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Everything posted by sincerely_

  1. I'm going to the Aug. 15 show, too. So excited! Though unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to get M&G, but i did manage to get Early Entry, which is nice because then my friend and i can just like chill and walk around if we want.
  2. so wait... are you telling me your prom isn't until next year but you're worried that you don't know who you're taking yet? hahahah. my prom is like 5-6 weeks away and i haven't even talked to any of my friends about meeting up or sitting together or ANYTHING (at this point i'm pretty certain i'm not going WITH anyone). i still have to try on my dress, too, as i haven't tried it on since it got shoved in the attic last year. and i have to start....tanning. ugh.
  3. me too! i love that movie. the little kid is so good at singing, and he's just so little, and i want him to be my little brother. hahah.
  4. taylor got a good amount of camera time, and it made me happy. his hair is so stinkin awesome, hahah. they sounded great, and i was just really happy while i was watching it.
  5. my jaw friggin hurts. the end. and i still can't take my pill yet.
  6. i got my wisdom teeth out this morning and it went by in a flash! one second they were giving me the anesthetic and the next i was waking up in the recovery room. and i don't even hurt much at all, it's wonderful.
  7. so i just watched some youtube videos of stuff from Pretty.Odd, and i really want that cd now, but i am out of cash. i spent my last 10 bucks on the new Hush Sound cd, which was definitely worth it. but now it makes me want to go see both of them together on HCT in may! except it's exactly one week after the Paramore show i'm going to and my parents would probably be weird about it. plus i hate spending money, and going to shows=money spent. boo
  8. smoked sausage, ahhah. and i am probably not going to be eating anything for another day or more, i bet. i'm sure after my wisdom teeth come out i'll be sleeping all day tomorrow.
  9. dang a BOAT? that's pretty sweet. we have a senior boat trip separate from prom, though. but i'm not sure i want to go on that. i'm not the most social person. i didn't even go to junior prom. i was planning on it but then my cousin's wedding happened to be on the same night, so yeahhhh. it wasn't really a tough decision to make, but i was a little upset about it afterwards. especially since now i wish i could get a new, more "fun" type of dress. but i have to stick with the one i got for junior prom. meh. i like it and all, but i dunno. it seems so formal compared to what i can imagine other girls showing up in. but i'll deal. and uhh regarding dates... doubtful. highly. slightly bothersome.
  10. no real plans (yet?) except i pretty much have to go. how many schools do the after-prom thing? my school does it, but for some reason i have just never thought about it being common, even though it makes a lot of sense. sometimes i'm a bit dense.
  11. hahaha "throw myself onto the flow." does "flow" translate to floor, or are you saying the tears would be flowing? sorry, i'm apparently illiterate. either way, it's better than messing yourself. that phrase amuses me. oh and where is that animation/gif/whateverit'scalled (of josh) in your sig from?
  12. FREAKIN SEGA GENESIS! i think we still have one, but it's probably sitting in the attic. along with the games for it - Sonic the Hedgehog games are necessary. we also have Bubsy, American Gladiators, and a couple other random ones. we have an older thing kinda like Atari, but i'm certain it is not Atari. i feel like we might have a PS1 that someone gave to my brother, a PS2, and Xbox. Edit: forgot about the Nintendo 64 we have. used to play Super Mario 64 on it all the time. and 007 (the james bond game.. purely shooting).
  13. i'll admit, i did get freaked out for a minute, 'cause our one dog died on April 1st like 12 years ago i guess. we thought my parents were messing with us, but they weren't. though she didn't just "die," they had her put to sleep because she had cancer and couldn't deal with her suffering like she was. she was pretty much the best dog ever. but they got a new one the same day. and now we have 3!
  14. so apparently AP english teachers just suck. well i guess not yours. my teacher is awesome as a person, but when it comes to class, we don't really do that much and it bothers me. especially when we have to write essays and basically ALL of the comments written on there are "vague" and/or "awk" (awkward) or sometimes just "unclear." none of the comments are all that helpful, i could be a better writer if i just edited it myself. and it's always the crap about i didn't edit it, did i? i would if i had any motivation in that class, but i don't. on the other hand, my AP bio class sucks as well, because i signed up to take the ap exam just for the hell of it, to see where i am in relation to where i should be after taking this class, and i am expecting to do poorly, because the standards in this class are just not up there. and i feel we didn't get through enough material. at one point my teacher acted like she was gonna have everything actually scheduled, as in when we got through what material and when we took tests, like a test every week the same day. and guess what happened then? that plan went out the window. i could deal with it in Latin, because it's Latin. but Bio and English . . . i just don't see any place for taking it all that leisurely if i'm supposed to be going into college. i'm not bad at science or at English (i'm pretty good at writing, as well) but it's just frustrating when you're taking a class that is supposed to be an ACTUAL challenge, but it's not at all, but you still don't get the grades you should (this really only happens in my English class, but i can really only blame myself for it, because i'm so unmotivated it's not even funny. it also helps that i think my teacher just likes to give me the high B grades on essays/papers. freakin lame. oh and about being able to count the number of good teachers you have had on one hand, i can totally relate. there are only a few i can say i really learned something from that i will actually remember for probably the rest of my life.
