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White Night

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Everything posted by White Night

  1. i don't think being that lazy is something ot be proud of but i'm the same way soo... edit: lol i'm so smart that i didn't notice there was another page XD this comment was meant for the page before if that makes sense
  2. yay! okay, see ya my brother is kicking me off
  3. i was just thinking the boards were completely dead
  4. understandable. get up and do something! ....start dancing! or something. new avatar, what do you think? i'm probably gonna change it if i can find anything better.
  5. sooo, can i join this thread? i LOOOOOOOOOVE these books but i steered clear of this thread because i was afraid it might spoil something for me. but i just finished eclipse so i'm good now. i CAN NOT wait for the movie and breaking dawn. i really hope the movie isn't crap.
  6. ^ you get to see Tegan and Sara? YOU LUCKY!
  7. judging by the picture in your profile i don't think i saw you...i might have though. i don't live close enough to memphis to go it's like 6 or 7 hours away and even though i would gladly drive that long to see paramore my dad would not; and it's too close to starting of school
  8. i was right around there too. maybe you saw me. i have REALLLY long red/orange hair. no josh i don't remember that lol
  9. I went! I had a crap view though, and this bitch girl in front of me. Other than that i had an great time. They were amazing. Where did y'all stand?
  10. I realllllyy hope that plan works for you! haha but if it doesn't you're not alone cause i'm MOST LIKELY never gonna see the person i like ever again. blasted new school. i have to go back to school on august 11th. that's four days after the paramore concert in memphis, if it wasn't for school i would probably try and convince my dad to take me. i wish paramore didn't hate georgia they never come here on official tours anymore.
  11. i really hope it gets better ha-ha i've been out of school since may 22nd! i just got my exam scores BACK though i "exceeded the standard" for 4/5 of them. i "met the standard" for the other one. it was science too, which is weird cause science is easy.
  12. see ya! i really think i like girls more than guys nowadays. i know this is sorta wrong, but i can't imagine DOING it with a guy lol. i'd just be so grossed out.
  13. thanks i think it would be really awkward to talk about it with her. when i was talking about it with my friend who's bi my face just started heating up cause i'm so shy. man, that sucks he won't acknowledge it. he needs to get over himself and accept it! good luck
  14. ^ yesss she is back, i'm so happy about that i saw them on friday in marietta and it was amazing. i got to meet carly! when i first got there one of the ryans were standing outside the venue (i don't which one is number one and which one is number 2 lol) but i was too shy to say anything. then after i walked to the stage carly walked by and saw that i was was wearing a kenotia shirt so she smiled and waved at me then the first band came on and went and stood right next to her. basically everybody else from kenotia was watching the first band too and i thought it was really cool. then the 2nd band came on and they all sorta disappeared after that, kenotia started setting up so i went to the stage and got to be VERY first row. it was awesome because i've never been THAT close to a band before. i could've walked on the stage if i really wanted to. they played five songs (you've dug you're grave, lonewolf mcquade, they almost got me...i can't remember the other one, but i know they played five) and carly saw me singing, smiled at me and sorta got face to face with me. it was an amazing set, they were all REALLY into it. after they finished packing up their stuff carly walked off the stage and i went up to her and asked her why they didn't play decorating for cinco de mayo and she said it was cause they had a really short set and her ear things (i don't know the name for them sorry) flew out immediately so she couldn't hear herself and it's a really hard song to sing. she asked me my name and we touched our elbows together cause her hands were full ha. she went to put her stuff down and then came back to say bye to everyone she knew, she went up to me said "bye sara, it was nice to meet you" and shook my hand. i thought it was so sweet. so woo! i finally got meet somebody in a band i like. it was a great night =D sorry my review is really bad, i suck at writing these things haha.
  15. wow! sooo, i've come out to some of my friends i told one of my friends who is already bi so she is completely cool with it i told my other friends on the last day of school so i wouldn't have to deal with them if they stopped being my friends or crap they were buging me alllllll the time about who i like so it was really hard not to tell them but i finally did right as the bell rang for the next class so they didn't really have a reaction, they just sorta stared at me one of my friends never talked about it again and the other i think doesn't really want ot accept it
  16. THANK GOSH!! i was starting to think it was never coming back
  17. i wish that coming out didn't have to be such a big deal that you have to get nervous over i don't think people should have to fear that the people who love them will think differently of them because of who they love
  18. ^ oh my gosh she's pretty, i'm so sorry it sucks for me cause there are NO hot guys in my school and if they are even a TINY BIT hot, they're complete immature dunces BUT there are lots of sweet really hot girls in my school but there is no way i have a chance with any of them *makes annoyed/disappointed noise* (lol i couldn't think of a noise to type out)
  19. *randomly pops in* 42 EDIT: that was for josh
  20. LUCK FOR YOU TOO i have tests all this week and one on tuesday i didn't think you were blabbering, i'm sorry, i shouldn't have chosen those words
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