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Everything posted by punku2

  1. I haven't seen the third episode, but according to my brother, they already revealed a lot of stuff, which I find disappointing. Because it's like, we're used to waiting ten episodes to find out something, and now that they're just bombing information, it's like, well, what are they going to do for the rest of the season? that being said, I didn't think either episode was bad. It kind of frustrates me how they've left a lot of stuff from season two lingering so far, though. like, what in the world ever happened to caitlin?
  2. I don't know a three-legged workhorse by This Will Destroy You
  3. Five This Wake I Myself Have Stirred by Shai Hulud
  4. No. I'm pretty sure I would die. HYE went to a local concert?
  5. I don't care for tea, so neither. Root beer or Pepsi/Coke
  6. yeahNo. although I did have a dream where I wound up at school naked, somehow. I kept hiding. HYE chugged a gallon of milk?
  7. I haven't watched MTV in years. WWTLTY got something in the mail?
  8. I'll give you a seven, since I see you around pretty often.
  9. ^has an animation of guys from good charlotte in her signature.
  10. I don't know. Threads by This Will Destroy You
  11. So, I got my senior photos today. please ignore the extreme paleness known as my back.
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