  15. hah that picture is adorable. i got excited just when i saw that this thread had been updated. there's just not that much to talk about regarding taylor. but i'm sure he likes it that way, ahhaha.
  16. Leave You Traveling - Steel Train i swear i am obsessed with this cd (Trampoline)
  17. 1) i think you're the first person who mentioned Taylor, and for some reason it surprises me. 2) johnny depp fo sho! he's old, but he's still awesome. Sweeney Todd comes out on dvd tomorrow/today (April 1)! but even if my mom goes out and buys it i don't get to watch until after i get my wisdom teeth out, 'cause it will be my means of cheering up, or just enjoying a crazy movie while on pain meds. 3) ryan sheckler makes me think of a fish. more specifically a goldfish with huge eyeballs. i've mentioned this a million times on the "Hot People" thread, but: Ryan Gosling and Christian Bale, big time. moreso Ryan Gosling, though.
  18. aaa i remember the days of pre-calc. i'm sure it'll get better. as long as your teacher doesn't suck. i had a good teacher (who i still have now). i remember getting frustrated with pre-calc at times, and now i'm in AP calc! and it's not that bad. so don't get too discouraged. my rant is, I STILL HAVE TO MAKE A DECISION ABOUT COLLEGE. but i'm down to two schools. but in a few ways they are total opposites. one's in Michigan, the other's in Texas. one is GINORMOUS, the other is teeny tiny. but they both seem so awesome in their own ways. so for the next couple days, i'll be analyzing the two and deciding how far i would really be able to deal with going and all the other stuff. AND. i REALLY want it to be Friday already so i can get my stinkin wisdom teeth out. they haven't even broken through yet, but they give me jaw pain and i want to get them out already. plus i'll be on pain pills and i can't wait to hear the stories about how i was acting while being loopy. But at the same time, i REALLY want it to be Thursday, because that's when we start the cat dissection in AP Bio. i'm expecting it to kick pig week's (fetal pig dissection) butt. even though i don't think we'll have shirts for cat dissections. +i'm going to see The Starting Line with Bayside and Steel Train on the 18th, and it's gonna be really bittersweet. i can count on seeing three great bands (Four Year Strong is playing, too, and i'm not discrediting them in any way, but i haven't really listened to them) who will put on great shows, but i will have to say farewell to TSL shows until who knows when. :'( +i'm getting annoyed thinking about senior prom and not having a date and all that stupid junk. and i would bet that all my friends will have dates. which would be absolutely no fun for me. Thank God a Steel Train song just came on. they make me happy.
  19. yes i am indeed from PA and going to AC. i'm just outside of Philly so it's not that bad. i got ticked when i saw there was no Philly date, but then i saw the AC date was on a Friday and got hopeful. and my parents agreed to it very easily. though of course i suck and haven't even gotten my permit yet, and my friend who is going with me doesn't have her license, so my dad is driving and going with us. i was pretty nervous about asking about it, because i made him drive down there for a different show before, though it was 2 years ago, i think. and that was at the House of Blues, which i assume is smaller than the Trump Taj Mahal venue. maybe i'll see you there! how early do you think you'll be there?
  20. Baby Britain - Bayside. i forgot how much i loved this band, and i get to see them in a few weeks, so i gotta get caught up.
  21. the last paramore show i went to, in November at the Electric Factory, i got there i guess 3 hours or so before doors and i didn't even manage to get really close up front. i was like 6 rows of people back, but it could also be attributed to the fact that i don't like pushing through people, i just feel rude. and i remember having to jump around just to see much, thanks to being short. hah! anyway, this time i'm going to the Taj Mahal show in Atlantic City, and i have school that day, but my friend was saying maybe we could leave school early. however, i have AP exams starting that next week, and i could only really afford to leave after like 12:15. though we'd probably still get there in like 1.5 hours, which would make for like 6 hours of waiting. yeah kinda crazy, but it's in may and i need that weekend to be really relaxing.
  22. this was just what i needed to see to make me feel better. that was amazing, and at first i was thinking about whether hayley was taking pictures or reading the lyrics and then i realized it was the latter. hahahh. her voice had a different tone to it, and it was great. and the guys sounded great. i wonder if they'll be playing this on the JEW tour, then? that would be pretty cool.
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