ill get over there today later in the week i cannot wait to see the stats.
  2. hah i saw this and im like why is this in the hayley forum? but anyways. i dont remember exactly where it might have been mtv. but i just herd the name paramore around november 05. then about a week later i was on a downloading spree. and i couldnt remember the name i was like paramount? then i was like PARAMORE. so i downloaded some stuff. but whoa got stuck on me first i just couldnt get it out of my head. since then on its been love :]
  3. ahah i wish we got rochester stations in buffalo its only a hour away. thats awesome :]
  4. haha i scoop ice cream for 7.20 a hour.
  5. on the livejournal community somone talked to someone from fbr. and they said it should be up soon. hah we just need patience :]
  6. i get made fun of alot. becuase im so into them and i talk about them alot. no one else really sees how amazing they are. and i think paramore attracts a certin type of people. paramore fans are a family. i dont think theres many other bands out there that can say that.
  7. i would go... but the closet i live is like 2 hours away from toronto. i really hope this isnt anything other then just a meet up for fans. casue ill be super pst if its sweet. if anyone goes let me know what happens!
  8. that was the best ever. ahahha THE SHIT and i couldnt believe hayley kept saying it that was hilarious. and i was very very surprised how they only showed like 4 videos. they showed paramore so much usually there only on for like 10 mins out of the 60 min show. i loveeeed it! i want to watch it againhopefully somone puts it up here!
  9. i think im going to wait for the full ablum for this one. otherwise id say born for this just cause im on it :]
  10. im so glad he gets somthing like this its awesome. hes very... get to the point :] yayayy zac!
  11. haha i was watching it. so bored and desperate i was. so. i tried making sarah silvermans jokes funnnier then they were. i swear i laughed for like 5 mins when she siad that umbrella was bad luck to sing indoors ah
  12. haha paramore makes me BROKE. weather its tickets for a show. merch, or getting stuff for them and NOW the cd(S) hahhaha. anything for them tho.
  13. i think im going to end up buying 3 copyus of riot. i preordered it from fueledbyramen. now theres the one at bestbuy and the one at ht. there all different too so im excited!!
  14. i kinda knew what songs were which by the chorus. but some i couldnt tell. i think it was fences that i need a bettter listen to and the one where she sounds kinda avrilish at the begginging. but that could also just be the loudness of the mall kicking in and whatnot. i dont think we can offically say anything till we get the cd. and lock ourselves in our room and listen to the cd 20 times. THEN we can talk :]
  15. i was extreamly dissapointed with the trivia. i was like GIVE ME A CHALLANGE. it was me and 2 friends that were there noone else was there for paramore. i was disapointed i thought more people would have came. as for the songs i listened but didnt really really listen... becuase i still want the surprise. the guys there were so funny and kinda weirded out how much i knew. and my friend blurted out that i was on the song so they made me point out when my part came haha it was funny. and thats what you get is going to be a hit i know it. its sooooo good i loved it so excited. tonight was a sucess i think. well for us :]
  16. hayley made my night. i think we should write 3481290 angry letters to kerrange.
  17. ap deff let me down here. i dont think this will change anyones mind tho. people are still going to buy the record. and hopefully...people will listen and judge for themselves. it did annoy me about the whole "not enough life expireance. im sorry i didnt know you get life expireance from sitting at a desk and writing crapp reviews of a band that has done more in their 18 years of life then you have in yours. rant done.
  18. aww i love it. anyone have the inside stuff yet? please and thank you :]
  19. my advice is just DONT BE SHY if you see them. scream their name. dont be hesitant.
  20. i think this is awesome and all. but for some reason i dont want to go i want it to be a surprise. hmm. how does everyone else feel?
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