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Everything posted by goodnote

  1. you can see it here: http://www.easports.com/nhl08/ it's pretty rad :]
  2. my best friend absolutely hates paramore, it's weird. she'll go on and on about hayley and how she's a whore with no fashion sense blahblah, and she refers to zac as "the fat one" and i'm like, "he's not fat!" and whenever a conversation comes up with other people about favorite bands, she makes it sound like it's totally embarassing and terrible to like paramore. she actually spammed the boards a while back with pictures of the band members heads on various things. i didn't talk to her for a week after that stunt.
  3. thanks! i saw those on flickr earlier. they're so amazing.
  4. i like that one, asia something. lmao idk. and threadless.
  5. apparently, they're also recording a cover of space cowboy by nsync, lmao.
  6. paramore the sounds and thats it, i think.
  7. misery business, because it's the only thing i pay attention to if it comes on tv.
  8. i saw it after engaged and underage, that show is so addicting.
  9. i can understand some, but eh. thats really awesome the first one goes kind of like this "somethign something hayley williams (18 years old) accompanied by (then all the guys ages and names) then how they just came out with riot! and how they started in 2003 in franklin, a small town in TN, and the farro brothers proposed a music ensemble to hayley then a quote from hayley about she'd never been in a rock band (i think) and how she was in a funk cover band with jeremy. then it talks about how they just randomly got signed, (i think) it says Riot! it a cliche emo album (yes, it says emo) then a quote from hayley that mentions david bendeth then it talks about blah blah normal stuff." lmao, you could've probably figured that out with out me.
  10. more! if i posted any of those twice, i'm sorry :[
  11. save it as a .png new icons. i've been hoarding some of these for a while.
  12. those are so good! i would kill for a d80. but yeah, it's totally worth it, you get unlimited sets, and you can put the sets in collections, and they only let you have 200 pictures if your not pro. i ran out really quick.
  13. thanks! i ended up having to buy a pro account because i had so many pictures. most of them are just crap though. i know what you're talking about. it's called a 365 journal. i have one on greaestjournal, even though i haven't updated it yet.
  14. thanks! esspecially circas. i've been looking.
  15. arghhhh, those are all so GREAT! i've actually come upon your account before when i was browsing flickrs.
  16. wow, lmao. this is fun to mess around with, listen to josh by himself.
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