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Everything posted by daymiiiii

  1. I love how she's short, she's the same height as me :] She looked suuuper tiny on trl lol. Woah a lot of you are talll! A lot of my friends that are taller than me put there elbow on mu head or shoulder as there arm rest lolol. And I don't think I'm gonna grow anytime soon lol. The beginning of this school year everyone told me I got shorter hah but I love being short [: Josh, zac, and jeremy were tall compared to me. I had to look up to speak to them lolol. Wow sorry about ranting like that lol But yeah I think hayleys height fits perfect on her since she's a tiny person
  2. by jonas brothers fans, yes ahahah my friend, who is a huuge joans brothers fan posted this in a bulletin: "Everyone knows the AOL Breakers thing is getting out of hand. Paramore may be cheating, but that doesnt give the right for us JB fans to. I for one, dont think we should use the autobot/autoclick thing. Because: [1] If we are true JB fans, we will vote&&click as long as we have to for our boys to win. [2] I know JB wouldnt want us to. [3] I have heard that if you use it, that band gets disqualified&&I know for a fact you dont want JB to get disqualified. Lets all join together and make sure the Jonas Brothers win. Even if its by ONE percent. I am confused about all that stuff that if you vote for JB its going to Paramore. Its not. They're percentage is going up by cheating and using the autobot/autoclick. We can all help and make this happen if you sign this. This bulletin was origanally posted by - Jonas Brothers Online" and another "did paramore cheat? or it is just a glitch?" and she posted one last ngiht saying " don't let stupid paramore win!" after i read those i started posting bulletins to vote for paramore. ahahaha the first quotation thing was the most recent one she posted
  3. her face there, ahahah i love it ! (:
  4. oh yeah that guy. i had a feeling i was wrong after i looked at the paramore crew myspace. the glasses threw me off lolol
  5. maybe those two other guys were ajax? and i thiiiiink zach hall. i was watching videos of warped today, and i was noticing how there was a guy on stage who looked alooot like zach hall. anyone know if for sure it's him ? hah sorry if i'm wrong. but i could've sworn it was him on the stage lol
  6. oh okay! thank you hah that does help (:
  7. that suucks. does anyone know if by any chance they walk around, or somethign so you can actually take pictures with them?
  8. are you allowed to take pictures with them at the signing? 20 more days! (:
  9. haha i know all about rain, heat, humidity thanks to living in miami. hopefully it doens't rain this year. my sister told me(and i had read it on paramore's livejournal) that they didn't get to play here last year cause a thunderstorm hit, so i'm hoping for good weather. and i know for suure it's going to be hot, it always is. hah 25 more days! (:
  10. I'm not sure if this has been asked yet but, what was the most difficult and the easiest song for you to record ? and what was the best part of working with paramore? sorry if the last one was asked already, i don't remember if it was lol. and once again, great job on the record! (:
  11. David you did AMAZING on this album! ooh and i was supposed to meet you when i went to new york around may 24th-28th when you went there with jackie, but my parent's didn't let me cause they wanted to rest lolol hopefully next time i go up there that doesn't happen! keep producing great music (: and that's what you get is my favoriteee song too hahah i listen to it too many times (: and wow you like the klaxons, mutemath, and modest mouse? you're awesome!
  12. lol i never thought about that maybe i won't do that hahahah
  13. oh hahaha i burn fast. but it's okay cause it's worth it lolol maybe if my sunglasses are big enough they'll protect me hahaha it's worked before ;D i just don't want them to get crushed hah. 32 more days
  14. oh i hope paramore comes here in november(: and why do people on that message boards care so much about the fans age? who cares if there 14, or 20. the fact that they actually like the music is what counts. i'd think they would hate me or something if i'd be on those message boards lolol
  15. yaaaay i love the starting line. i saw them back in november when they were with the all american rejects, but it was weird 'cause basically no one knew who they were. the venue had GA in the center and seats all around the venue, and no one was standing up for them besides GA people and me and my friend who were in seats lolol this tour will be good (:
  16. hahah i think i'm readsy for warped now hah i'm excited (: i hope i don't burn though lolol... or pass out. lol
  17. i wouldn't be able to do this since i'm terrified of taking blood out and needles... and i'm only 14 hahah i don't think i would be even able to do this when i'm 16... when people talk about needles my arm gets numb. and when i take blood out at the doctor's i cry hah maybeee i can get my uncle to do it for me, he does it all the time i wish i wasn't so scared of taking blood out to be able to donate 'cause music saves lives is great. i have there shirt but of course i'd have to be 16 to do it hah is there any other possible way to get backstage?
  18. Aw those pictures are great! I wish I went! I can't see the videos now cause I'm on my phone, but as soon as I get to a computer I'l watch them
  19. i hope they come all the way south...as in south florida lolol EDIT: i just went to the bamboozle left myspace and it says "Bamboozle Left STAY TUNED!!! SPRING 2008"
  20. current song stuck in head. 1. fences- paramore 2. crushcrushcrush - paramore 3. born for this - paramore 4. makes me wonder - maroon 5 5. Born For This - Paramore 6. NJ Falls into the Atlantic - Senses Fail 7. just like frank - less than jake 8. WOW (I can get sexual too) - Say Anyth 9. When It Rains - Paramore 10. we are broken - paramore 11. That's What You Get- Paramore 12.
  21. aw they look so cute, lucy looks soo different. i met her about 2 years agoa t an ashlee simpson concert ahaha and the click five opened up for her, who i thought was pretty good. the new lead singer is... good looking
  22. i have dirty blonde hair (:
  23. The Earth weighs around 6,588,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons. that's alot of zeros hah
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